A Search Engine for Similar Web Sites

April 2, 2014

How many times have you searched Google or DuckDuckGo and wanted to find a Web site similar to one you had already found? Instead of sifting through the search results, a new startup in Berlin has come up with a new and useful concept. Called Similarsitecheck, the startup is a free search engine that that finds similar and related Web sites.

Similarsitecheck works by:

“In order to find similar websites for a given domain Similarsitecheck analyzes the entire content as well as external links for the webpage. During the analysis we collect the most important keywords and phrases for a webpage. To actually calculate the alternative websites we search for the found keywords and phrases in our database, compare the sites and get a similarity score for the domains.”

After doing a practice search with www.att.com, we were given alternative phone and Internet companies, including local att.com providers. When we searched for www.ArnoldIT.com, the results were cluttered with Web sites that were similar in theme, but not legitimate. The algorithm needs more tweaking, but the idea is sound.

Whitney Grace, April 02, 2014
Sponsored by ArnoldIT.com, developer of Augmentext


4 Responses to “A Search Engine for Similar Web Sites”

  1. Dancing, Predicting, Oregon, More: Saturday Morning Buzz, April 5, 2014 | ResearchBuzz on April 5th, 2014 10:11 am

    […] Search has a quick writeup on Similarsitecheck, which — guess! — lets you look for similar […]

  2. Vyasamoorthy on April 5th, 2014 11:20 pm

    http://www.moreofit.com is similar to this new entrant. I found moreofit useful.

  3. Finding similar sites | Web Search Guide and Internet News on April 7th, 2014 3:00 am

    […] A Search Engine for Similar Web Sites by Whitney Grace, Beyond Search (April 2) […]

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