Google Offers Free Web Sites for New York Businesses

November 24, 2011

Search Engine Watch reported this week on website services in the article “Websites are Now Free For New York Businesses.”

According to the article, as a way to promote Google’s services to New York businesses, Google is now offering free websites as part of a deal they have made with the website building firm Intuit to get more local businesses online. In conjunction with the new product, Google is also holding events throughout the state to provide people with information about online marketing.

Google’s Website states:

“Small businesses are vital to America’s economic future; the nation’s 27.5M small businesses comprise half the US GDP and create two-thirds of all new jobs. While 97% of Americans look online for local products and services, 52% of New York small businesses do not have a website. That’s a lot of small businesses that are virtually invisible to potential customers looking online.”

Since web hosting and domain names are cheap as it is, Google can make more money from selling ad space on these free websites. Both Google and small businesses can increase their profits through this deal. Sounds like a win-win to me.

Jasmine Ashton, December 1, 2011

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