The Many Versions of the SharePoint Migration Nightmare

May 6, 2014

SharePoint migration is one of the most highly blogged about topics within the SharePoint arena. Regardless of the way that an organization brings up SharePoint, chances are they are performing some type of migration. But for all the need to migrate, there is a high risk of messing up the migration. SearchContentManagement covers the topic in their article, “Does SharePoint Migration Have to be a Nightmare? Lessons Learned.”

The article begins:

“There are many, many ways to migrate into SharePoint: from an earlier version of SharePoint, from a platform other than SharePoint, in-place upgrade, and into a new farm. And as many ways as there are to migrate, there are even more ways to botch it up.”

Stephen E. Arnold is a longtime leader in search and follows SharePoint on his Web service, For the latest SharePoint news, and for tips on how to avoid frustrations, such as migration failure, stay tuned to ArnoldIT.

Emily Rae Aldridge, May 6, 2014

Essential Steps for Migrating SharePoint to the Cloud

May 2, 2014

Many organizations are interested in migrating their SharePoint installation to the cloud, but most also feel it’s easier said than done. In light of the trend and the confusion, CMS Wire gives their advice in the article, “5 Key Steps for Migrating SharePoint to the Cloud.”

The article says:

“Migrating to the cloud can be somewhat complex since SharePoint migration tools are limited in functionality or non-existent. So while the cloud can certainly reduce administrative burden, getting there requires having a plan that takes into consideration your overall business goals, your existing infrastructure and content, and your user’s needs. Here are five key steps we advise our clients follow when migrating their content.”

Stephen E. Arnold has made a career out of reporting on all things search, including SharePoint, on And while cloud migration is a trendy topic for SharePoint, Arnold has found that the actual process can be clunky and intimidating. So until the cloud is less of a novelty and more mainstream, stay tuned to Arnold and his SharePoint feed for more tips and tricks.

Emily Rae Aldridge, May 2, 2014

Successful SharePoint Migrations with Metalogix

May 1, 2014

In a wave of SharePoint adoption following the SharePoint Conference 2014, Metalogix is hoping to claim a slice of the pie with their migration tool, aimed at ease of use. MarketWatch covers the story in their article, “The Great Migration Wave To SharePoint 2013 Has Begun; Achieve Migration Success With Metalogix Content Matrix 7.0.”

The article begins:

“Metalogix announced today the release of Content Matrix 7.0 and significant enhancements to Metalogix’ SharePoint Migration ToolkitTM, the most complete suite of migration resources that deliver a better way for organizations to quickly and securely migrate business critical content to SharePoint 2013.”

Stephen E. Arnold has made a career of following all things search. His findings are reported on He has found that successful SharePoint installations are migrated intentionally, securely handled, and customized to suite the end user. If Metalogix can help your organization achieve these goals, then it might be worth looking into.

Emily Rae Aldridge, May 1, 2014

Microsoft SharePoint Rereleases SP1

April 30, 2014

After a long awaited initial release of Microsoft SharePoint’s Service Pack 1, it was quietly pulled off of the market after a short period of time. Now it appears the fix is complete and the download has been rereleased. Read more in the Redmond article, “Microsoft Rereleases SP1 for SharePoint 2013.”

The article begins:

“Microsoft has quietly rereleased Service Pack 1 for SharePoint Server 2013. The news comes from Microsoft MVP Todd Klindt, in a blog post today. However, Microsoft’s download page for SP1 indicates that the service pack was published on April 17, or about five days ago. There appears to be no official notice from Microsoft about its new release of SP1.”

Stephen E. Arnold of follows the latest SharePoint news. He has made a career of all things search, but enterprise is becoming a larger and more important sector of the search market. SharePoint users will be glad to see the SP1 rerelease, but stay tuned to Arnold’s SharePoint feed for the latest news.

Emily Rae Aldridge, April 30, 2014

Security Breaches of SharePoint Users Frequent

April 29, 2014

Security is an obvious concern among any enterprise content management system; but with an implementation as big as SharePoint, it is hard to believe all users would be following the rules. CMS Wire relays the latest research and proves suspicions correct in their article, “SharePoint Users Routinely Breach Security Policies.”

The story begins:

“Research by Cryptzone shows at least 36 percent of SharePoint users are breaching security policies — and another 9 percent admit they have no idea how to prevent sensitive information from being uploaded. The study, conducted among attendees at Microsoft’s SharePoint Conference in Las Vegas in March, is a warning to organizations that it is essential to develop adequate information security policies.”

Stephen E. Arnold is a longtime leader in search and a frequent reporter on all things SharePoint. His Web service,, often gives attention to the issues surrounding SharePoint security. In this case, abidance by SharePoint rules and regulations can often be improved if users are comfortable with the platform and feel that it suits their needs. Arnold finds that an implementation plan and a good deal of customization go a long way.

Emily Rae Aldridge, April 29, 2014

SharePoint Recalls SP1

April 28, 2014

After a much anticipated and delayed release of SharePoint’s Service Pack 1, it was unexpectedly recalled after only a few weeks. InfoWorld covers the news in their article, “Microsoft yanks SharePoint 2013 Service Pack 1, KB 2817429.”

The article begins:

“On Feb. 25, Microsoft announced that SharePoint 2013 Service Pack 1 was available at the Microsoft Download Center. The Office folks repeated the announcement on March 3 at the SharePoint Conference 2014 in Las Vegas. Last Thursday, with no notification that I can discern, Microsoft pulled the Service Pack and removed it from the Download Center.”

The note on the Service Pack 1 download package is noncommittal, only saying that it has been deactivated as a precautionary measure. Stephen E. Arnold is a longtime leader in search and often reports on SharePoint on his information portal, Stay tuned for additional news on SP1 as it becomes available.

Emily Rae Aldridge, April 28, 2014

SharePoint Deployment Success Story

April 25, 2014

Because SharePoint is such a massive and complicated solution, it is easy to find stories of bad deployments and trouble implementations. But every now and then, a story with a happy ending is needed. IT Web Business offers us one in, “SharePoint Deployment Pays Off for Global Chrome Supplier.”

The article begins:

“Dac Systems, a Proudly South African national provider of turnkey solutions based on Microsoft products, has ensured that a leading listed supplier to the global ferrochrome market has benefited from a large-scale SharePoint deployment upgrade as an integral part of the migration to SharePoint 2013. SharePoint Deployment Planning Services (SDPS) is an important part of a range of game-changing technology Dac Systems endorses for the market.”

The article goes on to describe the process Dac Systems used to identify the needs of the company. All organizations could take a lesson from the process. Planning is key, with or without a third-party solution or consultation. Stephen E. Arnold finds the same thing in his SharePoint coverage on His lifetime of search experience shows through as he analyzes all angles of SharePoint issues.

Emily Rae Aldridge, April 25, 2014

Flexibility Key to SharePoint ECM

April 24, 2014

Enterprise content management through SharePoint requires consistency – sticking to the plan. Most importantly is having a goal in mind, knowing what the organization needs to achieve through implementation. SearchContentManagement addresses this topic through an interview with Erica Toelle in their interview, “Better User Adoption of SharePoint ECM Needs a Flexible Approach.”

Their article begins:

“SharePoint offers enterprise content management features that can help companies turn large volumes of disorganized content into a business asset. However, investing in these features will pay off only if people use them correctly and consistently. To discuss the challenges surrounding user adoption of SharePoint enterprise content management (ECM), SearchContentManagement sat down with expert Erica Toelle, SharePoint Practice Manager at Caiman Consulting, a Seattle-based business consulting firm.”

Toelle’s sessions at SPTechCon 2014 will delve further into the topic. Stephen E. Arnold of is a longtime leader in search. He is interested in SharePoint, but also in the third-party solutions that improve the user experience. In his SharePoint coverage he has found that a goal and a plan are critical to a usable, efficient implementation.

Emily Rae Aldridge, April 24, 2014

SharePoint Information Governance Concerns

April 23, 2014

Most users of SharePoint know about the struggles and concerns of governance. CMS Wire covers the issue in their article, “The SharePoint Information Governance Problem.”

Speaking to those experienced with using SharePoint as a document management platform, the article begins:

“You’re also likely familiar with the negative impacts that typically result from using SharePoint ineffectively: a proliferation of sites, often on a proliferation of SharePoint versions, with no clear standards on what documents should (and shouldn’t) be stored there or how, no clear guidelines for users on how to classify their documents, little to no capabilities for promoting effective information lifecycle management, little to no end user governance or oversight for things like site and document library structures, security and access settings, or document hygiene, and dozens, hundreds or even thousands of orphaned sites that, taken together, represent a digital landfill of staggering proportions.”

The article then goes on to assert that most of these issues are due to SharePoint’s lack of ease of use. This is a topic that Stephen E. Arnold often covers on his information site, Specializing in all forms of search, Arnold has a lifetime of experience. Tune in to his SharePoint feed for tips and tricks on increasing ease of use.

Emily Rae Aldridge, April 23, 2014

SharePoint Video at SPTechCon

April 22, 2014

The SharePoint Technology Conference takes place in San Francisco, starting today and running through the end of the week. Virtual Strategy covers some of the vendors and exhibitors in their article, “ Invites the SharePoint Community to Visit Booth 607 at SPTechCon in San Francisco.”

The article begins:

“ (SPVideos), provider of online SharePoint training, consulting and end user support, will exhibit at SPTechCon, San Francisco next week. From Thursday, April 24 – Friday, April 25, invites attendees to stop by booth 607 for a number of exciting activities.”

Stephen E. Arnold of is a longtime leader in search and covers not only SharePoint, but also the third-party solutions that users are increasingly turning to. He finds that companies like SharePoint-Videos can improve adoption and efficiency as they can simplify the bulky and complicated software so that users and managers are more confident and satisfied.

Emily Rae Aldridge, April 22, 2014

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