Google Non US Initiatives Presage Future

July 7, 2009

Short honk: The Google real estate service in Australia is important. The service goes beyond the Google Base listings and the experimental results that appeared a year or so ago. The bigger news is the impending UK health deal. This enhancement of Google’s tactics is significant. More coming where the legal eagles flap less enthusiastically. Does this mean the US gets Google services later? Is Google preparing for a world in which the US plays a lesser role? I am contemplating these and other questions. Change is in the wind.

Stephen Arnold, July 7, 2009


One Response to “Google Non US Initiatives Presage Future”

  1. Online on Vacation with the Entire Family | Penang Travel Tips on July 11th, 2009 3:45 am

    […] Google Non US Initiatives Presage Future ( […]

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