Palantir Technologies: A Very Unusual Emission from a Specialized Services Firm

May 26, 2020

The PR battle among the firms providing specialized services to law enforcement and intelligence entities has taken an unusual turn. If you send email to an outfit like BlackDot, you will probably be ignored. The same non response holds true for the vast majority of firms delivering solutions that put bad actors at a disadvantage. Sure, there are less low profile uses of these technologies, but applications like eDiscovery do not capture the attention of the real media.

DarkCyber spotted “Our Product Is Used on Occasion to Kill People’: Palantir’s CEO Claims Its Tech Is Used to Target and Kill Terrorists.” DarkCyber has noted that NSO Group has found itself in the PR spotlight due to allegations from Facebook and assertions about an NSO professional using the firm’s system for personal activities. But the “kill people” thing is sure to catch the attention of the hundreds of specialized service firms’ attention.


What’s even more interest catching is that one of the senior managers of Palantir Technologies serves as a member of the Axel Springer shareholder committee. What’s an Axel Springer? The company owns Business Insider, the “real news” outfit which reported Mr. Karp’s rather intriguing statement about a use case for Gotham and other Palantir modules.

The story also provides a link to a video from an outfit called Axios, presumably to buttress the “true fact” of Mr. Karp’s statement.

For a low profile outfit to offer this alleged admission about software’s link to termination with extreme prejudice may have some downstream consequences. With low profile companies like Shadowdragon publicizing its system on Twitter, will PR become the go-to marketing method in the future?

Making sales is one thing, but some government customers are wary of specialized services vendors who hum the 1960s song “Talk Too Much.” Some licensees can consult the “seeing stone” or just hit Philz and listen for some Palantirian chatter.

Stephen E Arnold, May 26, 2020

Banjo: Pressured into Playing a Sad Tune

May 1, 2020

DarkCyber has noted NSO Group’s PR challenge. That low profile provider of policeware is tangled in litigation with Facebook. Years ago Geofeedia made headlines and never quite bounced back.

Policeware and intelware vendors traditionally have operated with a low profile. Most of the vendors offer a “contact” option, but the vendors respond only if the person wanting contact is a “legitimate” actor.

Banjo was no different. Two inquiries DarkCyber made were ignored. Now information about Banjo is plentiful. Deseret News reports that Banjo has ceased operations. The New York Post (hardly a bellwether for the policeware/intelware sector) reports “Banjo App CEO Damien Patton Reportedly Has KKK Past, Helped in Synagogue Shooting”. This article recycles the original report from Medium on April 28, 2020. Even the “real news” outfit Boing Boing jumped on the story.

What’s interesting is that SoftBank invested $100 million in the Banjo outfit. Its due diligence failed to make a connection between Mr. Patton’s past and his role as a policeware/intelware startup. Did SoftBank rely on the same professionals which assisted Hewlett Packard in its assessment of Autonomy?

Several observations:

  1. PR can have a major impact on a policeware/intelware vendor. This is an important point because dozens of specialist vendors primarily chasing LE and intel contracts are doing more marketing. Is Madison Avenue the right street to take.
  2. SoftBank has to figure out what to do with Banjo. DarkCyber assumes that other investors will be doing some thinking as well. Is there a way forward for the company.
  3. The “reason” for missing the bus with regard to Mr. Patton’s biography is a misspelling. That’s quite an interesting assertion. Shouldn’t an investigator, analyst, or researcher note that court documents still have Mr. Patton’s last name spelled correctly. Is “good enough” research the new normal?

Net net: There is good PR and bad PR. Which category does the tale of the misspelling tell?

Stephen E Arnold, May 1, 2020

Policeware and Intelware: Change Underway, Pushback Likely

April 29, 2020

Law enforcement and intelligence are tricky subjects. For decades, the work of government employees and the specialized firms supporting sensitive operations have worked to stay out of the headlines. The spotlight was for rock stars and movie icons, not for investigators, security, and intelligence professionals.

Most of the companies in what I call the policeware and intelware markets have to and prefer to work with people who have been in their foxhole. The result has been the equivalent of a stealth market sector. The clients — traditionally government agencies — like the low profile approach as well. Many of the activities of these professionals and the firms supporting their operations are in a position of considerable risk.

But that seems to be changing. Recent examples include:

Cellebrite’s Covid campaign. The idea is that specialized mobile phone analysis tools can assist with the pandemic. You can read about this in “Cellebrite Pitching iPhone Hacking Tools As a Way to Stop COVID-19.”

A lone wolf employee. You can learn that the NSO Group finds itself in the middle of another PR issue. You can read about this challenge in “NSO Employee Abused Phone Hacking Tech to Target a Love Interest.”

A little known past of a high profile innovator. The somewhat unusual company Banjo finds itself in the spotlight over the allegations made about the firm’s founder. You can read about this in “CEO of Surveillance Firm Banjo Once Helped KKK Leader Shoot Up a Synagogue.”

These examples — if accurate and verifiable — suggest that Silicon Valley attitudes have penetrated the developers of policeware and intelware.

The majority of the companies providing specialized services are probably operating in a reasonably responsible way. Today policeware and intelware have become a multi billion dollar a year market. Most people will never encounter outfits with names like Elbit, Gamma or iCarbon X, and hundreds of others.

The fact is that the behaviors of a small number of companies is causing the policeware and intelware vendors to become the stuff of the talking heads on televised news programs, the launch pad for tweets and blog posts, and a source of embarrassment for the government entities relying on these companies and their products.

What troubles DarkCyber is that an increasing number of vendors of specialized services have realized that many government functions cannot operate without their expertise, products, and engineering. Consequently, what I call “high school science club management” has pushed aside the traditional methods of generating revenue.

Now policeware and intelware vendors offer podcasts, assuming that investigators and intelligence professionals have the time and interest to listen to marketing information about the latest and greatest in graph generation, analytics, and visualization.

There are experts who want to build their own book and training businesses. In the last three days, I have received a half dozen email blandishments to attend this free webinar or download that list of OSINT tools.

What’s next?

Google online advertising to get me to license Blackdot, Qwarie, and Vesper technology?

Here’s the problem:

There are too many companies chasing available policeware and intelware dollars. Established vendors capture the significant projects; for example, Darpa awarded a hefty machine learning contract to BAE Systems, one of the go-to vendors of advanced technology to defense, law enforcement, and intelligence entities.

But every dominant vendor like BAE Systems, there are dozens, if not hundreds, of smaller firms vying to contract. These smaller firms usually work within the procedures which began taking shape in World War II, largely influenced by countries like Britain and several others.

The new companies appear to support the Facebook- and Google-type approach to business. From move fast and break things to digital misdirection, the approach to generating revenue from LE and intel related products and services is shifting. Forget the low profile, off the radar approach. Today it is big trade show booths, podcasts, videos, webinars, and increasingly Madison Avenue style marketing.

Not surprisingly, the three examples cited in this essay are quite different. Cellebrite is virtue signaling. NSO Group is struggling with a lone wolf action. Banjo is dealing with a founder’s youthful dalliance with distasteful activities.

It is indeed risky to generalize. Nevertheless, something is happening within the policeware and intelware market sector. I cannot recall a cluster of news events about LE and intel service providers which startle and surprise in a triple tap moment.

Is there a fix? I want to be positive. Other firms in this sector have an opportunity to assess what their staff are doing with products and services of a quite special nature. Like the nuclear industry, great management effort is needed on an ongoing basis to ensure that secrets remain secret.

The nuclear industry may not be perfect. But at this moment in time, policeware and intelware vendors may want to examine the hiring, management, and institutional approaches in use for decades.

Regulation may be useful, but policeware and intelware is a global activity. Self-control, ethical behavior, and tight management controls are necessary. Easy to say but tough to do because of the revenue pressure many of these vendors face. Plus, outsourcing means that government agencies often cannot do their work without third party support. There is a weird symbiosis visible today: Funding sources, technologists, enforcement officers, procurement professionals, and managers with an MBA.

Bad actors love these revelations. Each item of information that reveals capabilities, weaknesses, and methodologies helps those who would undertake criminal or deleterious activities.

Unless the vendors themselves button up, the unmentionables will be exposed and flap in the wind.

Stephen E Arnold, April 29, 2020

Facebook Chokes NSO Group: Will NSO Group Tap Out?

April 27, 2020

Facebook has become a digital world unto itself. From the insouciance demonstrated during the Cambridge Analytica matter to the cheerful attempt to create a global currency, Facebook has was some might call digital schnorrer. Take data and do what’s necessary to get as much as possible for nothing. Pay for data? Nah. Testify so elder statesmen can understand? Nah. Make it easy for consumers to manage their free Facebook accounts? Nah.

These are fascinating characteristics of a social media company eager to bring people together. But the company has another characteristic, and it is one that certainly surprised the hapless researchers at DarkCyber.

Cyberscoop reported that the Facebook legal eagles are doubling down on the bet that they can squeeze the NSO Group. Is it for cash? Is it for power? Is it to make darned clear that Facebook is more powerful than a company which develops specialized software for government agencies? DarkCyber doesn’t know, but it is clear, if the information in “Facebook: NSO Group Used U.S.-Based Servers in Operations against WhatsApp” is accurate, Facebook is ready to rumble.

The write up states:

In court documents, Facebook-owned WhatsApp claims NSO Group used a server run by Los Angeles-based hosting provider QuadraNet “more than 700 times during the attack to direct NSO’s malware to WhatsApp user devices in April and May 2019.”

The article points out that:

The filing is a blow to NSO Group’s claims that its signature product, Pegasus, isn’t capable of running operations in the United States.

What’s remarkable is that the lawsuit has become increasingly high profile. Dust ups related to what DarkCyber calls intelware and third parties usually keep a lower profile. A good example is the efforts expended to keep the lid on the interesting litigation between Analyst’s Notebook and Palantir Technologies. This matter, if mentioned at a conference, evokes the question, “What? When?”

The Facebook NSO Group dispute is getting media traction. Cyberscoop includes the full 35 page document via link in its article.

DarkCyber’s view is:

  1. There are some ironic factors in Facebook’s pursuit of this matter; for example, allegedly Facebook wanted to license NSO Group’s Pegasus. Is Facebook a bride left at the alter?
  2. Is Facebook trying to deflect attention from its own data policies? ( It is helpful to keep in mind that Facebook has to pay $5 billion for its Cambridge Analytica adventure.)
  3. Facebook’s own behaviors have been troubling to some individuals due to its own privacy and data actions; for example, exposing friends of friends without oversight to Facebook partners.
  4. Facebook’s shift from the privacy procedures users assumed were in place to a more Wild West approach to data as the social media firm sought to expand its revenues and user base.

Intelware companies are not new, but they are small compared to today’s Facebook. Intelware companies are like some flowers which die in direct sunlight. A special climate controlled environment is necessary for survival.

Facebook may be waking up to the fact that certain government agencies want access to Facebook data. Specialized firms, not just NSO Group, have the ability to work around, under, and through whatever shields Facebook puts in place to keep Facebook data for Facebook. And when Facebook does play nice with government agencies, Facebook plays by its own rules and brings the ball and the referee to the game.

DarkCyber’s perception is that Facebook was and is offended by what it thinks NSO did or does. DarkCyber assumes that Facebook wants it own NSO Group-style capabilities and is defending itself in order to be the Facebook everyone knows and loves.

With the Facebook – NSO Group matter moving forward, the path each company, the lawyers, and possibly government officials will explore will be interesting to chart.

Plus who knows whether Facebook is fighting hard to protect its customers or fighting another battle.

Also, NSO Group may, like a WWE star, have a masked helper waiting in the wings eager to join the fray.

Stephen E Arnold, April 27, 2020

Palantir Technologies: Getting the NSO Treatment

April 24, 2020

Rupert Murdoch’s real news outfit published “Data Firm Palantir Saw Crisis Coming, Still Faces Pain.” If you want the online version, you will have to pay. The dead tree version of the story is on B5 of the April 22, 2020, edition of the WSJ which is sometimes delivered to me in rural Kentucky.

Enough about the real news outfit. I want to run down some of the assertions made about Palantir. Assertions, I wish to add, from anonymous sources or people close to the vendor of intelware, not verifiable sources.

I highlighted these factoids from the article:

First, Palantir does a lousy job of sharing its financial information. How does the Wall Street Journal get its revenue estimate from 2019? How does the WSJ know that $100 million in costs have be removed from the firm’s operating budget? Easy. People “close to the company” and two unnamed “investors.”

Second, Palantir is pulling back from its rumored initial public offering after the November elections. Palantir has pulled back or put off an IPO for many years. But now Covid enters the picture.

Third, Palantir is providing “a single source of truth about the rapidly evolving situation.” The situation is making sense of pandemic data and the individuals who are infected or infecting. This is a contentious issue. High profile publicity like that the NSO Group has experienced is not a sales booster in some cases.

There are some other factoid assertion like rumors in the write up, but I want to address the three points I selected from the WSJ write up.

  1. With regard to sharing its financial data, privately-held companies are not obligated to share financial data. Palantir does, but it may not be the data investors or employees want to see. Palantir is in the secrecy business, and it is tough for specialist firms to tell anyone anything. This is not something unique to Palantir. Write Blackdot for information. Let me know how that goes, please.
  2. The pullback from an IPO is nothing new. Palantir took shape in 2003. Let’s see. That’s almost 17 years ago. If the firm were in a position to crank out those facing IPO documents and go through the stellar Securities & Exchange Commission process and then hit the road to chat up the market makers, Palantir and its big money backers would have volunteered to drive the minivan from meeting to meeting. There’s a reason why the Palantir IPO is unlikely to happen. Hypothetically the company is concerned about revealing data. Another hypothetical is that companies selling policeware and intelware are not loved by some investors. Check out Verint, please. How much information does the company actually provide about its specialized services? Yeah, about as much as Siemens.
  3. Third, Palantir pitches the single source of truth idea. But that’s marketing, and it is not a tagline that makes potential buyers say, “Hey, I get it.” To make a Palantir-type sales takes time. The reason is that there are not as many customers for these specialized products as some people like high-flying investors assume. Palantir is more than 15 years old, and Herzliya, Israel is chock-a-block with start ups that are spry, hungry, and equipped with better-faster-cheaper specialized solutions. The sales problem is baked into the specialized software sector. Not even IBM can keep some cyber intelligence sheep in line. South Africa selected an intelware vendor from Poland, not the once proud nation of Big Blue.

So what?

From DarkCyber’s point of view, the Wall Street Journal could dive into more substantive aspects of Palantir and actually identify where the information originates. Even middle school students have to provide a footnote even if it is to Wikipedia. That may garner a C. But no verifiable sources? That’s nosing into the murky land of failure.

Stephen E Arnold, April 24, 2020

IBM Suffers a Setback in South Africa: Datawalk Stomps on Big Blue

April 21, 2020

IBM Analyst’s Notebook at one time enjoyed near total market dominance for investigative software, what I call policeware. IBM owns Analyst Notebook, and it has a sustainable revenue stream from some governments. Once installed — even though there may be no or very few qualified operators who can use the system — the money continues to roll in. Furthermore, IBM has home-grown technology, and Big Blue has acquired smaller firms with particularly valuable technology; for example, CyberTap.

Maybe not in South Africa? Datawalk has strolled into the country’s key integrator and plopped itself down in the cat-bird seat.

Under the original i2 founders’ leadership, losing South Africa was not in the game plan. IBM may have misplaced the three ring binder containing the basic strategy of i2 Ltd. To make matters worse, IBM could have asked its Watson (right, the super smart technology tackling cancer and breaking its digital ankle in a wild play) about the South African account.

Also, affected are downstream, third party products and services. Analyst’s Notebook has been available for more than two decades. There are training and support professionals like Tovek in Prague; there are add ins; there are enhancements which like Sintelix could be considered an out-and-out replacement. What happened?

If the information reported by ISB News is accurate, a company headquartered in Poland captured the account and the money. The article asserts that a key third party reseller doing business as SSG Group and its partner TechFINIUM (a Datawalk partner in South Africa) have stepped away from IBM and SAS. These are, in the view of DarkCyber, old school solutions.

The Datawalk replacement, according to John Smit, president of SSG Group, allegedly said:

“DataWalk is a powerful solution that will allow us to combine all data in one repository and then conduct detailed investigations. We often use unstructured data that we receive from our partners. DataWalk will provide us with the previously unattainable ability to view this data in the full context of our own databases “

Datawalk is characterized as a solution that is “more suited to current challenges.”

According to the article:

DataWalk (formerly PiLab) is a technological entity that … connects billions of objects from many sources, finding application in forensic analytics in the public and financial sectors, including in the fight against crime (US agencies), scams (insurers) and fraud identification (central administration).

These are aggressive assertions. IBM may well ask Watson or maybe a human involved with Analyst’s Notebook sales, “What happened?”

Stephen E Arnold, April 21, 2020

Intelware/Policeware Vendors Face Tough Choices and More Sales Pressure

April 20, 2020

The wild and crazy reports about the size of the lawful intercept market, the policeware market, and the intelware market may have to do some recalculations. Research and Markets’ is offering a for fee report which explains the $8.8 billion lawful interception market. The problem is that the report was issued in March 2020, and it does not address changes in the financing of intelware and policeware companies nor the impact of the coronavirus matter. You can get more information about the report from this link.

As you know, it is 2020. Global investments have trended down. Estimates range from a few percent to double digits. Now there is news from Israel that the funding structures for high technology companies are not just sagging. The investors are seeking different paths and payoffs.

Post Covid-19, Exits May Seem Like a Distant Dream But Exercising Options May Become Easier” states:

With Israeli tech companies having to cut employees’ salaries by up to 40%, many have turned to repricing stock options as a means of maintaining their talent.

Repricing means that valuations go down.

Gidi Shalom Bendor, founder and CEO of IBI Capital subsidiary S-Cube Financial Consulting, allegedly said:

You can see the valuations of public companies decreasing and can assume private companies are headed the same way,” Shalom Bendor said. Companies that are considering repricing have been around for several years and have a few dozen employees, so even though an exit is not around the corner for them it is still in sight, he explained. “In some cases, these companies have even had acquisition offers made, so options are a substantial issue.

Ayal Shenhav, head of the tech department at Israel-based firm GKH Law Offices, allegedly said:

Pay cuts and the repricing of options go hand in hand.

Let’s step back. What are the implications of repricing, if indeed it becomes a trend that reaches from Israel to Silicon Valley?

First, the long sales cycles for certain specialized software puts more financial pressure on the vendors. Providing access to software is not burdensome. What is expensive is providing the professional support required for proof of concept, training, and system tuning. Larger companies like BAE Systems and Verint will have an advantage over smaller, possibly more flexible alternatives.

Second, the change in compensation is likely to hamper hiring and retaining employees. The work harder, work longer approach in some startups means that the payoffs have to be juicy. Without the tasty cash at the end of a 70 hour work week, the best and brightest may leave the startup and join a more established firm. Thus, innovation can be slowed.

Third, specialized service providers can flourish in regions/countries which operate with a different approach to funding. Stated simply, Chinese intelware and policeware vendors may be able to capture more customers in markets coveted by some Israeli and US companies.

These are major possibilities. Evidence of change can be discerned. In my DarkCyber video for April 14, 2020, I pointed out that Geospark Analytics was doing a podcast. That’s a marketing move of note as was the firm’s publicity about hiring a new female CEO, who was a US Army major, a former SAIC senior manager, and a familiar figure in some government agencies. LookingGlass issues a steady stream of publicity about its webinars. Recorded Future, since its purchase by Insight, has become more vocal in its marketing to the enterprise. The claims of cyber threat vendors about malware, hacks, and stolen data are flowing from companies once content with a zero profile approach to publicity.


Sales are being made, but according to the DarkCyber research team the deals are taking longer, have less generous terms, and require proofs of concept. Some police departments are particularly artful with proofs of concepts and are able to tap some high value systems for their analysts with repeated proofs of concept.

To sum up, projections about the size of the lawful intercept, intelware, and policeware market will continue to be generated. But insiders know that the market is finite. Governments have to allocate funds, work with planning windows open for months if not a year or more, and then deal with unexpected demands. Example? The spike in coronavirus related fraud, misdirection of relief checks, and growing citizen unrest in some sectors.

Net net: The change in Israel’s financing, the uptick in marketing from what were once invisible firms, and the environment of the pandemic are disruptive factors. No quick resolution is in sight.

Stephen E Arnold, April 21, 2020

Palantir Technologies: Evidence That Making Big Money Comes from a Financial Play, Not a Product

April 12, 2020

DarkCyber spotted an interesting item of information in “Palantir Eyes $1B in Revenue and a Break-Even Year, Setting the Stage for IPO.” Palantir has ingested more than a billion dollars since it was founded in 2003. (That seems to be 17 years!) The article points out that Palantir “will have its first break even year in 2020.” The message is that it takes time and significant investment to generate $1 billion in revenue and break even.

With dozens and dozens of companies chasing the intelware and policeware markets, what’s the likelihood that a start up will be able to generate enough revenue to:

  • Fund customer support
  • Invest in new features and technologies
  • Attract and retain staff
  • Market to sectors that are expensive, time consuming, and difficult to reach?

The answer is that Palantir is an excellent example of how a useful idea can struggle to generate sustainable revenue among customers under severe budget pressure and aware that the “next big thing” can be obtained either on a trial basis or at a low price.

DarkCyber gives Palantir credit for its perseverance, although its methods of obtaining some traction can be considered more than interesting. In fact, in its dealings with the Analyst Notebook file format, interesting does not quite capture the somewhat unusual techniques the firm found appropriate.

When Palantir goes public, will those patient investors reap massive paydays? The investors hope so. The employees hope so. But the lawyers and accountants know they will be paid.

What about the users of the system? DarkCyber does not know. Perhaps the seeing stone will reveal the answer?

Stephen E Arnold, April 12, 2020

NSO: Back in the News Again

April 3, 2020

Let’s assume that the Beeb is on the money. “Coronavirus: Israeli Spyware Firm Pitches to Be Covid 19 Saviors” is a bit of British snark. First, the word “coronavirus” is newsy, and it is clickbait. Second, “Israeli spyware pitches” converts the use of specialized software into a carnival barker’s shout. (One might ask, “Why?” I think I know the answer. The British Cervantes is on the gallop perhaps?)

The point of the story which contains some loaded words like “controversial” is that NSO has technology which can assist governments in gathering useful information about the virus. The write up states after the Beeb explains that Facebook and NSO are in a legal wrestling match:

NSO says its employees will not have access to any data, but its software will work best if a government asks local mobile phone operators to provide the records of every subscriber in the country. Each person known to be infected with Covid-19 could then be tracked, with the people they had met and the places they had visited, even before showing symptoms, plotted on a map.

Scary, ominous, Orwellian, something that British government agencies would never, ever in a million years consider.

The reality is that monitoring a population is happening in quite a few countries. Perhaps even merrie olde Land of the Angles?

A news story is okay. Shading the coverage to advance the agenda “NSO is just not such a fine piece of British wool” is unsettling — possibly more so than specialized service firms’ software.

Stephen E Arnold, April 3, 2020

MiningLamp Technology: Another Palantir?

March 30, 2020

DarkCyber found “China’s Palantir MiningLamp Raises US$300 Million in Funding Round Co-Led by Temasek, Tencent” intriguing. Palantir Technologies, a company providing commercial and government services, has obtained about $2 billion in funding since it was founded in 2003. Furthermore, Palantir in the past 17 years has worked to become the Analyst Notebook and BAE NetReveal for some of its clients. Note that Analyst Notebook was founded in the early 1990s and BAE’s initial intelware products date from a few years later. In short, MiningLamp wants to become:

  1. A company that requires decades to gain momentum
  2. A company that requires billions in funding or the support of a giant industrialized services firm like BAE to survive
  3. Expert lobbying to spark and obtain government contracts
  4. Remain out of the public spotlight while endeavoring to displace products that are long in the tooth.

Does this make sense? Of course, the MiningLamp operation wants to be a global software and services company. The backers of MiningLamp want to have a seat at the table when certain types of projects are planned and executed.

The write up does not point out these rather obvious facts. DarkCyber learned:

Founded in 2014, MiningLamp gained initial success by offering online ad performance evaluations and fraud detection services for advertisers, before expanding the business to industries such as public security, smart cities, finance, logistics, entertainment, retail and manufacturing.

What’s MiningLamp’s technology deliver?

Although not as well known as US equivalent Palantir Technologies, which reportedly contributed to America’s success in hunting down Osama bin Laden, MiningLamp’s data mining software is used to spot crime patterns, track drug dealers and prevent human trafficking.

Plus, the write up points out:

The company’s software enables users to search huge volumes of heterogeneous data – information with a great variety of types and formats – and process that into actionable knowledge and insight using a combination of proprietary data management tools.

The interesting point is that advertising technology leads to a Palantir metaphor. The second fact is that the funding is anchored in Singapore and the allegedly independent company Tencent. There’s no reference to any other funding, including funding from Chinese government entities or fellow travelers. Finally, Singapore has become a hub for many companies engaged in Palantir-like activities. Need a bagel? Singapore has them because there are quite a few foreign nationals who crave this food essential.

Now how much revenue can specialized software companies generate. Analyst Notebook, BAE NetReveal, Recorded Future, and similar firms do generate revenues, but none of these companies bang into glass ceilings and walls. For example, how many government agencies are there that can pay hundreds of thousands of dollars and dedicate personnel to using these intelware systems? Are there other benefits to companies in the intelware business? The market for intelware is tough to move laterally. Talk about intelware methods and customers in non-government sectors, and many of the prospects get really nervous. There are good reasons.

Is MiningLamp another Palantir? Sure, it will require large amounts of cash, lobbyist support, and funding the peculiar and costly intelware marketing puzzle.

There are interesting facets to the MiningLamp effort, but DarkCyber does not think the answer will be found in providing Bluedot-type services or morphing into an outfit like Palantir Technologies. Palantir, DarkCyber recalls, has experienced employee protests, litigation with Analyst Notebook related to reverse engineering the ANB file format, and bureaucratic scuffles with procurement professionals.

Another Palantir? Maybe, maybe not. Those writing checks for $300 million may be surprised at the intelware market’s behavior. Will the Five Eyes sign up for MiningLamp licenses? Maybe, maybe not.

Stephen E Arnold, March 30, 2020

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