Balancing Collaboration and Information Security in your SharePoint Environment

February 28, 2012

Collaboration technologies and sound security practices can sometimes be at odds. Some of these bad security habits are discussed in, “SharePoint Users Develop Insecure Habits.” The article highlights a Cryptzone study that discovered 92 percent of respondents understood that taking data out of SharePoint made it less secure; however, 30 percent were willing to take the risk stating they were “not bothered if it helps me get the job done.”

To better understand user thoughts about the security implications, the study also found:

When examining users’ handling of sensitive or confidential information, a defiant 45% of SharePoint users said that they disregard the security within SharePoint and copy sensitive or confidential documents from the collaboration tool to their local hard drive, USB device or even email it to a third party. The main reasons for copying documents from SharePoint were either to work from home (43%) or share it with third parties who don’t have access to the tool (over 55%).

Can effective collaboration and sound security coexist? The article touches on both the technological capabilities and the business policies and user behaviors, such as snooping or bypassing security measures to get on with their work, that play a role in the information security system. The survey highlights that this latter user behavior is the dominant. Ease of access can help curb these bad security habits.

To connect your users to the right information they need at the right time, consider Fabasoft Mindbreeze. With unparalleled data processing capabilities, Fabasoft Mindbreeze for Enterprise . . .

finds every scrap of information within a very short time, whether document, contract, note, e-mail or calendar entry, in intranet or internet, person- or text-related. The software solution finds all required information, regardless of source, for its users. Get a comprehensive overview of corporate knowledge in seconds without redundancy or loss of data.

Add in certified security with regular audits for security standards compliance, Mindbreeze connects users to their needed information without compromising information security.

Philip West, February 28, 2012

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Protected: Kill the SharePoint Bugs Before They Can Gestate

February 27, 2012

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Social Business: Collaboration Trends for 2012

February 27, 2012

Leigh Jasper’s blog series, Collaboration for Grown-ups, reflects a focus on the benefits of enterprise collaboration across supply chains. Jasper, of the Blog, looks at collaboration challenges with big data and the social and mobile forces arriving to the enterprise search world in the first post, “Collaboration Trends for 2012: Part One.”

And as big data becomes a key basis of competition, it will also necessarily become the foundation for new forms of collaboration. In 2012, I believe that more companies will recognize that along with having to deal with storing and analyzing big data, they will need to adopt collaboration platforms capable of capturing, sharing and analyzing it.

With growing data, it is no wonder SharePoint adoption is growing, as well. Of course, 2012 trends could not be discussed without mentioning social and mobile media in the enterprise. With consumer demand for social networking and personal mobile devices driving trends, enterprises are looking to search and analyze this data, such as the conversation between brands and their customers. But the supply chain is also feeling the impact. Jasper suggests that 2012 will see collaboration in the supply chain go beyond email and file sharing and businesses will look to solutions for capturing the many-to-many flow of content.

Business-to-business collaboration development is inevitable as business gets social. To tap into the new possibilities, consider a third party solution to complete your enterprise search system. We like Fabasoft Mindbreeze.

Managing director Michael Hadrian explains the Mindbreeze solution,

Fabasoft Folio Cloud enables quick, secure and mobile collaboration both internally and between international companies. Business processes with customers and partners cannot be realized any quicker or more cost effectively…This enables worldwide connected collaboration and secure data exchange in protected team rooms.

For a complete search solution with the power of information pairing, check out the full suite of solutions at Fabasoft Mindbreeze.

Philip West, February 27, 2012

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Protected: The Fellowship of the SharePoint Professionals

February 24, 2012

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SharePoint, Training Not Required?

February 24, 2012

Lorette S. J. Weldon, a librarian, offers a unique approach to conquering SharePoint in her piece, “SharePoint, Training Not Required.”  Weldon argues that many of the skills and tools used by information professionals transfer well to the SharePoint environment, therefore, intense training is not required if some analogies are made.

Weldon observes:

Through my study last year, I found out that librarians were using SharePoint in the corporate, government, and non-profit sectors . . . Microsoft embedded social media tools within the SharePoint platform.  World-wide librarians have been customizing SharePoint by using their social networking skills from MySpace, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.  It is a ‘plug and play’ social media tool for the office.  It has helped to embed the researching skills of the librarians within the normal business flow of their sectors.

Weldon makes a unique observation about the connection between librarians’ skills and their ability to navigate SharePoint.  However, a chorus of opinion does exist amongst those who are not trained information professionals and cannot successfully navigate SharePoint.  For those individuals who are muddling through, a smart third party solution like Fabasoft Mindbreeze may be worth a second look.

Read more about their quality, usability, and style:

The Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise user interface is based on Web 2.0 technology and combines simplicity with elegance. The operation is self-explanatory.  Work just as you are used to.  Access your data from anywhere. Also on smartphones and tablets.  Elegant design, easy operation. With you wherever you are. Find and access your enterprise and cloud information straight away.

Until we are all trained information professionals, work with Fabasoft Mindbreeze to improve the quality of your SharePoint experience.

Emily Rae Aldridge, February 24, 2012

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Database Design Directions

February 23, 2012

We came across a quite useful checklist every database architect should keep on hand. Java Code Geeks give us “20 Database Design Best Practices.” The list covers everything from the commonsense:

“Use well defined and consistent names for tables and columns (e.g. School, StudentCourse, CourseID …).”

To the more advanced:

“Normalization must be used as required, to optimize the performance. Under-normalization will cause excessive repetition of data, over-normalization will cause excessive joins across too many tables. Both of them will get worse performance.”

With a little strong opinion mixed in:

“Lack of database documentation is evil.”

If you design (or oversee those who design) databases, do yourself a favor and check it out.

Most people think of search as providing access to unstructured information. Examples of unstructured information include email, Word documents, and Excel. Our extensive work in enterprise search has spanned structured data; that is, information in a database.

Search Technologies can handle difficult content acquisition tasks when needed information is held within Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2, Oracle, or a similar data management system. In addition, Search Technologies can set up automated processes to handle extraction, transformation, and loading of data or subsets of data.

For more information about our capabilities to make structured and unstructured data more findable, navigate to

Iain Fletcher, February 23, 2012

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Protected: How to Deal With SharePoint Database Transaction Logs

February 23, 2012

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Bearing with the Hassles of SharePoint

February 23, 2012

Forrester’s latest report on SharePoint 2010 remarks that the platform’s strengths outweigh its weaknesses, providing enough business value to overcome the hassles.  Toby Ward comments on the Forrester report in, “If You Can Afford It, SharePoint May be Worth the Hassles.”

Ward disagrees, recommending each organization evaluate whether or not SharePoint is the right solution for their situation:

While the power and feature set of SP 2010 is undeniable, it turns out it is more expensive, more complicated and fails to live up to a number of key expectations. It is, however, a vast improvement over 2007, and is particularly more so for business users such as corporate communications, marketing and HR, who rely more heavily on enterprise content management, collaboration, and portal features.

In his pro/con list, Ward remarks that a major weak point of SharePoint 2010 is its mobile access problems on a variety of platforms.  One solution that provides excellent mobile access is Fabasoft Mindbreeze.

Read more about how their Fabasoft Mindbreeze Mobile solution compliments an existing enterprise infrastructure:

Fabasoft Mindbreeze Mobile makes company data available on all mobile devices . . . You can act independently and freely – yet always securely. Irrespective of what format the data is in.  Full functionality: the display of the search results is homogenous to the tried and tested web client in terms of clear design and intuitive navigation . . . Existing access rights to company-internal documents and data remain maintained in the view via the mobile client. The user only receives information for which he/she has access rights.

While some organizations may suffer through the idiosyncracies of SharePoint, there are third-party solutions that work with SharePoint to greatly improve the user experience.  Fabasoft Mindbreeze is a strong contender, and a great place to start if your organization wants to improve its enterprise usability.

Emily Rae Aldridge, February 23, 2012

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Protected: Spend a Saturday in the Big Easy Discussing SharePoint

February 22, 2012

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Is SharePoint Being Shunned?

February 22, 2012

SharePoint’s widespread adoption is a fact that no one contests, but The Running Librarian asks us to consider, “Are Employees Rejecting SharePoint?”  SharePoint might be up and running in an organization, but is it really being used, embraced by the work force?

The Running Librarian has this to say:

Sam (Marshall) suggests that a major reason for the failure of SharePoint is that the way individuals interact with SharePoint is different from a traditional intranet. On SharePoint there is an expectation that users will be active participants rather then just passive users. Sam also points out that SharePoint is inherently complicated.

The combination of an inherently complicated infrastructure and a requirement that users be active participants is just too demanding for most users.  An enterprise solution must be more easily adoptable and inherently natural to the end user in order to be successful.

Fabasoft Mindbreeze makes an effort to provide an enterprise solution that is efficient and sophisticated but also easily adoptable and intuitive for the end user.  Mindbreeze routinely receives accolades for their products including, “Mindbreeze Named to KMWorld’s 100 Companies That Matter In Knowledge Management.”  The press release highlighted just some of the solution’s strengths.

Fabasoft Mindbreeze enables corporate information access. Only one search query is needed to clearly display search results and related information, even for complex topics. Each item from the hit list can be opened in preview mode which, in addition to document content and the most important meta data (author, date of creation, subject and topic etc) shows all e-mail attachments. The existing access rights are checked for each query, ensuring individual adherence to corporate access restrictions.

If your organization is struggling with SharePoint, try adding Fabasoft Mindbreeze to see if both efficiency and user satisfaction can be improved.

Emily Rae Aldridge, February 22, 2012

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