It Is Official: Meatmeats Are a Thing

February 16, 2022

Many poobahs have hopped on the Meat — sorry, I meant — Meta outfit’s new lingo. My addled brain perceives Metamates as “meatmeats.” If you want the verbiage rendered, you will find some half cooked explanations in the Jeff Bezos-related real news outlet’s story “Move Fast, Rename Things: Facebook Tries to Boost Morale with New Slogans.” You will have to pay to view the story, possibly to foot the bill for removing future eggs from the big boat which is attracting some attention in Rotterdam.

The article states that the chief Zuck stated or put on a PowerPoint slide:

Employees would be expected to first prioritize Meta, followed by a person’s team (metamates), followed by the individual (me). He said that the company’s corporate values would be “Live in the future” and “Be direct and respect your colleagues,” according to three people familiar with the meeting who spoke on the condition of anonymity to  describe internal matters. It was previously “Be open.”

Okay, the Facebook is for me the Zuckbook. The company engages in assorted Zuckery. But right after I dyslexia-ized “metamates” into meatmeats, I thought of the poem “Lessons of War” by Henry Reed. I will not bore you with the Latin and jump to this snippet of the poem:

And this you can see is the bolt. The purpose of this
Is to open the breech, as you see. We can slide it
Rapidly backwards and forwards: we call this
Easing the spring. And rapidly backwards and forwards
The early bees are assaulting and fumbling the flowers:
          They call it easing the Spring. (Source:

Yep, activities and words meaningless to some and bees zucking around, meatmeats. Can Madison Avenue, MBA, and Silicon Valley channeled wordage change the company once known as Facebook? Sure, just like search is only a click away.

Stephen E Arnold, February 16, 2022


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