IBM Watson in Health Care

September 12, 2011

Quote to note: A keeper. Navigate to the PR festival in “IBM Putting Watson to Work in Health Insurance.” The main idea, if I understood the write up, is that fresh from the game show win, IBM Watson is going to help diagnose illnesses. The stakes may be a trifle higher than a staged TV show’s, but I suspended disbelief when reading the story. With news about the US government cracking down on  health care fraud starting to appear in “real” media, I tagged a quote to note. Here you go. The alleged author of the statement is Lori Beer, an executive vice president at Indianapolis-based WellPoint. This outfit is paying IBM for the Watson search elixir. She allegedly said:

It’s really a game-changer in health care…patients needn’t worry that Watson will be used to help insurers deny benefits.

Sounds fantastic. Now the goose will watch the hands of time move forward to see if the health care “game” is changed and it fraud investigators really ignore a technology that could save the US government billions of dollars in erroneous or fraudulent payments.

I am punching the button on my cheap iPad app which counts down. Plonk.

Stephen E Arnold, September 12, 2011

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