Autonomy Summary Appears Online

May 24, 2010

Last week I fielded a question from a coding wizard. The question was about a specific Autonomy “service”. I sent along a few items from my Overflight file on the company. I came across a blog post that may be useful to others who have questions about the Cambridge, UK-based firm. And, let’s face it. With azure chip consultants recycling information in their for fee reports from various public information sources like this blog, why not go for some free stuff yourself. Leave the azure chip crowd to their “simplification” of the notion of what’s right among “real” boys and girls.

You can get a useful write up in Disastertools, a post on HitekHelp. Forget the title, and scroll down to the comments section. You will see that some text is chopped off, which is a problem that bedevils the addled goose. The fix is to copy the text and paste it in a word processing support. You will be good to go. And if you are one of the “simplifiers”, you too can edit the write up and sell it for several thousand dollars. PT Barnum’s spirit is alive and well in my opinion.

I scanned the write up and thought it was useful. Some of the prose reminded me of Autonomy’s own prose, but with blog posts and comments, I have given up trying to figure out who wrote what for whom. Maybe that’s why the Associated Content outfit sold for $90 million and bylined Business Week went for a fraction of that amount.


Stephen E Arnold, May 24, 2010

Freebie. Wait. Someone from Autonomy was nice to me a couple of years ago. Does that count, dear regulator?


One Response to “Autonomy Summary Appears Online”

  1. nansyeartho on February 18th, 2011 11:22 pm

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