Google Glass and Augmented Reality, Striving for a Place in Effective Marketing

November 11, 2013

The article on ClickZ titled Alice Through the Looking Glass: Augmented Reality in the Real World introduces a new discipline that involves capturing vision behavior. The author cites both Google Glass and Qualcomm Vuforia as technologies capable of Augmented Reality (AR). They are capable of capturing the user’s vision and as a result, of improving his or her engagement. The article explains,

“Like Alice Through The Looking Glass, we become visitors navigating through the real AR world, which is not unlike charting visitor conversion paths in a website from the home page to the checkout confirmation page. The basic idea of augmented reality is to superimpose graphics, audio and other sensory enhancements over a real-world environment in real-time.”

How is this useful in business? The author explains his testing and research with a thorough example, following a user of AR through a store, seeing what they spend time looking at, (the longer they look, the higher their engagement levels) and then perhaps offering discount at checkout for sharing the image of the product they are purchasing. The research has been effective in real-world usage of AR, citing sporting goods purchases, movie tickets sold, and games purchased. It is easy to see how this technology might be a very powerful resource for marketing through the customer, but what has yet to be explained it how one might search the data being compiled.

Chelsea Kerwin, November 11, 2013

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One Response to “Google Glass and Augmented Reality, Striving for a Place in Effective Marketing”

  1. Arpa Solutions on November 11th, 2013 12:55 pm

    ARPA SOLUTIONS, we are a global pioneer company developing Augmented Reality products and applications. Our new Augmented Reality Techonology, ArpaSDK 2.0 with imag detection, recognition & tracking algorithm improved, is an easy and friendly tool for developers to create amazing AR projects.

    Develop your own AR apps for GoogleGlass with our ArpaGlassSDK. Arpa Solutions is the first Augmented Reality company providing GoogleGlass AR SDK via ArpaGlassSDK. Browse your world using the power of ARPA AR Platform for Glass.

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