Google Gets You To The Train On Time

March 20, 2008

Google has signed up New Jersey Transit’s public transportation system, which will use the Google Transit routing system to provide trip planning and coordination for commuters.

Google Maps is integrated with NJ TRANSIT’s website linking commuters with the transportation system’s 164 rail and 60 light rail stations; each station displays its own information page showing nearby retail locations like restaurants and dry cleaners.

“For visitors to the region or the occasional rider who is less familiar with New Jersey’s public transportation options it gives them a starting point for learning about NJ TRANSIT and is a key too for attracting new riders to our system,” said Kenneth Pringle, a board member of the transportation system, in a statement. NJ TRANSIT is the largest statewide public transportation system in the U.S.

Google has signed up more than 30 transportation systems to use its trip planning system.


One Response to “Google Gets You To The Train On Time”

  1. Buck Teeth : on October 27th, 2010 1:23 pm

    always choose dry cleaners that uses organic based cleaning agents and detergent to help the environment*.’

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