The UK Guardian Shares Its Facebook Love

April 27, 2010

In general, I agree with the Guardian’s “Why Facebook’s Open Graph Idea Must Be Taken Seriously.” The Guardian sees Facebook as “the new Google.” The write up adds:

The sheer scale of Facebook and the extra ease with which its vast number of users can spread links, applications, bits of videos and snippets of news across all manner of digital platforms is, in one sense, awe-inspiring, but on the other hand raises a whole new set of issues to grapple with. To completely spurn out of hand the incredible reach this platform could offer would simply be madness, at a time when finding a relevant audience for news and other content is the biggest challenge. But to hand over all of this activity wholesale to Facebook suggests that within five minutes there will be another head-scratching session as media executives hunt for the teaspoons from the family silver Google left behind.

My view is that Google has been driven by the spirit of a math club. Facebook is different. There is the math club element in the form of former Xooglers who labor in the Facebook vineyards. But there is a different mix of insight, brilliance, and approach in Facebook. A new Google does not mean that the problems exposed by the Google system will go away. New problems and opportunities will “layer up.” Excitement ahead.

Stephen E Arnold, April 27, 2010

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