San Diego: Finally Showing Muscle

February 26, 2009

I had heard that San Diego had some issues with its enterprise software and systems. San Diego has some interesting characteristics. There are some interesting high-tech outfits in the city; the giant SAIC comes to mind. San Diego also has lots of McMansions with brutal vacancy rates and a light rail line to Mexico. I read Michael Krigsman’s “San Diego Fires Axon over ERP Implementation Problems” here. I wonder if other governmental agencies will take this type of alleged action. In my experience, there are some interesting cost estimation and contractual practices afoot in some governmental entities. Combine experienced government massagers with overworked and understaffed government agencies, and you get a recipe that spells “cost overruns”. One of the comments that caught my attention was:

Axon has submitted incomplete work product for acceptance and payment.

If accurate, this sentence is a model of clarity. Most government “good bye, dear” memos are more jargon filled. How will San Diego resolve is enterprise software mess? Easy. Hire SAP. I am delighted because I know a follow up story will be possible in a year, maybe less. Wow.

Stephen Arnold, February 27, 2009


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