SharePoint Conference 2014 Keynote

March 21, 2014

The opening keynote of SharePoint Conference often helps set the tone for the event and signals what Microsoft wants to focus on in coming initiatives. This year kept with the usual pattern. Jeff Teper delivered the keynote, which is available to watch online on, “Keynote: Connect. Reimagine. Transform.”

The summary of the video says:

“Join Jeff Teper and the Microsoft SharePoint team for the opening keynote of SharePoint Conference 2014. The keynote will introduce the main themes of the conference and highlight new innovations across SharePoint, Yammer and Office 365.”

Stephen E. Arnold also keeps a close eye on all things SharePoint. He has made a career out of following search and reporting on its highlights on his Web site, One of the keys to a successful SharePoint deployment is being able to update and customize successfully, so staying on top of changes is essential.

Emily Rae Aldridge, March 21, 2014

Machine Learning on Display at SharePoint Conference 2014

March 20, 2014

SharePoint Conference is always a prime time for Microsoft to make new announcements regarding their ubiquitous platform. And true to form, SharePoint Conference 2014 did not disappoint. Lots of exciting announcements were made, but ComputerWorld focuses on the Office 365 updates in their article, “At SharePoint, Microsoft Talks Up Ambitious Enhancements for Office 365.”

The article begins:

“Microsoft didn’t disappoint with the new and improved capabilities it announced and demonstrated for Office 365 this week, but how well they work in the real world remains to be seen. At its SharePoint Conference in Las Vegas, Microsoft laid out its vision for making Office 365 a more intelligent collaboration suite via new social interactions, APIs (application programming interfaces) and machine learning capabilities.”

It is no surprise that machine learning is a big focus. The article goes on to describe some of the details. A more intuitive and user-friendly platform is no doubt what Microsoft is striving for. Stephen E. Arnold of has long followed SharePoint. He often finds that the major complaints center on efficiency and the high demands of customization. Machine learning could help improve both areas.

Emily Rae Aldridge, March 20, 2014

SharePoint 2014 Conference Roundup

March 19, 2014

The 2014 SharePoint Conference just concluded. Microsoft hosts this large conference devoted to the SharePoint platform. Bill Clinton made headlines as the keynote speaker, but there were lots of other great noteworthy points. Get the rundown in the article, “Roundup: Microsoft SharePoint Conference 2014.”

The article starts with an overview:

“This year, the conference offered a wide range of presentations, certification testing, labs, workshops, Q&A sessions, and networking events for the attendees to polish their talents and to meet the professionals from various fields of SharePoint and Yammer. Tons of topics were discussed.”

The article then goes on to discuss the finer points of the conference. Stephen E. Arnold is a longtime leader in search and maintains the Web site He pays attention when SharePoint makes the news, working to disseminate points of interest to enterprise managers and end users.

Emily Rae Aldridge, March 19, 2014

Determining SharePoint Cloud Deployment

March 18, 2014

Not so long ago, SharePoint deployment only meant one thing – onsite. However, users are now faced with a multitude of deployment options, which can be overwhelming. Even if users just look at cloud deployment, the options are numerous. CMS Wire helps break them down in their article, “SharePoint in the Cloud: You Have Options.”

The article begins:

“When it comes to hosting SharePoint on premises or moving it into the cloud, there is never one right answer. Companies need to understand every hosting option available to them and find the one that best fits their available resources and technical needs. In this article, we’re going to take a look at the available platforms and who might benefit most from each.”

The article then goes on to detail several different deployment options. Stephen E. Arnold gives a lot of attention to SharePoint on his Web site, He has made a career out of following search and its implications for organizations. SharePoint is perhaps the search application with the greatest reach.

Emily Rae Aldridge, March 18, 2014

Improving SharePoint Search Efficiency

March 17, 2014

For many users, search is pretty much the main point of SharePoint, yet many complain of the inefficiency and inaccuracy of the search function. Search Windows Server addresses the issue in a great article that highlights search features from SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2013. Read the details in “Five Ways to Make SharePoint Search More Efficient.”

The article begins:

“Admins and end users alike find that using the search feature in SharePoint is helpful, but it can be frustrating . . . We compiled the five best tips to help SharePoint users work through common questions and situations with SharePoint search. Covering multiple versions of SharePoint, these tips highlight how to make searching in SharePoint more efficient, how to improve search functionality and more.”

Stephen E. Arnold has an interest in search; in fact he has made a career of it. His Web site,, highlights the latest in search – the good and the bad. SharePoint gets a lot of coverage.

Emily Rae Aldridge, March 17, 2014

Big Changes in Store for SharePoint 2013

March 14, 2014

Microsoft is rolling out some big changes for Office 365. Most users won’t be surprised, as it is in response to frequent user requests, but social aspects will be front and center. Read more in the ZDNet article, “Microsoft to Integrate New Social, Machine Learning Technologies into Office 365.”

The article begins:

“Microsoft is about to make some big changes as to how Office 365 looks and works. At the company’s SharePoint 2014 conference . . . executives will preview some of these coming changes — specifically ones involving social and machine-learning technologies that Microsoft is baking into its cloud suite of Office apps. Once these technologies begin rolling out later this year, the lines between Exchange, SharePoint and Yammer will be blurred, and social collaboration will become more of a centerpiece of the more tightly-integrated suite.”

The conference concluded last week and the headlines are starting to roll out with announcements of what users can expect from Service Pack 1. Stephen E. Arnold has been following the news closely, and continues to report on SharePoint through his Web site, As a longtime leader in search, Arnold has seen SharePoint evolve and grow, but customization and training tend to be the two consistent components that make SharePoint work for an organization.

Emily Rae Aldridge, March 14, 2014

Analytics Improves SharePoint Experience

March 13, 2014

Microsoft partners are responsible for SharePoint add-ons that increase usability and efficiency for users. Webtrends is one such partner that offers an Analytics for SharePoint solution. Broadway World covers their latest announcement in the article, “Employee Adoption for SharePoint Soars With Webtrends Analytics.”

The article begins:

“Webtrends, a Microsoft-preferred partner for SharePoint analytics, today announced a 64% year-over-year increase in customer bookings for its Analytics for SharePoint business . . . Leveraging deep analytics expertise and use cases from customers like BrightStarr and Siemens, Webtrends highlights key insights and successes, including a preview of an analytics for Yammer solution, during the SharePoint Conference in Las Vegas, NV on March 3-6.”

Stephen E. Arnold has a lot to say about SharePoint from his platform, As a longtime search expert, Arnold knows that SharePoint’s success hinges on customization and add-ons, which allow an organization to take this overwhelming solution and make it work for them.

Emily Rae Aldridge, March 13, 2014

Exchange and SharePoint Server Releases Set for 2015

March 11, 2014

Under Microsoft’s new accelerated release cycle, many were speculating that the next Exchange and SharePoint Server release might occur during 2014. However, Microsoft announced that the newest version of those products would not be made available until sometime next year, 2015. Redmond Magazine gives the details in their story, “Next Exchange and SharePoint Server Products Arriving in 2015.”

The article begins:

“Microsoft won’t ship new releases of Exchange Server or SharePoint Server until sometime next year, the company indicated today. The news comes from Jeff Teper, Microsoft’s corporate vice president of the Office Service and Servers group, in an announcement. Microsoft’s current server releases are Exchange Server 2013 and SharePoint Server 2013. Both of those servers received Service Pack 1 updates last week, so IT pros may be relieved to hear that Microsoft won’t release new products till next year.”

Stephen E. Arnold is a longtime leader in search, and the mastermind behind He gives SharePoint a good bit of attention, so stay tuned to learn more about how SharePoint managers are adjusting to Service Pack 1. It may provide some foreshadowing for what users can expect in the 2015 release.

Emily Rae Aldridge, March 11, 2014

Social SharePoint Tips from SharePoint Conference 2014

March 10, 2014

The Internet is full of the latest news, announcements, and tips from SharePoint Conference 2014, #SPC14. It seems that Microsoft has decided to lead with all things social, focusing on their integration with Yammer and other social features to improve collaboration. Read more in the CMS Wire article, “Socializing SharePoint #SPC14.”

The article says:

“Since Microsoft acquired Yammer in 2012, it has marched forward with the message of ‘Yammer First.’ The company has encouraged businesses to lead with Yammer whenever possible and promised new integrations that will transform the ways users work together. In two keynotes at the SharePoint Conference yesterday, Microsoft revealed some of the new ways it is integrating Yammer into existing Microsoft tools.”

And the article goes on to describe their takeaways from the sessions. Stephen E. Arnold is a longtime leader in search, and he follows SharePoint, in and out of the conference season. His Web site,, highlights the pros and cons of various search systems. He recognizes that SharePoint is the biggest and broadest, but when it comes to enterprise infrastructure, it is necessary to customize SharePoint in order to reap benefits in user experience.

Emily Rae Aldridge, March 10, 2014

Document Workspace Work Around in SharePoint 2013

March 7, 2014

As with every new version of any software, certain new features are gained while other favorites are potentially lost. However, most clever software aficionados can find a clever work around. That is just the case in the recent Redmond Magazine article, “How To Create a Document Workspace in SharePoint 2013.”

The article begins:

“There is no Workspaces Tab or obvious way to create a sub site based on the Document Workspace in the browser. Or is there…? Let’s take a look. In this article I start with a site collection with the top-level site based on the team site template in my development environment . . . It bears to mention that officially the Document Workspace is listed as one of the features that has been discontinued or modified and the reason listed is that all the functionality is available with the team site template.”

Stephen E. Arnold is a longtime leader in all things search and a frequent contributor to the SharePoint discussion on his Web site, He has also found that the most satisfied SharePoint users are those who customize and make the most of their implementation. If that means holding on to some favorite features with a little bit of creativity, then that is an added bonus.

Emily Rae Aldridge, March 7, 2014

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