New KnowledgeLake Capture Features Announced

November 14, 2012

KnowledgeLake, Inc., headquartered in St. Louis, develops document imaging related products and solutions for Microsoft SharePoint. In the press release, “KnowledgeLake Continues to Advance the Capabilities of Capture Solution for Microsoft SharePoint,” some new KnowledgeLake capabilities are announced. The author states:

Tightly integrated with Microsoft SharePoint, KnowledgeLake Capture enables end users to easily scan and index documents and store them in the appropriate SharePoint repository. A few of the new developments added to the robust solution include the ability to scan and index documents faster, scan multiple batches at a time, added language support and advances to prioritization functionality.

This is also added about Capture capabilities:

Capture’s sophisticated Batch Processing and Monitoring, allow for multiple documents of many different types to be scanned, viewed and indexed efficiently.

It seems like KnowledgeLake is making a few strides in SharePoint solution development. But when it comes to extending SharePoint capabilities, you may want to consider industry leaders, like Mindbreeze, that provide more than just SharePoint tailored services and have already been offering robust document indexing capabilities. Fabasoft Mindbreeze provides comprehensive access to business knowledge for everyone on the team and is backed by a customer focused support team that shares your purpose. The Microsoft SharePoint and Exchange Connectors facilitate comprehensive incorporation of all your electronic data repositories.

Philip West, November 14, 2012

Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext

Monitor in Austria Adds Mindbreeze InSite for Improved Web Site Search

November 13, 2012 is Austria’s IT guide for small and medium sized businesses, whether looking to stay in the loop on IT happenings or advance their business with more efficient and effective usage of information technology. The company recently added a new feature to their Web site: Mindbreeze InSite. Details of’s usage of InSite can be read in, “ uses Mindbreeze InSite.” The new feature is explained:

With just one search inquiry website visitors receive all relevant information from the site, clearly structured using search tabs. Results can be further refined using facets so that the right information can be found in a matter of seconds.

The content of the page ‘Top-Themen’ (top topics) as well as the associated overview pages are automatically created by InSite – without any manual effort by the web editors. This service is enabled by Mindbreeze’s information pairing technology.

In addition, pre-defined search queries set the parameters for the content. This means that Mindbreeze is constantly checking contents and updates the landing pages automatically. A powerful Web site search can help drive traffic to your site and increase the number of revisits to your pages. InSite is a fast and intuitive search feature that is powered by information pairing technology. And with no install required, the self-service solution can save you time and resources.

Philip West, November 13, 2012

Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext.

Innovative Information Delivery Technologies Separate Slow Companies from Extraordinary Ones

November 12, 2012

The rise of the Internet and the World Wide Web in the 1990s set the world on fire with new innovations and an ensuing economic boost. Now, former Dun & Bradstreet CIO Walt Hauck tells CIO that we are experiencing a similar phenomenon with big data. Dun & Bradstreet has been in the business of data for some time, and Hauck’s perspective and insight from his history with this company is revealed in the article, “How Big Data Will Separate Haves from Have-Nots.”

A few key forces are driving the consumption and analysis of big data. One discussed in the article is how it relates to customer service and efficiency.

In the interview, Hauck stated:

Big data will put the expectation of instantaneous feedback and reaction into hyper-drive. Those that embrace this change, and the velocity of it, will be the winners. ‘Amazon is the exception to the rule today, Hauck says, but we’re not far from companies being described as “slow” and “dumb” if they aren’t monitoring customers in real time. It’s going to separate the ‘haves’ and the ‘have-nots,’ much like…brick-and-mortar vs. Internet shops. Big data is going to create that kind of divide.’

When a company has near real-time data immediately available to analysts, customer service representatives and executives, there is no stopping the efficient and maybe even ground-breaking decisions they can make. Solutions such as Information at Work from PolySpot serve as a great example of the kind of information delivery technologies necessary for these insights.

Megan Feil, November 12, 2012

Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext.


Concept Searching Announces Product Compliance with Office 365

November 12, 2012

Concept Searching was founded in 2002 and provides conceptual metadata generation, auto-classification, and powerful taxonomy management from the desktop to the enterprise software. The company recently announced their conceptClassifier product is now available for all Office 365 products. Details of the announcement can be read in, “conceptClassifier for SharePoint Available for Microsoft Office 365.” The announcement is explained:

Prior to this announcement, Office 365 clients have only ever had the ability to tag and classify content to the term store manually, which is at best inconsistent and rarely occurs at all. This has been the biggest barrier to enterprise account adoption. This has in part been due to a number of inherent technical issues that had to be overcome to deploy the solution, including real time synchronization with the term store, a key feature Concept Searching was first to market with for SharePoint 2010.

Martin Garland, President of Concept Searching, adds that this makes Microsoft Office 365 truly enterprise ready. If you are looking for an enterprise search platform with SharePoint connectors, you may want to consider a company that has already been offering and improving on Microsoft and SharePoint capabilities. Fabasoft Mindbreeze offers optimum search and information access capabilities with a full suite of connectors, including SharePoint and Exchange as well as IBM Lotus, RSS/Atom, and more.

Philip West, November 12, 2012

Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext.

IntelTrax Summary: November 2 to November 8

November 12, 2012

This week the IntelTrax advanced intelligence blog published some excellent article summaries regarding big data’s growing impact on the globalized workplace.

Big Data Talent Pool Grows” explains how job seekers are embracing the big data analytics profession due to the fact that it welcomes new talent.

The article states:

“The just-released InformationWeek 2012 State of IT Staffing Survey reveals that 40% of those who cite big data and analytics as a top hiring priority say they’ll increase staffing in these areas by 11% or more during the next two years. At the same time, 53% of these companies say it will be hard to find big-data-savvy analytics experts. Respondents expect to try a mix of retraining of existing people, hiring of new employees and contracting of consultants and temporary employees to fill the gap.

Practitioners, vendors, and educators we spoke to for our Big Data IT Staffing report offer seven tips for finding the right talent.”

The article, “The Healthcare Analytics Trickle Down” shows how the pairing of healthcare and data analytics is starting to pay off for many companies and its starting to trickle down.

The article states:

“If you’re old enough to remember the Reagan administration, you remember the politically charged expression “trickle-down economics,” which referred to the theory that if you provide benefits and incentives to businesses and the wealthy, those benefits would trickle down to wage earners at lower socioeconomic levels.

In some ways, big data analytics is like trickle-down economics. Only the biggest healthcare providers with the deepest pockets can afford the kind of analytics platforms required to get useful intelligence from tens of thousands of patient records. But in theory, those benefits will trickle down to smaller providers that either don’t have the financial support or the large patient populations to do this type of data crunching on their own.”

We all knew that big data was something worth investing in, but save the world? that seems to be a little bit much. “50 Ways Big Data Can Save the World” showcases the new startup Bidgely, which aims to turn every appliance in your home into a data scientist, providing you with real time results on your energy usage.

The article states:

“Utilities worldwide are installing smart meters on homes and businesses, which means there could be as much as 50 terabytes of energy data that can emerge from a million or so homes in a year. The problem has been that there haven’t been very many ways to make good use of all this data to benefit the average consumer. But a startup called Bidgely, which raised a series A round from Khosla Ventures, says it has created algorithms that can dig into real-time smart meter energy-consumption data, can reduce consumers’ home energy use by between 4 percent to 12 percent, and can also deliver other beneficial home services to consumers.”

Whether you are looking to utilize big data to protect the environment, save lives, or boost business for your company, there are solutions available that can be very beneficial. Thanks to companies like Digital Reasoning, this technology is more affordable, accessible and customizable than ever.

Jasmine Ashton, November 12, 2012

Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext


Mindbreeze InSite Announces Screen Reader Accessibility Feature

November 9, 2012

Mindbreeze InSite recently announced added capabilities and features to the search system to make it more accessible for people with disabilities. In the announcement, “Mindbreeze InSite Search Accessible,” Fabasoft highlights that they are working to make all products more accessible in parallel, rather than making long-term promises and working on each product successively. The new accessibility features are explained:

Use the functionality of your screen reader to find the entry field with the label “Search”. If your screen reader has shortcuts for landmarks, you can enter the region “Search” and focus the search field by pressing the TAB key. Enter the search term here and start the search by pressing the ENTER key. If the search is successful, an accessible results list is displayed. The focus is initially set on the title ‘Search Results.’

Steps for navigating search results and resuming a search after an error message using a screen reader are also included in the article. Mindbreeze InSite seems to really understand how to add features and capabilities to increase not only search, but also information access for users. With intuitive search facets and increased access capabilities, Fabasoft Mindbreeze InSite can really boost a user’s Web site experience.

Philip West, November 9, 2012

Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext.

Enterprise Software Solutions Enable Technologies to Deliver Information

November 8, 2012

The author of a recent ZDNet article, “Reality Check: Big Data BS” is not the first to call out the marketers and media mongers who are going nuts over the buzz surrounding big data. It could be argued, according to this source, that big data as a concept is nothing new.

This particular article brings in reinforcement in the form of other blogs and posts related to the idea that big data use cases have been around for quite some time now. Projects in the past may not have always been labeled as ‘big data’ but that doesn’t stop them from fitting the bill as such.

The article states:

As I think about this topic I cannot help but go back to the Harrahs case study from ten plus years ago where CEO Gary Loveman applied his understanding of customer loyalty, developed during his tenure at MIT Sloane to the rejuvenation of a tired gaming hall and turned it into a gaming powerhouse. He understood the value of blended real time data coming from multiple sources. More important, he understood that data has to be actionable, business models have to be refined and processes need recasting to reflect the new information and what it is revealing.

Creating and working with actionable and usable data is no longer a challenge for many businesses – rather it does not have to be a challenge anymore. Many information management software solutions, such as PolySpot, enable the technologies to deliver information and users are simply left with making the decisions.

Megan Feil, November 8, 2012

Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext.

The Cloud is the Focus of Microsoft Office and Server Products

November 8, 2012

Cloud service capabilities are a major emphasis in the suite of coming Microsoft products, including Office 2013, Exchange, Lync server products, and SharePoint. In “Microsoft’s Wave of Office, Server Product Releases Brings Flood of Questions,” Jonathan Hassell discusses the newest Microsoft release of products and poses some questions about what to expect.

Hassell has this to say on Cloud incorporation:

Dependency on the cloud should not shock you: Hopefully you have been paying attention to Microsoft’s conversations with you about being “all in” with the cloud. Just look at Office for a prime example: For the first time, Office licenses will be sold by subscription directly to consumers; they will download, install and manage it all from

He adds this about SharePoint changes:

By default, SharePoint 2013 runs newly created workflow services on Windows Azure, and you have to install the old Windows Workflow engine on SharePoint 2013 instances in order to run previously used workflows.

The author also warns that if your company has not embraced the cloud yet, you may want to get in the game because it is no doubt the dominating feature in the next wave. Hassell’s article is worth a look for some valid questions to pose your IT team as you ready for the changes.

If you’re weighing enterprise search applications for your existing SharePoint investments, you may also want to look up Mindbreeze. Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise gains each employee two weeks per year through focused finding of data, a competitive business advantage and added bonus to employee satisfaction. With SharePoint connectors, the Mindbreeze solution seamlessly integrates into your system and gives users the ability to be well informed, quickly and efficiently.

Philip West, November 8, 2012

Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext.

PolySpot Adds In Connector to Social Technology Giant Blue Kiwi

November 7, 2012

Productivity is the name of the game for enterprise infrastructure software vendor PolySpot. Now, they
have added in another connector to their list spanning over 100. The article “The Blue Kiwi Connector for
PolySpot is Ready!” tells us more about this forward-thinking move.

Since BlueKiwi is Europe’s largest cloud based enterprise social software solution, it was a no-brainer for
PolySpot to develop a connector and add it to their library.

The author states in his post on the subject:

“But beyond collaboration and co-creation, what good is creating, or co-creating information if the fruit of
the collective intelligence of employees can not be quickly found? Thus, to offer the use of our converging
technologies, the R&D department at PolySpot has developed a BlueKiwi connector for PolySpot. With
BlueKiwi and PolySpot, employees would enjoy a productive environment, strengthening collaborative and
social innovation, expertise finding and sharing.”

What is productivity without social? This is the question users do not have to learn the hard way that social
technologies do in fact fuel productivity. Thanks to PolySpot’s Information At Work, the social power of
BlueKiwi is now a part of the picture.

Megan Feil, November 7, 2012

Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext.


Fabasoft Mindbreeze InSite for an Intuitive Web Site Search

November 7, 2012

Ensuring that Web site users find the right content on a site the first time is an imperative way to gain and retain site visitors and customers. Mindbreeze InSite makes it easy to know customers are finding what they need. In “Mindbreeze InSite: The First Steps,” Iris Fallmann explains the simple process of setting up InSite on your site.

With no install required, it only takes a few minutes to tailor the search solution to fit your needs. The first step is to register, which simply requires a name, email address, and the URL of the site to be indexed. You’ll receive a demo page to try the search and find feature. Fallman explains how to then create views:

You can create search tabs quickly and easily on your demo page. In the first tab the results from all data are displayed. To refine the search, just enter the searched word into the search field. All the results are displayed. If these results should now be displayed in a separate tab, you just have to click on the ‘plus’ symbol next to the existing search tab, enter a name for the new tab and click on ‘add search tab.’

When a tab is added, all the results for the topic are then displayed under the search tab and a new search only searches in restricted data. The friendly user interface makes it simple to get up and running. Setting up, facets, information pairing, and embedding InSite are also explained in the brief how-to. It may be worth it to check out the 28 day free trial offer.

Philip West, November 7, 2012

Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext.

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