SharePoint Best of Breed Organizations Named

April 3, 2014

Focusing on SharePoint organizations worldwide that focus on solving unstructured and semi-structured problems by leveraging SharePoint, the Best of Breed Showcase Initiative recently recognized some winners. The PR Web article, “Concept Searching Clients Represent SharePoint Best of Breed Organizations,” highlights the details:

Concept Searching, the global leader in semantic metadata generation, auto-classification, taxonomy management software, and developer of the Smart Content Framework, is honored that two of its clients, Nottinghamshire County Council and West Sussex County Council, were participants in the Metalogix Best of Breed Showcase initiative, which culminated at the recent SharePoint Conference 2014.”

Stephen E. Arnold is a longtime search expert, and gives a lot of attention to SharePoint on his Web site, He also tries to find the best SharePoint add-ons that improve the overall user experience. While SharePoint is still the market leader in terms of adoptees, it is still a large and unwieldy platform that needs a lot of customization to make it functional. Effective add-ons can improve that process.

Emily Rae Aldridge, April 3, 2014

Planning a SharePoint Deployment

March 6, 2014

While in the back of their minds most people know that SharePoint is a complicated installation process, few are willing or able to prepare for its installation appropriately. But Search Windows Server offers some good reasons for proper planning in their article, “How Simple Planning Can Prevent Common SharePoint Deployment Snags.”

The article elaborates on the problem of a lack of planning for installation:

“It’s possible to install most applications and immediately begin using them, but this isn’t really the case with SharePoint. Even though SharePoint is technically an application, it’s better described as an application framework. SharePoint isn’t something you should simply install and then allow users to immediately begin using — you’ll most likely have problems if you do.”

Stephen E. Arnold has heard this same advice many times and has conveyed it himself through his Web site His coverage of SharePoint stems from a longtime interest in all things search. His reporting also supports the benefits of planning and proper implementation, as user experience improves when the proper planning is done.

Emily Rae Aldridge, March 6, 2014

Streamline SharePoint Extensions

January 16, 2014

SharePoint has become the dominant collaboration tool on the enterprise. Problems are always going to arise with such a large piece of software, but there are tools and approaches that make solutions quicker in coming. IT Business Edge explores this idea in their article, “Streamline SharePoint Extensions for Business Users.”

The article says:

“To maximize the organization’s return on its investment in SharePoint, IT administrators should use the Extend SharePoint Prioritization Tool, available in our IT Downloads. This spreadsheet helps the organization determine which functions within SharePoint provide the most benefit to the business, and which will allow IT to prioritize its time in fixing problems and creating a more streamlined usage for business users.”

Stephen E. Arnold is a longtime leader in search and the man behind He focuses on all aspects of search but gives a good bit of attention to the enterprise, particularly SharePoint. He advocates smart add-ons and creative solutions that work in conjunction with SharePoint. Without them, SharePoint can be a greater hindrance than it is an asset.

Emily Rae Aldridge, January 16, 2014

Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext

Patch Fixes Microsoft and SharePoint Vulnerabilities

December 17, 2013

Patches are common with any software, but even more frequent with such a large suite as the one offered by Microsoft. Information Week covers the latest round of patches in their article, “Microsoft Patches Windows, Office, IE, SharePoint.”

The article gives more details on the specific vulnerability to SharePoint:

“Ultimately, the company discovered that the Office 365 desktop client, and in particular Microsoft Word, wasn’t verifying authentication headers by comparing them against SSL certificates. As a result, attackers were able to tell a Word client that they were a SharePoint server, when in reality the server was malicious.”

The latest patch fixes known issues. However, with a software as massive and ubiquitous as SharePoint, it is important to stay on top of the latest news and problems. Stephen E. Arnold of ArnoldIT stays on top of the latest in search, including SharePoint. Stay tuned for the latest problems and solutions for your SharePoint deployment.

Emily Rae Aldridge, December 17, 2013

Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext

Microsoft Decides It Is Time To Improve SharePoint Cloud

September 30, 2013

After a long while, Microsoft will update SharePoint Cloud. CRN tells us in the article, “Microsoft Beefs Up Cloud SharePoint With More Storage, Better Management,” that SharePoint Cloud’s upgrade comes as an investment on Microsoft’s part, because it is an important name on its sixteen-billon dollar business list. Microsoft is increasing the file upload size on the Cloud-based storage from 250 MB to 2 GB per file. Also users can now store .exe and .dll files on the Cloud just like they can on a server-based SharePoint installation. The goal is to eliminate sync problems SharePoint users have. Deleted items will stay in the recycle bin for a total of ninety days, instead of thirty.

“With all these changes, Microsoft is closing a gap between SharePoint Online and the on-premise version and opening up SharePoint Online to more users, Matt Scherocman, president of Interlink Cloud Advisors, a Cincinnati-based Microsoft, told CRN.”

Microsoft is giving its users more liberty and flexibility to work across multiple devices. To remain competitive this is the advantage it needs to remain a big league player. Stephen E Arnold of Arnold IT is curious how Microsoft will handle the search aspect of the Cloud. Will it be deployed across the server and the Cloud-based installation? What about security issues if that is the case? The updates are necessary, but it is important to not forget findability.

Whitney Grace, September 30, 2013

Improved SharePoint Migration with Metalogix

September 30, 2013

It is big business to improve on the SharePoint infrastructure, and countless companies specialize in add-ons and customization. Metalogix throws their name into the ring. Read more in the story, “Improved SharePoint Migration with Metalogix Content Matrix 6.2.”

The article begins:

Metalogix has released Content Matrix 6.2, featuring a new tool for administrators to allow site and site collection owners, as well as power users, to tag, classify and organize SharePoint content. Metalogix says Content Matrix 6.2 offers an easier way for organizations to keep content organized as they migrate to SharePoint 2013 or Office 365.”

So organization and ease of migration are goals for the Metalogix product, but some say that these are problems that SharePoint users should not have to overcome. Stephen E. Arnold, one of the leading search expert with 30 years of experience, keeps an eye on SharePoint news on his Web presence, Beyond Search.

He asks the question:

“Does any of the enterprise software work without legions of technical experts applying bandages 24×7? Of the hundreds of thousands of apps, how many are in for the long haul?”

For now SharePoint augmentation and customization is big business, and there are plenty of options on the market. We will follow Arnold and see what comes down the pipe for SharePoint.

Emily Rae Aldridge, September 30, 2013

SharePoint Not on the Radar

September 26, 2013

Microsoft recently updated its SharePoint Cloud services to include more options that allow more flexibility for mobile users. While the PR for this update has been well received, “AIIM Research Indicates SharePoint Has A ‘Cloudy’ Future” says PRWeb. This reminds me of something Stephen E Arnold of Arnold IT notes in many of reports about how upgrades may be good, but they do not solve the underlying problems, such as implementation and security.

AIIM conducted a survey and found that only 6% of its respondents found their deployments successful, while 43% are struggling with implementing SharePoint, and another 28% say that progress has stalled in their SharePoint projects. That only touches the shallow end of the SharePoint pool. Many companies are also running multiple versions of the software, which can only lead to compatibility issues.

And how is SharePoint Cloud security viewed?

“ ‘There are many benefits to tapping into the power of SharePoint 2013, specifically the mobile and social aspects, yet as our research indicates, many business and IT leaders are wary of security issues around cloud technology,’ said AIIM President John Mancini. ‘While using SharePoint can help companies of any size, as a collaborative platform and even a records management tool, it’s clear from our research that, based on a variety of factors, deployments and adoption of the technology has not reached its original goals.’”

SharePoint is a viable solution, but behind the shiny labels and screensaver there are many, many problems.

Whitney Grace, September 26, 2013

SharePoint and SharePoint Search: End of Life?

June 16, 2013

I had a chat with a former IBM executive. At lunch, an interesting emerged as we talked about the trials and tribulations large enterprise software vendors are facing. In addition to the embarrassing layoffs at IBM, there are signals that the financial screws are being turned at Hewlett Packard, Oracle, SAP and elsewhere. Part of the pressure is normal because the April May June quarter is an important one before the world goes on vacation in July and August. September, obviously, will be another flat out period for sales and marketing professionals. But there was one t hought which we kicked around in a post-prandial stupor.

A dilemma now exists in the enterprise software sector.

Stick with what works and has worked

Go in a new direction and improvise.

What happens if Microsoft does the Adobe thing and forces SharePoint licensees to embrace the cloud? What happens to the resellers? What happens to the integrators? What happens to the in house staff who know the intricacies of on premises installations of SharePoint but not the secrets of Azure?

warning sign dilemma ade copy copy

Microsoft has a significant dependence on on premises sales. This is the client access license, the enterprise license, and the special set ups which make Microsoft the de facto choice for desktop computing workers worldwide.

Is an end of life play for SharePoint possible without making Microsoft even more vulnerable to the enticements of Google and others who want to supplant Microsoft as the “king of the desktop enter” and “baron of the back office”?

On one hand, the idea that SharePoint and its okay search solution, administrator employing mail and database systems, and its quirky collaboration and document management solutions could shift to the cloud is silly. Why give up those license fees? Why alienate service firms dependent on sales and support to hundreds of millions of SharePoint users? Why assume that a cloud business model will work for on site license customers? Organizations are conservative. Change comes slowly or not at all. Stick with the status quo.

Read more

SharePoint Training Videos: Useful but Often Not Enough

October 10, 2012

The long-awaited preview for SharePoint 2013 has arrived and SharePoint gurus are on their way to exploring the collaborative content management platform’s new potential. The new SharePoint does have new strange twists and turns that could confuse even the most experienced SharePoint developer, which is why we are so thankful for Web sites like Microsoft’s TechNet that provide official reference material. Recently, TechNet has launched a series of videos on “SharePoint 2013 Training for IT Pros:”

“Find IT pro-focused how-to training and walkthrough videos with this interactive course about SharePoint 2013 including changes and new features for search, social, plus deployment and performance/scalability.”

Each of the new videos is a training module that focuses on a different aspect of the new SharePoint 2013 deployment. There are a total of fourteen training modules and each has videos and presentations about new features and concepts. For example, Module 1 focuses on a basic overview of the 2013 version with key changes to the SharePoint 2013 Server and SharePoint Foundation 2013. All of the modules cover areas that IT professionals will have questions about, server farms, architecture, social features, customization options, upgrading from older versions, etc.

Module 7: SharePoint 2013 Enterprise Search Overview is the lesson that really caught our attention:

“Learn about the redesigned Enterprise Search in SharePoint 2013 including architectural changes to physical and logical topologies, details about configuration options for crawling, content, and query.”

In the past, SharePoint’s out-of-the-box search solution was not the best search application. The best way to make it work was to rely on ISVs with products designed to augment and enhance SharePoint search. Generally the third-party software was a vast improvement over Microsoft. The new SharePoint search makes the same promises to fix problems from past versions and upgrade it with better features. Module 7 promises to teach about:

“Learn about the redesigned Enterprise Search in SharePoint 2013 including architectural changes to physical and logical topologies, details about configuration options for crawling, content, and query.”

As SharePoint has moved from its old role solely as a collaborative content management platform to a more robust platform with more social features and Web tie-ins, there will be much more for the search engine to peruse.

However, in our experience, a training video is a useful adjunct to other types of professional support. For example, Comperio, a firm with deep experience in search and related activities, offers a range of services that can be tailored to meet the needs of an organization implementing SharePoint and SharePoint search. The company offers search consulting, development, application management services, and “consultants for hire.” To learn more about Comperio’s services which bridge the gap between an instructional video and hands-on implementation, we suggest you check out Comperio services at

Understanding how SharePoint 2013 has integrated a more powerful enterprise search is the first step to harnessing its new capabilities and empowering the user. Search is a key function that powers many other features on SharePoint. If users cannot find their data, then SharePoint 2013’s key purpose has been lost.

Stephen E Arnold, October 10, 2012

Improving the Search Experience in SharePoint

September 12, 2012

Connecting employees to the right information improves workflow. J. Peter Bruzzese discusses the importance of search in his post, “Bring Better Search to SharePoint.” Search challenges are explained:

If only SharePoint’s search capabilities were better. If only users weren’t spending so much time searching for relevant data or the appropriate personnel in the company. If only users weren’t re-creating data they already have ‘somewhere.’ The problems with search have been an absolute failure point for many users of SharePoint 2007. The more they pushed data into SharePoint and grew their farm environment, the more they ran into the wall of search results being less relevant.

In response, Microsoft brought in Fast in hopes to add better results relevance and previews. The author points out that despite Fast, many companies looked to other tools to improve search including BA Insight‘s Longitude Search which attempts to rank content based on user behavior.

Another search solution that may be worth considering is is Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise. Mindbreeze Enterprise Search lets you “be well informed – quickly and accurately. The data often lies distributed across numerous sources. Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise gains each employee two weeks per through focused finding of data (IDC Studies). An invaluable competitive advantage in business as well as providing employee satisfaction.” Boundless data search and clearly structured search results as just two of the solution’s benefits worth taking a second look at.

Philip West, September 12, 2012

Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext.

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