Broken Search?

January 19, 2011

Beer and cake is not a combination I’ve tried yet, nor is it one that sounds even remotely appetizing. Has Google has dropped the ball or turned a blind eye to some clever search engine optimization tactics?

The search giant seems to think beer and cake go together like peas and carrots or peanut butter and jelly. I think it seems more like tuna and a rubber tire but really, who am I to judge?

According to Phil of Phil’s blawg on, there had been several searches for “Cake Central” that yielded a top result of Beerby is a mobile application that lets users track their favorite beers and breweries, as well as the eateries that carry them.  Though they have since corrected the issue, the question of why Beerby was the #1 search result when a user queries for cake recipes and decorating tips remains a mystery.

I am beginning to think that it is difficult to get a set of results from a query that is relevant and on target. I hope I am wrong, however.

Leslie Radcliff, January 19, 2011



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