Exalead CloudView Joins the US Army

November 22, 2010

In an effort to increase both efficiency and productivity, the U.S. Army’s Combined Arms Center (CAC) has selected Exalead CloudView as the new search engine in concert with Microsoft Office SharePoint Server. According to Dassault Systemes: U.S. Army Combined Arms Center Implements Exalead CloudView to Access Critical Military Information,

“This announcement is another illustration of the continuous commitment of Exalead to the government sector, where 100 percent accurate, comprehensive, secure and instant access to huge volume of both structured and non structured information is required.”

Exalead, acquired by Dassault Systemes in June 2010, is the front running search-based application provider to both the public and private sectors.  The faceted navigation, improved speed and effectiveness of searches, multiple security controls and integration readiness are just a few of the reasons the CAC has chosen Exalead CloudView as its primary search engine.  The CAC provides the US Army with access to thousands of documents, spanning decades. Users often logged hours searching for documents within the SharePoint Server, yet with the addition of the Exalead application these same searches can be executed in seconds.

This earns some decided congratulations for Exalead, who is carving out a niche among both security stringent government applications and Microsoft SharePoint users looking for a boost.  Further opportunities with both markets should be inevitable in the future.

Sarah Rogers, November 22, 2010


EPiServer May Embrace Forward Search

October 21, 2010

My recollection fogs with time, particularly when autumn settles on the goose pond. I thought that EPiServer (a Swedish content management system) relied on Mondosoft search. If the story in “The News of the Forward Search 2.0” write up is accurate, EPiServer (which could control as much as one third of the Swedish Intranet market) may be embracing Forward Search. I don’t know what happened to Mondosoft which I think is now owned and operated by SurfRay, a Danish firm.

froward frank

Search results from the www.annefrank.org Web site.

What’s a Forward Search? The firm says:

Forward IT is a dynamic, flexible and committed supplier of Enterprise Search. Based on our own product solution – Forward Search we deliver search projects through our partners, covering different needs, from Website Search, Corporate Secure Search, eCommerce Search or Custom Search Solutions. Forward Search is Enterprise Search for enterprise solutions including Content Management Systems, intranets, databases, document repositories, OEM software etc.  Forward Search appears to be a Danish firm. CMS Wire wrote about the company in its “Forward Search 2.0 for Enterprise and Web Includes Web CMS Integrations.”

What’s the search DNA? Here’s what the company says:

Forward is a Danish based and privately own company that was founded in 2004 by Thomas Jensen and Henrik Bach. Forward received capital for further growth mid 2009, when entering into cooperation with two Danish technology venture companies to ensure speeding up further development of the Enterprise Search product platform Forward Search, together with continued sales expansion that Forward has experienced since the second half of 2008, successfully delivering solutions to large customers in the Nordic and in Benelux.
Prior to the establishment they both worked with Enterprise Solutions based on technology from Open Text, at Ni Ansa IT Solutions ApS, from the year 2001.

The Kundo.se write up said, “A platform for web and enterprise search, it [Forward Search] works with a range of .NET Web CMSs, including EPiServer, Sitecore and Umbraco to collect a wide range of data including index content, crawler logs and visitor searching behavior from within the Web CMS, helping editors improve the search experience.”

I don’t have any pricing data at this time.

In Kundo.se, I located a list of Forward Search clients. These appear as:

The write up lists these firms as Forward Search partners:

  • Gengu, Netherlands
  • LBi Lost Boys, Netherlands
  • Magnetix, Denmark
  • Nansen, Sweden
  • Omega Point, Sweden
  • Suneco, Netherlands
  • Tuen Web, Denmark
  • WWWins Consulting, China.

My take is that Forward Search is a snap in for Microsoft SharePoint search. The EPiServer outfit is pretty savvy. My opinion is that Forward Search delivers the needed functionality without the hassle and weirdness required to get SharePoint search in its various incarnations to walk, talk, roll over, and bark on command. I don’t want to push the canine metaphor too far, but Forward Search may be one of those animals discriminating buyers will want to take home for a weekend.

I have not updated my list of European search vendors recently. Yep, on the to do list. The old list is at http://arnoldit.com/wordpress/2009/09/18/european-search-vendors-additions/. I see that I need to add SurfRay, Fabasoft, Forward Search, and Exalead Dassault.

Gartner killed off its subjective, almost-an-infomercial search quadrant thingy. Maybe one of the enterprise azurini in Europe will jump into this empty marketing space? One can only hope.

Stephen E Arnold, October 21, 2010

Freebie and worth every penny

Coveo Adds Connectors

October 16, 2010

Coveo has announced new information indexing connectors. Among the new connectors are those for Jive SBS Versions 3.0 to 4.5, support for Microsoft SharePoint 2010, and Microsoft Exchange 2010. Coveo updated its connector for Lotus Notes. In the news release, we learned that Coveo is working with Netezza. Earlier this year we heard that Netezza was hooked into Attivio. Netezza, as you may know, is now part of IBM, a company which has been on a mini-spending spree.

One of the interesting comments in the news story was:

Out of the box, Coveo Information Indexing Connectors seamlessly and securely index enterprise-wide systems and data repositories. Coveo-developed connectors offer superior functionality and integration, including with the native security model of each system. Coveo Connectors feature live monitoring and dynamically index new, deleted and modified documents, ensuring just-in-time access to the timeliest information.

Connectors continue to have a pipeline to our in box. The i2 – Palantir legal matter is about connectors. With the green light turned on for this dust up, connectors are edging from back stage to center stage.

More information about Coveo is available at www.coveo.com.

Stephen E Arnold, October 16, 2010


Search, Commoditization, and the Vulnerable Vendors

September 27, 2010

We are starting our fall swing for clients who want to know the outlook for search and content processing in 2011. I want to select one point from our briefing and relate it to a topic that some of the azurini are missing. I am not involved with any of the mid tier consulting firms, but these firms’ information has a way of turning up in quotes that may create an impression that all is well in search engine markets.

Search vendors are under pressure—enormous pressure. And the G forces are going up. At the same time, new players enter the market; for example, the academic spin out Sophia Search. Established players have obtained fresh infusions of capital to deal with the “opportunities” that exist in specific market segments like Microsoft SharePoint.

Let me point out that low end search solutions are now essentially free. A download of Lucene/Solr, FLAX, or some variant available with a bit of poking around via Bing.com is a click away. These systems work well, but you may want to have a friendly programmer at hand to help you over any bumps. For most organizations, open source works and works well. One doesn’t have to look much farther than Netflix to see how open source works in a high demand, high profile system. For more clues about what big firms are jumping on the open source search solution, navigate to www.lucenerevolution.com and look at the line up of speakers.


Image source: http://img.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/05_04/FlattenedCarG_850x649.jpg

Open source search is flowing into market sectors where certain historical trends have created a vacuum. Open source search is not so much muscling into these market sectors as being sucked in. Nature abhors a vacuum as most people learned in high school physics. (Modern physicists have diff3ernt views, but this is a blog post about markets, not theoretical physics.)

The market that is most directly affected are those where the perceived value of commercial search systems is low or modest and where the complexity of the search problem from the point of view of the licensee is manageable. Search is very complicated, but I am talking about perception of customers, procurement teams, and developers on staff who want to solve a problem. Open source is often the choice that our research suggests bubbles up from the technical members of the organization. The MBAs think IBM. The young engineers from CalTech think open source search.

So what happens?

Open source seeps into the organization, and when it works, it gains momentum. We did not find this trend particularly surprising because it replicates the diffusion of other technologies in other industries. I recall learning that the method of making hot air popcorn evolved from a hair drier. The hair drier from a discount store worked well enough to give the engineering team the insight required to build a very large business on a commodity component.

Who gets squished in this shift?

Read more

Iron Mountain Magnetic Again?

September 26, 2010

Iron Mountain is an unusual company. The firm’s business is built on moving paper from a file cabinet to a secure location. Put those documents in a box and store them in a cave, an “iron mountain”. From paper, the company moved to digital content and entered the digital archiving business. Along the way, the firm snapped up Purple Yogi (now known as Stratify). Purple Yogi was an early “automated classification” and search system for content. The Purple Yogi folks had an interesting approach, but like many of the early “automatic” systems, humans were needed. As a result, dealing with “big data” was not the system’s core competency. Purple Yogi morphed into Stratify and focused on the legal market where the content domains were bounded and billable human labor was part of the business model. Iron Mountain acquired Stratify (né Purple Yogi) in 2007 as I recall. then in a somewhat surprise move to the goose, Iron Mountain acquire Mimosa Systems, another document processing outfit. According to the Iron Mountain news release:

The deal provides Iron Mountain with an integrated archive for email, SharePoint data and files, and gives the company an on-premises archiving option to complement its existing cloud-based archives.  The ability to archive and manage data both onsite, inside the customer’s firewall, and remotely in the cloud makes Iron Mountain a one-stop shop for data capture, archiving and management. It also provides the company’s customers with greater flexibility and choice for managing their information. Additionally, the company can now capture and manage a broader range of enterprise information from so-called “edge-of-the-network” devices like desktop PCs and laptops as well as from company repositories like email stores, SharePoint servers and file systems. Many larger businesses still prefer to keep this data on their premises today. Finally, the acquisition allows Iron Mountain to extract intelligence from the information it manages both on-premises and in the cloud, advancing the company’s larger strategy to help enterprises lower the costs and risks associated with storing and managing information.

The search and content processing company has quite a few players. My experience is that most of today’s search wizards wearing their azurini T shirts and selling their advice to search-challenged procurement teams don’t know much about Purple Yogi or Mimosa.

The reason is that specialist firms deliver narrow solutions to segments of the market too small or esoteric to trigger a reading on the English majors’ Geiger counters.

Upon reading “Are Iron Mountain Shares Ready to Climb?”, I asked, “What’s the PR push all about?” The link to the story is likely to go dead because the source is Barron’s, a Murdoch property so you may have to pay to see the info when you read this post.

The reason for the “excitement” about Iron Mountain is that Iron Mountain’s share price has not exactly set the “recession is over” world on fire. Nevertheless, Warren Buffet likes the stock and that’s enough for Barron’s. Toss in the promise that Iron Mountain will win big in the cloud computing space, and you have a PR opportunity.

Barron’s notes that Iron Mountain has some challenges. These include management policies, a revenue base built on paper documents, and lots of competition.

My view is different. I think Iron Mountain is a company that can generate a hefty return with a shift in management focus and a rebuild of its core technical approach. I think that buying companies like Stratify and Mimosa do not solve problems; they create more problems. Without a more robust technical vision, Iron Mountain is not likely to have the magnetic pull that savvy folks like Warren Buffet require. Therefore, if Mr. Buffet wants to make a killing, he is going to have to make slow, methodical changes that first affect management and then technology. Without these shifts, Iron Mountain is going to have some difficulty dealing with the Amazon-type or Rackspace-type of approach. A Yahoo or Google style approach to next generation technology will be tough to make work. How patient is Mr. Buffet?

Stephen E Arnold, September 26, 2010


BA-Insight Lands $6 Million

September 22, 2010

According to CMS Wire, a Microsoft partner—no, fix that—“a key Microsoft partner”—has received a cash injection of $6.0 million. You will get the content management write up in the story “BA-Insight Secures US$6M Funding for Enterprise Search”. The PR Newswire story “BA-Insight’s Strong Growth in Enterprise Search Space Secures $6 Million in Series A Funding” provides a bit more detail. Note: links to PR stories often go dead, so you may have to resort to some poking around via Bing.com which usually indexes Microsoft centric stories reasonably well.

The news release said:

BA-Insight, Inc., an enterprise search software company specializing in Microsoft-based information access technology, announced today that it has secured $6 million in private equity funding led by New York-based Milestone Venture Partners. Paladin Capital Group and Osage Venture Partners also invested in the round. The New York State Common Retirement Fund participated in the financing through funds managed by Milestone Venture Partners and Paladin Capital Group.

What’s the money for? The release said:

BA-Insight will deploy the capital raised to further develop and extend its suite of enterprise search products for SharePoint Search, expand its marketing efforts and grow its sales and support services organizations. “The market for BA-Insight technologies is expanding rapidly,” explained Guy Mounier, CEO and co-founder of BA-Insight. “We have huge growth potential in U.S. government, professional services, energy and other sectors. This investment will allow us to build the organization needed to support our growth in those markets.”

BA-Insight is a vendor committed to the enterprise search market. This “sector” has been under significant pressure from lower cost Microsoft solutions such as dtSearch (Bethesda, Maryland) and open source solutions like Lucene/Solr. In fact, enterprise search is becoming commoditized.

What’s the BA-Insight difference? According to the news release:

BA-Insight’s flagship product Longitude optimizes Microsoft’s SharePoint Search, and FAST Search for SharePoint platforms. Users can find, analyze, and act on relevant information regardless of the format or where the data resides. Longitude offers out-of-the-box SharePoint Connectors to more than 20 business applications including ERP, CRM, Messaging, and ECM. Longitude also provides a state-of-the-art user experience via a rich Silverlight SharePoint document viewer.

My observations are:

  • The BA-Insight play is that Microsoft will continue to encourage its top paying certified partners an opportunity to sell into the SharePoint ecosystem. With more than 100 million SharePoint licenses in the wild, that’s a big ecosystem. The risk is that Microsoft could poach the juicy accounts. If BA-Insight gets traction, Microsoft might buy BA-Insight in order to fatten up its offerings. IBM has followed this strategy for several years. The key difference, in my opinion, is that IBM is using Lucene/Solr and buying value-adding technologies to boost the IBM services business. The Microsoft approach will have a unique fingerprint.
  • I think that BA-Insight is “glue play”. What I mean by “glue” is that Microsoft leaves it to licensees to hook together various components to solve a problem. BA-Insight and a handful of other Microsoft centric players provide a “snap in” solution to reduce the time, cost, and hassles of getting basic functions to work as required. Fast Search is a complex beastie, and BA-Insight’s approach is to deliver a solution without the Fast cartwheels that can lead to staff turnover.
  • The challenge in the market will be one of time. The recession is allegedly “over.” For organizations strapped for cash, economies will be of significant interest. In the “search and SharePoint” niche, there are quite a few competitors. These range from other Microsoft partners such as SurfRay and Fabasoft to integrators who can hook together existing pieces and parts. Companies in this consulting approach to the search business include New Idea Engineering, with whom I have worked in the past, and my son’s company, Adhere Solutions. Note: my son did not pay me to reference him. I think I bought lunch yesterday which is how the family thing works, right?
  • The shift in the enterprise market that I will talk about at the ISS conference in October 2010 is that “search” is not what most users require. The need is for low latency processing of mission critical data delivered in what I call a data fusion system. Few companies offer a “platform” that ingests and makes actionable a range of data. The key players in this space include 20 year veterans like i2 in Cambridge, England, Kroll (now a unit of Altegrity), the Palantir organization (now allegedly involved in a confusing legal matter), and the lesser known but up and coming Digital Reasoning, among others. The name “BA Insight” suggests a capability in the data fusion space, but the new release’s emphasis on “enterprise search” suggests that BA-Insight is anchored in the traditional search market. Perhaps this is just a positioning issue specifically for the news release?

The big challenge is use of the money. Increasing “marketing” sometimes works and sometimes does not. In the “search space”, there is a great deal of noise, smoke, and confusion. The strong interest in open source search so far has not spilled over into the SharePoint sector. I think that will happen. When it does, there will be some interest in Microsoft-centric shops. That interest will probably come from new hires and the chief financial officer’s staff. The traditional Microsoft certified professionals like their counterpart Oracle certified database professionals want to preserve the status quo.

The status quo is not such a comfortable place. Big outfits like Oracle are resorting to legal eagles to cope with open source. Microsoft has a mixed record with regard to open source. My hunch is that BA Insight will have to find a way to go viral within the SharePoint community. That will take keen mastery of social media, the sales ability of Autonomy, and the technical savvy of some serious wizards like Exalead, the repositioning touch of Vivisimo, and the market focus of Coveo. BA Insight has the opportunity to be the break out enterprise search vendor in 2010.

Will $6.0 million be enough? I don’t know the answer. The investors’ smart money thinks BA Insight has what it takes to succeed. From the grandstand in Harrod’s Creek, this race will be fun and entertaining to watch.

Stephen E Arnold, September 22, 2010


Quote to Note: Dick Brass on MSFT Innovation

February 6, 2010

I met Dick Brass many years ago. He left Oracle and joining Microsoft to contribute to a confidential initiative. Mr. Brass worked on the ill-fated Microsoft tablet, which Steve Jobs has reinvented as a revolutionary device. I am not a tablet guy, but one thing is certain. Mr. Jobs knows how to work public relations. Mr. Brass published an article in the New York Times, and it captured the attention of Microsoft and millions of readers who enjoyed Mr. Brass’s criticism of his former employer. I have no opinion about Microsoft, its administrative methods, or its ability to innovate. I did find a quote to note in the write up:

Microsoft is no longer considered the cool or cutting edge place to work. There has been a steady exist of its best and brightest. (“Microsoft’s Creative Destruction”, the New York Times, February 4, 2010, Page 25, column 3, National Edition)

Telling because if smart people don’t work at a company, that company is likely to make less informed decisions than an organization with smarter people. This applies in the consulting world. There are blue chip outfits like McKinsey, Bain, and BCG). Then there are lesser outfits which I am sure you can name because these companies “advertise”, have sales people who “sell” listings, and invent crazy phrases to to create buzz and sales. I am tempted to differentiate Microsoft with a reference to Apple or Google, but I will not. Oh, why did I not post this item before today. The hard copy of my New York Times was not delivered until today. Speed is important in today’s information world.

The quote nails it.

Stephen E Arnold, February 7, 2010

No one paid me to write this, not a single blue chip consulting firm, not a single savvy company. I will report this lack of compensation to the experts at the IRS, which is gearing up for the big day in April.

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Microsoft and Mikojo Trigger Semantic Winds across Search Landscape

Semantic technology is blowing across the search landscape again. The word “semantic” and its use in phrases like “semantic technology” has a certain trendiness. When I see the word, I think of smart software that understands information in the way a human does. I also think of computationally sluggish processes and the complexity of language, particularly in synthetic languages like English. Google has considerable investment in semantic technology, but the company wisely tucks it away within larger systems and avoiding the technical battles that rage among different semantic technology factions. You can see Google’s semantic operations tucked within the Ramanathan Guha inventions disclosed in February 2007. Pay attention to the discussion of the system and method for “context”.


Gale force winds from semantic technology advocates. Image source: http://www.smh.com.au/ffximage/2008/11/08/paloma_wideweb__470×289,0.jpg

Microsoft’s Semantic Puff

Other companies are pushing the semantic shock troops forward. I read yesterday in Network World’s “Microsoft Talks Up Semantic Search Ambitions.” The article reminded me that Fast Search & Transfer SA offered some semantic functionality which I summarized in the 2006 version of the original Enterprise Search Report (the one with real beef, not tofu inside). Microsoft also purchased Powerset, a company that used some of Xerox PARC’s technology and its own wizardry to “understand” queries and create a rich index. The Network World story reported:

With semantic technologies, which also are being to referred to as Web 3.0, computers have a greater understanding of relationships between different information, rather than just forwarding links based on keyword searches.  The end game for semantic search is “better, faster, cheaper, essentially,” said Prevost, who came over to Microsoft in the company’s 2008 acquisition of search engine vendor Powerset. Prevost is still general manager of Powerset.  Semantic capabilities get users more relevant information and help them accomplish tasks and make decisions, said Prevost.

The payoff is that software understands humans. Sounds good, but it does little to alter the startling dominance of Google in general Web search and the rocket like rise of social search systems like Facebook. In a social context humans tell “friends” about meaning or better yet offer an answer or a relevant link. No search required.

I reported about the complexities of configuring the enterprise search system that Microsoft offers for SharePoint in an earlier Web log post. The challenge is complexity and the time and money required to make a “smart” software system perform to an acceptable level in terms of throughput in content processing and for the user. Users often prefer to ask someone or just use what appears in the top of a search results list.

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Inside Search: Raymond Bentinck of Exalead, Part 2

This is the second part of the interview with Raymond Bentinck of Exalead.

Isn’t this bad marketing?

No. This makes business sense.Traditional search vendors who may claim to have thousands of customers tend to use only a handful of well managed references. This is a direct result of customers choosing technology based on these overblown marketing claims and these claims then driving requirements that the vendor’s consultants struggle to deliver. The customer who is then far from happy with the results, doesn’t do reference calls and ultimately becomes disillusioned with search in general or with the vendor specifically. Either way, they end up moving to an alternative.

I see this all the time with our clients that have replaced their legacy search solution with Exalead. When we started, we were met with much skepticism from clients that we could answer their information retrieval problems. It was only after doing Proof of Concepts and delivering the solutions that they became convinced. Now that our reputation has grown organizations realize that we do not make unsubstantiated claims and do stick by our promises.

What about the shift to hybrid solutions? An appliance or an on premises server, then a cloud component, and maybe some  fairy dust thrown in to handle the security issues?

There is a major change that is happening within Information Technology at the moment driven primarily by the demands placed on IT by the business. Businesses want to vastly reduce the operational cost models of IT provision while pushing IT to be far more agile in their support of the business. Against this backdrop, information volumes continue to grow exponentially.

The push towards areas such as virtual servers and cloud computing are aspects of reducing the operational cost models of information technology provision. It is fundamental that software solutions can operate in these environments. It is surprising, however, to find that many traditional search vendors solutions do not even work in a virtual server environment.

Isn’t this approach going to add costs to an Exalead installation?

No, because another aspect of this is that software solutions need to be designed to make the best use of available hardware resources. When Exalead provided a solution to the leading classified ads site Fish4.co.uk, unlike the legacy search solution we replaced, not only were we able to deploy a solution that met and exceeded their requirements but we reduced the cost of search to the business by 250 percent. A large part of this was around the massively reduced hardware costs associated with the solution.

What about making changes and responding quickly? Many search vendors simply impose a six month or nine month cycle on a deployment. The client wants to move quickly, but the vendor cannot work quickly.

Agility is another key factor. In the past, an organization may implement a data warehouse. This would take around 12 to 18 months to deploy and would cost a huge amount in hardware, software and consultancy fees. As part of the deployment the consultants needed to second guess the questions the business would want to ask of the data warehouse and design these into the system. After the 12 to 18 months, the business would start using the data warehouse and then find out they needed to ask different types of questions than were designed into the system. The data warehouse would then go through a phase of redevelopment which would last many more months. The business would evolve… making more changes and the cycle would go on and on.

With Exalead, we are able to deploy the same solution in a couple months but significantly there is no need to second guess the questions that the business would want to ask and design them into the system.

This is the sort of agile solution that businesses have been pushing their IT departments to deliver for years. Businesses that do not provide agile IT solutions will fall behind their competitors and be unable to react quickly enough when the market changes.

One of the large UK search vendors has dozens of niche versions of its product. How can that company keep each of these specialty products up to date and working? Integration is often the big problem, is it not?

The founders of Exalead took two years before starting the company to research what worked in search and why the existing search vendors products were so complex. This research led them to understand that the search products that were on the marketplace at the time all started as quite simple products designed to work on relatively low volumes of information and with very limited functional capabilities. Over the years, new functionality has been added to the solutions to keep abreast of what competitors have offered but because of how the products were originally engineered they have not been clean integrations. They did not start out with this intention but search has evolved in ways never imagined at the time these solutions were originally engineered.

Wasn’t one of the key architects part of the famous AltaVista.com team?

Yes. In fact, both of the founders of Exalead were from this team.

What kind of issues occur with these overly complex products?

As you know, this has caused many issues for both vendors and clients. Changes in one part of the solution can cause unwanted side effects in another part. Trying to track down issues and bugs can take a huge amount of time and expense. This is a major factor as to why we see the legacy search products on the market today that are complex, expensive and take many months if not years to deploy even for simple requirements.

Exalead learned from these lessons when engineering our solution. We have an architecture that is fully object-orientated at the core and follows an SOA architecture. It means that we can swap in and out new modules without messy integrations. We can also take core modules such as connectors to repositories and instead of having to re-write them to meet specific requirements we can override various capabilities in the classes. This means that the majority of the code that has gone through our quality-management systems remains the same. If an issue is identified in the code, it is a simple task to locate the problem and this issue is isolated in one area of the code base. In the past, vendors have had to rewrite core components like connectors to meet customers’ requirements and this has caused huge quality and support issues for both the customer and the vendor.

What about integration? That’s a killer for many vendors in my experience.

The added advantage of this core engineering work means that for Exalead integration is a simple task. For example, building new secure connectors to new repositories can be performed in weeks rather than months. Our engineers can take this time saved to spend on adding new and innovative capabilities into the solution rather than spending time worrying about how to integrate a new function without affecting the 1001 other overlaying functions.

Without this model, legacy vendors have to continually provide point-solutions to problems that tend to be customer-specific leading to a very expensive support headache as core engineering changes take too long and are too hard to deploy.

I heard about a large firm in the US that has invested significant sums in retooling Lucene. The solution has been described on the firm’s Web site, but I don’t see how that engineering cost is offset by the time to market that the fix required. Do you see open source as a problem or a solution?

I do not wake up in the middle of the night worrying about Lucene if that is what you are thinking! I see Lucene in places that have typically large engineering teams to protect or by consultants more interested in making lots of fees through its complex integration. Neither of which adds value to the company in, for example, reducing costs of increasing revenue.

Organizations that are interested in providing cost effective richly functional solutions are in increasing numbers choosing solutions like Exalead. For example, The University of Sunderland wanted to replace their Google Search Appliance with a richer, more functional search tool. They looked at the marketplace and chose Exalead for searching their external site, their internal document repositories plus providing business intelligence solutions over their database applications such as student attendance records. The search on their website was developed in a single day including the integration to their existing user interface and the faceted navigation capabilities. This represented not only an exceptionally quick implementation, far in excess of any other solution on the marketplace today but it also delivered for them the lowest total cost of ownership compared to other vendors and of course open-source.

In my opinion, Lucene and other open-source offerings can offer a solution for some organizations but many jump on this bandwagon without fully appreciating the differences between the open source solution and the commercially available solutions either in terms of capability or total cost. It is assumed, wrongly in many instances, that the total cost of ownership for open source must be lower than the commercially available solutions. I would suggest that all too often, open source search is adopted by those who believe the consultants who say that search is a simple commodity problem.

What about the commercial enterprise that has had several search systems and none of them capable of delivering satisfactory solutions? What’s the cause of this? The vendors? The client’s approach?

I think the problem lies more with the vendors of the legacy search solutions than with the clients. Vendors have believed their own marketing messages and when customers are unsatisfied with the results have tended to blame the customers not understanding how to deploy the product correctly or in some cases, the third-party or system integrator responsible for the deployment.

One client of ours told me recently that with our solution they were able to deliver in a couple months what they failed to do with another leading search solution for seven years. This is pretty much the experience of every customer where we have replaced an existing search solution. In fact, every organization that I have worked with that has performed an in-depth analysis and comparison of our technology against any search solution has chosen Exalead.

In many ways, I see our solution as not only delivering on our promises but also delivering on the marketing messages that our competitors have been promoting for years but failing to deliver in reality.

So where does Exalead fit? The last demo I received showed me search working within a very large, global business process. The information just appeared? Is this where search is heading?

In the year 2000, and every year since, a CEO of one of the leading legacy search vendors made a claim that every major organization would be using their brand of meaning based search technology within two years.

I will not be as bold as him but it is my belief that in less than five years time the majority of organizations will be using search based applications in mission critical applications.

For too long software vendors have been trying to convince organizations, for example, that it was not possible to deploy mission critical solutions such as customer 360 degree customer view, Master Data Management, Data Warehousing or business intelligence solutions in a couple months, with no user training, with with up-to-the-minute information, with user friendly interfaces, with a low cost per query covering millions or billions of records of information.

With Exalead this is possible and we have proven it in some of the world’s largest companies.

How does this change the present understanding of search, which in my opinion is often quite shallow?

Two things are required to change the status quo.

Firstly, a disruptive technology is required that can deliver on these requirements and secondly businesses need to demand new methods of meeting ever greater business requirements on information.

Today I see both these things in place. Exalead has proven that our solutions can meet the most demanding of mission critical requirements in an agile way and now IT departments are realizing that they cannot support their businesses moving forward by using traditional technologies.

What do you see as the trends in enterprise search for 2010?

Last year was a turning point around Search Based Applications. With the world-wide economy in recession, many companies have put projects on hold until things were looking better. With economies still looking rather weak but projects not being able to be left on ice for ever, they are starting to question the value of utilizing expensive, time consuming and rigid technologies to deliver these projects.

Search is a game changing technology that can deliver more innovative, agile and cheaper solutions than using traditional technologies. Exalead is there to deliver on this promise.

Search, a commodity solution? No.

Editor’s note: You can learn more about Exalead’s search enable applications technology and method at the Exalead Web site.

Stephen E Arnold, February 4, 2010

I wrote this post without any compensation. However, Mr. Bentinck, who lives in a far off land, offered to buy me haggis, and I refused this tasty bribe. Ah, lungs! I will report the lack of payment to the National Institutes of Health, an outfit concerned about alveoli.
Vyre: Software, Services, Search, and More

A happy quack to the reader who sent me a link to Vyre, whose catchphrase is “dissolving complexity.” The last time I looked at the company, I had pigeon holed it as a consulting and content management firm. The news release my reader sent me pointed out that the company has a mid market enterprise search solution that is now at version 4.x. I am getting old, or at least too sluggish to keep pace with content management companies that offer search solutions. My recollection is that Crown Point moved in this direction. I have a rather grim view of CMS because software cannot help organizations create high quality content or at least what I think is high quality content.

The Wikipedia description of Vyre matches up with the information in my archive:

VYRE, now based in the UK, is a software development company. The firm uses the catchphrase “Enterprise 2.0? to describe its enterprise  solutions for business.The firm’s core product is Unify. The Web based services allows users to build applications and content management. The company has technology that manages digital assets. The firm’s clients in 2006 included Diageo, Sony, Virgin, and Lowe and Partners. The company has reinvented itself several times since the late 1990s doing business as NCD (Northern Communication and Design), Salt, and then Vyre.

You can read Wikipedia summary here. You can read a 2006 Butler Group analysis here. My old link worked this evening (March 5, 2009), but click quickly.  In my files I had a link to a Vyre presentation but it was not about search. Dated 2008, you may find the information useful. The Vyre presentations are here. The link worked for me on March 5, 2009. The only name I have in my archive is Dragan Jotic. Other names of people linked to the company are here. Basic information about the company’s Web site is here. Traffic, if these data are correct, seem to be trending down. I don’t have current interface examples. The wiki for the CMS service is here. (Note: the company does not use its own CMS for the wiki. The wiki system is from MedioWiki. No problem for me, but I was curious about this decision because the company offers its own CMS system.  You can get a taste of the system here.


Administrative Vyre screen.

After a bit of poking around, it appears that Vyre has turned up the heat on its public relations activities. The Seybold Report here presented a news story / news release about the search system  here. I scanned the release and noted this passage as interesting for my work:

…version 4.4 introduces powerful new capabilities for performing facetted and federated searching across the enterprise. Facetted search provides immediate feedback on the breakdown of search results and allows users to quickly and accurately drill down within search results. Federated search enables users to eradicate content silos by allowing users to search multiple content repositories.

Vyre includes a taxonomy management function with its search system, if I read the Seybold article correctly. I gravitate to the taxonomy solution available from Access Innovations, a company run by my friend and colleagues Marje Hlava and Jay Ven Eman. Their system generates ANSI standard thesauri and word lists, which is the sort of stuff that revs my engine.

Endeca has been the pioneer in the enterprise sector for “guided navigation” which is a synonym in my mind for faceted search. Federated search gets into the functions that I associated with Bright Planet, Deep Web Technologies, and Vivisimo, among others. I know that shoving large volumes of data through systems that both facetize content and federated it are computationally intensive. Consequently, some organizations are not able to put the plumbing in place to make these computationally intensive systems hum like my grandmother’s sewing machine.

If you are in the market for a CMS and asset management company’s enterprise search solution, give the company’s product a test drive. You can buy a report from UK Data about this company here. I don’t have solid pricing data. My notes to myself record the phrase, “Sensible pricing.” I noted that the typical cost for the system begins at about $25,000. Check with the company for current license fees.

Stephen Arnold, March 6, 2009
Latest News
Mobile Devices and Their Apps: Search Gone Missing

VentureBeat’s “A Pretty Chart of Top Apps for iPhone, Android, BlackBerry” shocked me. Not a little. Quite a bit. You will want to look at the top apps f

Microsoft and Mikojo Trigger Semantic Winds across Search Landscape

January 28, 2010

Semantic technology is blowing across the search landscape again. The word “semantic” and its use in phrases like “semantic technology” has a certain trendiness. When I see the word, I think of smart software that understands information in the way a human does. I also think of computationally sluggish processes and the complexity of language, particularly in synthetic languages like English. Google has considerable investment in semantic technology, but the company wisely tucks it away within larger systems and avoiding the technical battles that rage among different semantic technology factions. You can see Google’s semantic operations tucked within the Ramanathan Guha inventions disclosed in February 2007. Pay attention to the discussion of the system and method for “context”.


Gale force winds from semantic technology advocates. Image source: http://www.smh.com.au/ffximage/2008/11/08/paloma_wideweb__470x289,0.jpg

Microsoft’s Semantic Puff

Other companies are pushing the semantic shock troops forward. I read yesterday in Network World’s “Microsoft Talks Up Semantic Search Ambitions.” The article reminded me that Fast Search & Transfer SA offered some semantic functionality which I summarized in the 2006 version of the original Enterprise Search Report (the one with real beef, not tofu inside). Microsoft also purchased Powerset, a company that used some of Xerox PARC’s technology and its own wizardry to “understand” queries and create a rich index. The Network World story reported:

With semantic technologies, which also are being to referred to as Web 3.0, computers have a greater understanding of relationships between different information, rather than just forwarding links based on keyword searches.  The end game for semantic search is “better, faster, cheaper, essentially,” said Prevost, who came over to Microsoft in the company’s 2008 acquisition of search engine vendor Powerset. Prevost is still general manager of Powerset.  Semantic capabilities get users more relevant information and help them accomplish tasks and make decisions, said Prevost.

The payoff is that software understands humans. Sounds good, but it does little to alter the startling dominance of Google in general Web search and the rocket like rise of social search systems like Facebook. In a social context humans tell “friends” about meaning or better yet offer an answer or a relevant link. No search required.

I reported about the complexities of configuring the enterprise search system that Microsoft offers for SharePoint in an earlier Web log post. The challenge is complexity and the time and money required to make a “smart” software system perform to an acceptable level in terms of throughput in content processing and for the user. Users often prefer to ask someone or just use what appears in the top of a search results list.

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Coveo Expresso Breaks New Ground in Information Access

November 9, 2009

Coveo, a leading provider of enterprise search technology and information access solutions, recently unveiled a free, entry-level enterprise search solution, Coveo Expresso™ Beta.  Coveo’s new solution places the power of enterprise information access in the hands of employees everywhere, at no cost, for up to 50 users. The free version of the Expresso content processing system can index one million one million desktop files and email items as well as 100,000 Intranet documents.  Licenses can be expanded at minimal cost to as many as 250 users, five million desktop files and email items, and one  million SharePoint and File share documents, just by typing a new access code. Administrators simply add new email accounts and SharePoint or file share documents within the intuitive administrative interface. Coveo Expresso is available for immediate download at www.coveo.com/expresso.

Laurent Simoneau, President and CEO, told Beyond Search:

Although enterprise search solutions have been available for nearly a decade, most are built on legacy systems that are difficult to implement and have not lived up to the promise of intuitive, secure and comprehensive information access across information silos. We want to re-educate businesses about the ease and simplicity with which enterprise search should work, as our customers can attest. Coveo Expresso does that—and takes enterprise search one step further with ubiquitous access interfaces such as the Coveo Outlook Sidebar or the desktop floating search bar, which provide guided, faceted search where employees ‘live’—in their email interface or on their PC/laptop. We’ve been testing this feature for a number of months with our current customers and have found it to be one of the biggest boosts to productivity for all employees, regardless of their roles.


The free download features a number of Coveo innovations, including:

  • Cross-enterprise Email Search, for 50 email accounts, including PST files and attachments, on desktops and in servers for up to 1 million total items.
  • The Coveo Outlook Sidebar, the industry’s first true enterprise search Outlook plug-in, which provides sophisticated features such as conversation folding, related conversations, related people, related attachments, and the ability to search any indexed content without leaving Outlook, as well as the ability to launch advanced search with guided navigation through search facets.
  • The Coveo Desktop Floating Search bar, enabling guided searches without leaving the program in which the user is working.
  • Enterprise Desktop Search, including always-on indexing for 50 PCs/laptops.
  • Mobile access via BlackBerries for 50 users.

The Espresso Interface

Search results appear in a clean, well-organized panel display.


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Differentiation: The New Enterprise Search Barrier

October 30, 2009

I don’t know one tree from another. When someone points out a maple and remarks that it is a sugar maple, I have no clue about a maple and even less information about a sugar maple. A lack of factual foundation means that I know nothing about trees. Sure, I know that most trees are green and that I can cut one down and burn it. But I don’t own a chain saw, so that general information means zero in the real world.

Now consider the clueless minions who have to purchase an enterprise search system. The difference between my tree knowledge and their search knowledge is easy to point out. Both of us are likely to become confused. To me, trees look alive. To the search procurement team, search systems look alike.

I received an announcement about a search system (nameless, of course) which asserted:

[The vendor’s product] is the first mobile enterprise search server to enable secure ‘anywhere’ access to data that resides across all information sources, including individual desktops, email stores, file shares, external sites and enterprise applications. Leveraging the [vendor’s product] Enterprise Server as its backbone, [the vendor’s product] Anywhere is capable of delivering secure, immediate access to any browser-enabled device, from an iPhone to a Blackberry and beyond.

I find that this write up is * very * similar to the Coveo email search solution, which has one of its features as mobile access plus a number of other bells and whistles.

I can document many other similarities in the way in which search vendors describe their products. In fact, I identified a phrase first used by Endeca in 2003 or 2004 as a key element in Microsoft’s marketing of its SharePoint search systems. My recollection is the phrase in question is “user experience.” Endeca may have snagged it somewhere just as Mozart plucked notes from his contemporaries.

Confusion among search vendors is easy. Many recycle words, phrases, and buzzwords, hoping that their spin will win customers. One thing is certain. Vendors have the azure chip consultants in a tizzy. One prominent azure chip outfit in New York has pegged Google a laggard and a product that has yet to make its appearance as a leader.

Procurement teams? Baffled for sure. Differentiation is needed, but it doesn’t come by recycling another vendor’s marketing collateral or relying on the azure chip crowd to cook up a new phrase to baffle the paying customers, or some of the paying customers.

Vendors, differentiate. Don’t imitate.

Stephen Arnold, October 30, 2009

A former Ziffer bought me dinner this week. Does that count as compensation? I deserve more.

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