SharePoint Complexity

December 29, 2008

CIO Magazine has a white paper or report called “SharePoint.” You can start the tedious process of getting a copy here. I jumped through the hoops and was rewarded with a 19 page PDF. If you are one of the dilettantes who thinks SharePoint search is simple, you will be hard pressed to accept this report. “Better but More Complex” by Christine Casatelli makes one point again and again; namely, complexity. I must admit I wasn’t sure who wrote what in this white paper, but I came away with a sense that the authors did not fall for that “simple and easy” pitch for SharePoint that some wacky consultants are pitching. The five tips (page 5 and following) are pragmatic, but the authors don’t point out the time and effort required to verify metadata and permissions.

Stephen Arnold, December 29, 2008


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