French Smart Software Companies: Some Surprises

November 15, 2016

I read “French AI Ecosystem.” Most of the companies have zero or a low profile in the United States. The history of French high technology outfits remains a project for an enterprising graduate student with one foot in La Belle France and one in the USA. This write up is a bit of a sales pitch for venture capital in my opinion. The reason that VC inputs are needed is that raising money in France is — how shall I put this? — not easy. There is no Silicon Valley. There is Paris and a handful of other acceptable places to be intelligent. In the Paris high tech setting, there are a handful of big outfits and lots and lots of institutions which keep the French one percent in truffles and the best the right side of the Rhone have to offer. The situation is dire unless the start up is connected by birth, by education at one of the acceptable institutions, or hooked up with a government entity. I want to mention that there is a bit of French ethnocentrism at work in the French high tech scene. I won’t go into detail, but you can check it out yourself if you attend a French high tech conference in one of the okay cities. Ars-en-Ré and Gémenos  do not qualify. Worth a visit, however.

Now to the listings. You will have to work through the almost unreadable graphic or contact the outfit creating the listing, which is why the graphic is unreadable I surmise. From the version of the graphic I saw, I did discern a couple of interesting points. Here we go:

Three outfits were identified as having natural language capabilities. These are Proxem, syJLabs (no, I don’t know how to pronounce this”syjl” string. I can do “abs”, though.), and Yseop k(maybe, Aesop from the fable?). Proxem offers its Advanced Natural Language Object Orient Processing Environment (Antelope). The company was founded in 2007.) syJLabs does not appear in my file of French outfits, and we drew a blank when looking for the company’s Web site. Sigh. Yseop has been identified as a “top IT innovator” by an objective, unimpeachable, high value, super credible, wonderful, and stellar outfit (Ventana Research). Yseop, also founded in 2007, offers a system which “turns data into narrative in English, French, German, and Spanish, all at the speed of thousands of pages per second.”

As I worked through a graphic containing lots of companies, I spotted two interesting inclusions. The first is Sinequa, a vendor of search founded in 2002, now positioned as an important outfit in Big Data and machine learning. Fascinating. The reinvention of Sinequa is a logical reaction to the implosion of the market for search and retrieval for the enterprise. The other company I noted was Antidot, which mounted a push to the US market several years ago. Antidot, like Sinequa, focused on information access. It too is “into” Big Data and machine learning.

I noted some omissions; for example, Hear&Know, among others. Too bad the listing is almost unreadable and does not include a category for law enforcement, surveillance, and intelligence innovators.

Stephen E Arnold, November 15, 2016

Oh No! The Ads Are Becoming Smarter

November 15, 2016

I love Christmas and subsequent holiday season, although I am tired of it starting in October.  Thankfully the holiday music does not start playing until Thanksgiving week, as do the ads, although they have been sneaking into the year earlier and earlier.   I like the fact that commercials and Internet ads are inanimate objects, so I can turn them off.  IT Pro Portal tells me, however, that I might be in for a Christmas nightmare; “IBM’s Watson Now Used In Native Advertising” or the ads are becoming smarter!

While credit card expenditures, browsing history, and other factors are already used for individualized, targeted ads, they still remain a static tool dependent on external factors.  Watson is going to try be tried in the advertising game to improve targeting in native advertising.   Watson will add an aesthetic quality too:

The difference is – it’s not just looking at keywords as the practice was so far – it’s actually looking at the ad, determining what it’s about and then places it where it believes is a good fit. According to the press release, Watson “looks at where, why and how the existing editorial content on each site is ‘talking about’ subjects”, and then makes sure best ads are placed to deliver content in proper context.

Another way Watson’s implementation in advertising is “semantic targeting AI for native advertising.”  It will work in real-time and deliver more individualized targeted ads, over your recent Amazon, eBay, and other Web site shopping.  It is an interesting factor how Watson can disseminate all this information for one person, but if you imagine that the same technology is being used in the medical and law fields, it does inspire hope.

Whitney Grace, November 15, 2016
Sponsored by, publisher of the CyberOSINT monograph


Most Dark Web Content Is Legal and Boring

November 15, 2016

Data crunching done by an information security firm reveals that around 55% is legal and mundane like the clear or Open Web.

Digital Journal, which published the article Despite its Nefarious Reputation, New Report Finds Majority of Activity on the Dark Web is Totally Legal and Mundane, says that:

What we’ve found is that the dark web isn’t quite as dark as you may have thought,” said Emily Wilson, Director of Analysis at Terbium Labs. “The vast majority of dark web research to date has focused on illegal activity while overlooking the existence of legal content. We wanted to take a complete view of the dark web to determine its true nature and to offer readers of this report a holistic view of dark web activity — both good and bad.

The findings have been curated in a report The Truth About the Dark Web: Separating Fact from Fiction that puts the Dark Web in a new light. According to this report, around 55% of the content on Dark Web is legal; porn makes 7% of content on Dark Web, and most of it is legal. Drugs though is a favorite topic, only 45% of the content related to it can be termed as illegal. Fraud, extremism and illegal weapons trading on the other hand just make 5-7% of Dark Web.

The research methodology was done using a mix of machine intelligence and human intelligence, as pointed out in the article:

Conducting research on the dark web is a difficult task because the boundaries between categories are unclear,” said Clare Gollnick, Chief Data Scientist at Terbium Labs. “We put significant effort into making sure this study was based on a representative, random sample of the dark web. We believe the end result is a fair and comprehensive assessment of dark web activity, with clear acknowledgment of the limitations involved in both dark web data specifically and broader limitations of data generally.

Dark Web slowly is gaining traction as users of Open Web are finding utilities on this hidden portion of the Internet. Though the study is illuminating indeed, it fails to address how much of the illegal activity or content on Dark Web affects the real world. For instance, what quantity of drug trade takes place over Dark Web. Any answers?

Vishal Ingole, November  15, 2016
Sponsored by, publisher of the CyberOSINT monograph

Lawyers Might Be Automated Too

November 14, 2016

The worry with artificial intelligence is that it will automate jobs and leave people without a way to earn income.  The general belief is that AI will automate manufacturing, retail, food service, and other industries, but what about law?  One would think that lawyers would never lose their jobs, because a human is required to navigate litigation and represent a person in court, right?  According to The Inquirer article, “UCL Creates AI ‘Lawbot’ That Rules on Cases With Surprising Accuracy” lawyers might be automated too.

On a level akin to Watson, researchers at University College London, led by Dr. Nikoalos Aletras, created an algorithm that peruses case information and can predict accurate verdicts.  The UCL team fed the algorithm litigation information from cases about torture, degrading treatment, privacy, and fair trials.  They hope the algorithm will be used to identify patterns in human rights abuses.

Dr. Aletras does not think AI will replace judges and lawyers, but it could be used as a tool to identify patterns in cases with specific outcomes.  The algorithm has a 79% accuracy rate, which is not bad considering the amount of documentation involved.  Also the downside is:

At a wider level, although 79 percent is a bit more ED-209 than we’d like for now, it does suggest that we’re a long way towards being able to install an ethical and moral code that would allow AI to … you know, not kill us and that.  With so many doomsayers warning us that the closer that we get to the so-called ‘singularity’ between humans and machines, the more likely we are to be toast as a race, it’s something of a good news story to see what’s being done to ensure AI stays on the straight and narrow.

Automation in the legal arena is a strong possibility for when “…implementation and interpretation of the law that is required, less so than the fact themselves.”  The human element is still needed to decide cases, but perhaps it would cut down on the amount of light verdicts for pedophiles, sex traffickers, rapists, and other bad guys.  It does make one wonder what alternative fields lawyers would consider?

Whitney Grace, November 14, 2016
Sponsored by, publisher of the CyberOSINT monograph

Project Tor Releases the Browser Manual

November 14, 2016

Tor Browser, the gateway to Dark Web has got its user manual that tells users a step-by-step procedure to download, install use and uninstall the browser in the most efficient manner.

On the official Tor blog titled Announcing the Tor Browser User Manual it says:

The community team is excited to announce the new Tor Browser User Manual! The manual is currently only available in English. We will be adding more languages in the near future, as well as adding the manual to Transifex.

Web users are increasingly adopting secure browsers like Tor that shields them from online tracking. With this manual, users who are not well-versed with Dark Web and want to access it or want to surf the web anonymously will get detailed instructions on doing so.

Some of the critical areas (apart from basic instructions like download and install) covered in the manual include – circumventing the network restrictions, managing identities, securely connecting to Tor, managing plugins, and troubleshooting most common problems.

The manual was created after taking feedback from various mailing lists and IRC forums, as the blog points out:

During the creation of this manual, community feedback was requested over various mailing lists / IRC channels. We understand that many people who read this blog are not part of these lists / channels, so we would like to request that if you find errors in the manual or have feedback about how it could be improved, please open a ticket on our bug tracker and set the component to “community”.

The manual will soon be released in other major languages that will benefit non-English speaking users. The aim is to foster growth and adoption of Tor, however, will only privacy-conscious users will be using the browser?

Vishal Ingole, November 14, 2016
Sponsored by, publisher of the CyberOSINT monograph

Battle of the Mid Tier Pundits: Smartwatch Sales

November 13, 2016

I love it when mid tier outfits do battle. Most blue chip consulting firms carve out unique niches and then create MBA lists and data designed to underscore the firms’ prescience and, dare I say it, brilliance. Not so with the mid tier outfits. These folks do the me to thing. Need to know what’s hoppin’ in 2017, just look at the flow of prognostications.

I read “Is the Smartwatch Market Tanking or on a Long, Slow Climb.” What makes this wonderful is that one of the mid tier outfits is or was affiliated with IDG, owner of Network World, the publication pointing out the discontinuities in estimates.

Hey, I love discontinuities. Think Brexit polls.

The write up points out without much irony or concern that

In late October, market research firm IDC said smartwatch shipments in the third quarter declined by 51% from the same quarter of 2015. The total shipped in the third quarter was 2.7 million, IDC said. By comparison, research firm Canalys on Thursday said smartwatch shipments were up 60% for the third quarter of 2016 compared with the same quarter a year ago. That resulted in 6.1 million units shipped in the latest quarter, Canalys said.

Hmmm. Separate universes or an example of bad sampling, lousy data, and former English majors getting into technology analysis? Who knows.

Now about that data about Apple smartwatches, which I think are sort of wonky. The write up revealed:

IDC said Apple shipped 1.1 million units, a decline of 71%. But Canalys said Apple shipped 2.8 million Apple Watches, nearly three times as many as IDC reported.

There you go. But the write up does not focus on:

  • Verification
  • Vetting
  • Management quality control.

My hunch is that most professionals don’t care. The time constrained folks will just choose the result that supports their position. I love the brave new world of mid tier consulting firm data. Waves and hype cycles are another kettle of fish because they are so “metaphorical,” which is appropriate for a student of Chaucer.

Stephen E Arnold, November 13, 2016

Are Silicon Valley Problems Affecting Palantir Technologies?

November 11, 2016

I read “Silicon Valley Has Much Bigger Problems than Peter Thiel, Tech Investor Says.” The write up tackles Peter Thiel’s endorsement of a presidential candidate. Mr. Thiel is one of the founders of Palantir Technologies, and the company’s headquarters—the Shire—are in Palo Alto, the Delphi of Silicon Valley. I wondered if the maven upon which the write up pivots is talking less about Mr. Thiel and more about one of his companies; specifically, Palantir Technologies, vaquisher of the US Army.

I noted this passage:

Many entrepreneurs are now financially motivated, rather than by an optimism to take risks and improve the world, McNamee [Elevation Partners] said.

The write up reports:

“I think people in Silicon Valley are still open to change,” McNamee said. “But the things that they’re working on aren’t as valuable as the things people used to work on. And sadly, we’ve seen far more fraud in the past couple of years than I can remember any time in the 34 years I’ve been here. And so I think people just want to get rich now, and scams have become part of what goes on in Silicon valley and that troubles me deeply.”

The article includes this statement by the McNamee:

“People have stepped back, if anything,” McNamee said. “The Valley has a real misogyny problem …

If the Elevation Partners’ statement is accurate about Silicon Valley, is Palantir a company which has greed and misogyny problems? One can interpret the Elevation Partners’ comment as identifying systemic flaws affecting many companies in Silicon Valley.

The US Department of Labor has raised questions about Palantir’s hiring practices.

Stephen E Arnold, November 11, 2016

American Spies Are Using MapD This Season

November 11, 2016

Spies have cool gadgets to do their jobs.  Since the advent of the digital age, their gadgets not only have gotten cooler, but more complex.  Spy technology is built on the same software used in other non-intelligence-related industries.  Datanmi shares the CIA’s next technology investment in, “Why America’s Spy Agencies Are Investing In MapD.”

Q-Tel heads the CIA technological venture and they decided to run their new innovations on MapD.  The article makes an apt point that the CIA has fallen into the big data pool like the rest of the world, thus they are encountering many of the same problems as other industries.  Some of these problems include too much data and not enough time, funds, or ways to interpret it.

One reason that Q-Tel has turned to MapD is that it uses GPUs.  MapD is a very fast SQL database and, unlike many of its counterparts, it was specifically designed to run on GPUs.  It also includes a visual analytics layer that allows users to interact with data.

The CIA wants to use MapD to speed up its technology, so it can process and interpret its data faster than before.  It is straight forward why the CIA wants to use MapD.

Do not think this will be the last development from MapD this year.  The young company has already rounded up investors:

MapD is still ramping up. The San Francisco-based company completed a $12-million round of financing earlier this year, which In-Q-Tel was a part of. The company has 30 employees, and a handful of customers (Mostak says “in the tens”) across various industries. The software is being used by oil and gas companies, banks, hedge funds, retailers, ad tech firms, and the U.S. Government, the CEO confirms.

MapD will power an entire generation of CIA intelligence technology.  That is something you will not learn from the latest spy movie.

Whitney Grace, November 11, 2016
Sponsored by, publisher of the CyberOSINT monograph


Three Deadlines in October and November Mark Three Strikes on Google

November 11, 2016

The article titled Google Is Getting Another Extension to Counter EU Antitrust Charges on Fortune begs the question, how many more times will the teacher accept the “I need more time” argument? With the potential for over a billion dollar penalty of Google is found guilty, the company is vying for all the time it can get before answering accusations of unfair treatment of rival shopping services through its search results. The article tell us,

The U.S. technology giant was due to respond to the accusations on Thursday but requested more time to prepare its defense. The company now has until Nov. 7, a European Commission spokesman said. “Google asked for additional time to review the documents in the case file. In line with normal practice, the commission analysed the reasons for the request and granted an extension allowing Google to fully exercise its rights of defense,” he said.

If anyone is counting at this point, the case is now 6 years old, meaning it has probably graduated kindergarten and moved into the First Grade. The article does not comment on how many extensions have been requested altogether, but it does mention that another pair of deadlines are looming in Google’s near future. October 26 and October 31 are the dates by which Google must respond to the charges of blocking competitor advertisements and using the Android operating system to suppress rivals.

Chelsea Kerwin, November 11, 2016
Sponsored by, publisher of the CyberOSINT monograph

Google Search Tips That Make You Say DUH

November 10, 2016

Unless you are establishing the trends in the search field, then there is room for you to learn new search-related skills.  Search is a basic function in the developed world and is more powerful than typing a word or phrase into Google’s search box.  Google also has more tricks in its toolbox than you might be aware of.  Single Grain published, “Google Like A Pro: 42 Of The Most Useful Google Search Tricks” that runs down useful ways to use the search engine.  Some of them, however, are cheap tricks we have discussed before.

Single Grain runs down the usual Google stats about how many people use the search engine, its multiple services, and the hard to find Advanced Search.  Here is a basic article description:

Here’s a list of 42 of the most useful Google search tricks that’ve probably never thought of—some practical, some just plain fun. Everyone knows how to Google, but by learning how to Google like a pro, you can harness the full power of the search giant and impress your boss and friends alike. Or at least find stuff.

These tips include: calculator, package tracker, stock watcher, tip calculator, conversions, weather, flight tracker, coin flipping, voice search, fact checking, and other tips you probably know.  What I love is that it treats Boolean operators as if they are a brand new thing.  They do not even use Boolean in the article!  Call me old school, but give credit where credit is due.

Whitney Grace, November 10, 2016
Sponsored by, publisher of the CyberOSINT monograph

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