Does Audience Size Matter in Digital Media?

December 27, 2010

CBS Audience Five Times Bigger Than Facebook” reports that despite the social network’s internet dominance, that plain old ordinary television still has a much wider viewership.  My favorite snippet from the article: “If Facebook was measured as a TV network, it would be comparable in size to PBS. PBS? Yes.”

But don’t relegate FB to the margins just yet.  PBS, and CBS, and even ABC and HBO do not have the targeting that social networking does.  Television ads are still passive, business to customer one-way interactions that DVRs have started to make obsolete.  Even product placement within shows is still throwing it at the wall and seeing what sticks.  Facebook, on the other hand, is built around targeted ads and interactions that pull rather than push.  Facebook is hipper, sleeker, and infinitely more personalized than television.  Five times bigger, sure.  Five times more successful?  No way.

Alice Wasielewski, December 27, 2010



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