SharePoint Video at SPTechCon
April 22, 2014
The SharePoint Technology Conference takes place in San Francisco, starting today and running through the end of the week. Virtual Strategy covers some of the vendors and exhibitors in their article, “ Invites the SharePoint Community to Visit Booth 607 at SPTechCon in San Francisco.”
The article begins:
“ (SPVideos), provider of online SharePoint training, consulting and end user support, will exhibit at SPTechCon, San Francisco next week. From Thursday, April 24 – Friday, April 25, invites attendees to stop by booth 607 for a number of exciting activities.”
Stephen E. Arnold of is a longtime leader in search and covers not only SharePoint, but also the third-party solutions that users are increasingly turning to. He finds that companies like SharePoint-Videos can improve adoption and efficiency as they can simplify the bulky and complicated software so that users and managers are more confident and satisfied.
Emily Rae Aldridge, April 22, 2014
Unlocking The Key To YouTube Success
April 18, 2014
YouTube has its own celebrities that have become famous from their videos. It has long been a mystery about how they obtained their Internet celebrity status and how an individual could attain it. Search Engine Watch explains the history and mystery of YouTube content in “YouTube Reveals The Secret Formula To Content Marketing Success.”
Google’s managing director of brand solutions Suzie Reider has given key insight into how to create YouTube content and the future of advertising in The YouTube Creator Playbook For Brands. The new playbook contains updated information and new insights on the best ways to utilize and create content that will be watched.
It doesn’t stop there. The Google Head of Audience Development YouTube Vanessa Pappas offers advice on how to use YouTube for advertising and branding.
“Pappas then says, ‘To demystify what makes these top channels tick and help you better understand how to create a successful strategy for your brand on YouTube, we developed the new YouTube Creator Playbook for Brands. Similar to the Creator Playbook, which has helped over 2 million of our creators grow their audiences, the Creator Playbook for Brands walks you through the steps to help you create, plan, and implement a YouTube content creation strategy; from tips on how to create videos to video promotion.’”
There is not an exact formula for YouTube success, but there are strategic plans budding YouTube stars and organizations can make to increase their video appeal. The best videos, though, are usually short and funny.
Whitney Grace, April 18, 2014
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Old Media Scripps Buys Newsy for Digital Video Platform
December 17, 2013
An article on TechCrunch titled Scripps Buys Newsy For $35M to Expand from TV and Newspapers to Digital Video explains the acquisition of Newsy, the media startup that is a digital video news platform, by Scripps, the TV and newspaper magnate. A Youtube video heralds the subsidization of Newsy, which should be made final in the beginning of 2014.
The article explains:
“This is about Scripps… buying an asset that gives it a digital video component to complement its existing TV and online services — effectively a bridge between the three areas where it already does business if you also count newspapers. It also gives the company access into an audience that consumes their news (and video) on devices like tablets, and has largely turned away from some of those more traditional platforms where Scripps still bases a majority of its business.”
Old media is on the move (quite old, Scripps was founded in 1879.) The company spent 35M on the acquisition, which it believes will bring them into the next generation of digital audiences. Newsy’s ad-supported videos are presently sent through web, mobile, tablet and certain TV platforms. The article suggests that the partnership Newsy had with AOL, Microsoft and Mashable may continue, but the companies haven’t announced their plans yet.
Chelsea Kerwin, December 17, 2013
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Video App for SharePoint 2013
December 10, 2013
Add-ons for SharePoint are popping up left and right. SharePoint is a huge platform with lots of capabilities, but it does not offer every capability for every enterprise. Qumu adds their name to the long list of add-on providers with their Qumu video app. Advanced Television covers the story in their article, “Qumu launches Qumu Video App for SharePoint 2013.”
The article begins:
“Qumu provides SharePoint users with a superior video streaming experience, comprehensive video transcoding, advanced filtering, unrestricted scalability, live video webcasting and more. The Qumu integration focuses on leveraging native SharePoint services, such as SharePoint workflows and content retention policies, allowing SharePoint to treat video content as a unique content type, minimising IT complexity and cost.”
Stevphen E. Arnold of ArnoldIT, a long time leader in search, often covers SharePoint – its strengths as well as its shortcomings. And while SharePoint may not yet be all things to all people, Arnold has noted that customization does improve adoption and satisfaction. Add-ons may be the sustaining force for SharePoint 2013.
Emily Rae Aldridge, December 10, 2013
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New Approach to Music Videos from Bing
November 20, 2013
Microsoft is gathering music video tendrils from around the Web and consolidating them in a special section of Bing. The Next Web announces, “Microsoft Revamps Bing Music Video Search with Inline Results from YouTube, Vimeo, MTV, Artist Direct, and More.”
Reporter Emil Protalinski relates:
“The company says [the feature] has been built from the ground up to simplify exploring, discovering, and browsing the best music videos available on the Web. The service showcases content from leading video sites, including YouTube, Vimeo, MTV, Artist Direct and more. Microsoft also notes it features over 1.7 million songs, 70,000 artists, and a half a million albums, which aren’t exactly impressive numbers, but they’re nothing to scoff at either. This release strives ‘to provide the most comprehensive set of videos possible spanning genres, decades and geography.'”
Protalinski provides a couple of screenshots to illustrate the functionality. The write-up explains that one can hover over an entry to see a preview, as well as stream content directly from Bing. It also includes an “album view,” which may seem obsolete to some but is sure to become essential for many music aficionados.
This service sure is nifty, and terrific for music lovers and video fans. But what about more substantive (but less lucrative) content—will other disciplines receive similar Bing treatments? Somehow, I doubt it.
Cynthia Murrell, November 20, 2013
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New Google Video Endeavor May Prove Successful
November 16, 2013
Google has had a stream of unsuccessful projects, but All Things D tells us about how “Google Launches Helpouts, A Live Video Tutorial Service” that is a great idea and it is surprising no one has done it before. Helpouts is a new service that offers users the ability to view live video tutorials, instructions, and services via the Hangouts streaming video platform.
Other Web sites have already tried conquering the helping market, such as, but the instructions often lack a personal touch and usually only publish content that has been copied and pasted. Helpouts could fill a gap where people get the personal help touch that the Internet lacks. Helpouts is not a free service, people will pay for the information with a flat fee or a per minute rate. Google will take 20% of the total, though.
The downside:
“It’s easy to pick holes in Google’s Helpouts pitch right off the bat. Though the company assures that it vets all of its partners and instructor participants, that’s hardly a scalable solution, over time — the tackling of which Manber wouldn’t elaborate upon. And you’re basically required to be locked into the Google-verse to use Helpouts; the service requires you have a Google+ account and, for now, an active Google Wallet account.”
YouTube also exists with its own free instructional videos. Google hopes that more than people needing everyday help will use the service. The company wants professional developers and even company brands to use it as a way to network and target consumers.
Will it work? It might. It probably will have its series of success and failures, but the biggest downfall is that people will have to pay for the content. Google needs to make the content better and original to get people to cough up the bucks.
Whitney Grace, November 16, 2013
Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext
YouTube Release Audio Library Meant for Browsing
October 15, 2013
YouTube has seen quite a few headlines since they’ve announced their music video awards. That’s not all, however. In a recent Search Engine Watch article we learned that “You Tube Launches Audio Library, A Royalty-Free Music Library for Video Creators.”
According to the article, YouTube is aiming to assist users uploading videos in finding the perfect song to match their video. There are 150 royalty-free tracks that can be used to accompany an individual’s footage.
The referenced article tells us:
“The Audio Library is live now and offers tracks such as “Drop and Roll”, which YouTube described as “angry”, and a track called “Payday”, which the firm suggested will work with “bright” happy videos. The tracks can be ordered by genre and mood, so you won’t have to scroll through all 150 songs before you find the right one for your video. YouTube is calling for more musicians to get involved in the project, so those who fancy donating instrumental tracks to the service should get in touch.”
We found it interesting that users can browse tracks by several categories: mood, genre, instrument and duration. The article does not offer information on how tracks’ moods are characterized but it seems that this could potentially be another use for natural language processing – if it is not already. The larger question, however, is how does one actually search, or query, the library?
Megan Feil, October 15, 2013
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AOL Is Back On TV
October 12, 2013
The only people I know who continue to use AOL are less than computer savvy people who cling to a past its prime email/Internet provider. I considered it a big accomplishment when I talked my eighty-two year old grandmother to delete her AOL account in favor of a new Gmail account (the hook was less spam). When I think I understand how the Internet world works, I get slammed with a title like this: “AOL Climbs Into Second Place In Online Video Content Ranking With 71 Million Viewers.” Thank you Search Engine Watch for taking me out of complacency.
Google, of course, has the highest video viewing with YouTube, but AOL ranked number two with 167 million unique viewers with 55.9% more viewers than it had a year ago. Video content on AOL has increased by 36.8% and it is time advertisers start paying attention to AOL again.
Here are some more numbers about video content:
“During August 2013, 46.7 billion video content views occurred, with Google sites generating the highest number at 17.4 billion, followed by AOL with 992 million. During August 2012, nearly 37.7 billion video content views, with Google sites generating the highest number at 13.8 billion, followed by AOL with 725 million.”
Hint: AOL is not just for senior citizens anymore. Maybe my grandmother followed the trend that happens if you wait long enough something old becomes cool again. Good for you AOL, but hopefully the old “Welcome” voice will remain in the past.
Whitney Grace, October 12, 2013
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Vine Already Has Best of Web Sites
August 20, 2013
Vine did not depute that long ago, but quick and momentary media has its appeal. has compiled a list of the “4 Places To Find The Best And Hottest Vine Videos.” Vine is the Twitter equivalent of YouTube. Users post six second videos and, as one would guess, most are not worth watching:
“What can you do in six seconds? You’d be surprised. Here at MakeUseOf, we’ve covered Vine already and showed you some of the best Vine videos to date, but not all Vine videos are worth watching. In this post, I’d like to show you how to get a constant stream of quality Vines to enjoy in a number of different ways. Bookmark or subscribe to the following sites and stay updated with only the best Vine content.”
Vpeeker is almost Chatroulette. Viewers can view the newest videos in a live stream seconds after they are uploaded and save favorites for later. VineScope is more associated with Facebook and shows user submitted videos. Viewers can like a video and even have the option to watch random videos in no particular order. There is a Vine Community on Reddit. Users have mostly posted vines or a few article about the app. As with anything on Reddit, it will grow. There is a Best Vines account is a Twitter and Facebook account that lists the best of the best videos. As established social media platforms this makes it easy to keep up with popular vines.
This list makes us think about how people are trying to develop a rich media search application, but people’s search habits are regressing. They are relying on an old school approach to find information. Microvideos how you ruin good habits.
Whitney Grace, August 20, 2013
Sponsored by, developer of Beyond Search
LucidWorks Video Now Available
June 26, 2013
LucidWorks continues to add richness to their online presence through videos, webinars, and social media. They enhance their already robust formal support and services offerings through online communities, the most recent and rich community being The latest posting directs users to video content found on the LucidWorks YouTube channel, “Stump The Chump: San Diego Video.”
Here’s the teaser:
“The video of my Stump The Chump Session in San Diego is now available online in the Lucene Revolution YouTube channel. Follow @LuceneSolrRev on Twitter to be notified of new videos as they are posted, and to get announcements about the upcoming Lucene/Solr Revolution EU 2013 in Dublin.”
While you are checking out the video, there are lots of other great resources available on open source enterprise, Solr 4, and Big Data. LucidWorks continues to invest in not only its own customers, but open source support and development in general. They employ one-quarter of the core committers on the Apache Lucene/Solr project. They reach out through LucidWorks University, whitepapers, and webinars, in addition to the already mentioned SearchHub community.
Emily Rae Aldridge, June 26, 2013
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