Autonomy Jumps Into Media Analytics

April 27, 2012

HP property Autonomy has released a couple of products that build on its IDOL server, CMS Wire reports in “Autonomy Offers Media Analytics with NewsSocial Release #NABShow.” Writer David Roe is intrigued by the move into the Digital Asset Management space, which has not traditionally been in HP’s purview. Well. . . expand or perish, right?

The first  product mentioned in the write up is NewSocial 24×7. It could become a must-have for those in news rooms or anyone else who relies on real-time info. The article tells us:

“Powered by IDOL, the new solution provides in-depth, real-time media monitoring and analytics for all text, rich media voice and voice sources including print, online, blogs, social media and broadcast news. . . . NewSocial 24×7 offers real-time conceptual understanding of customer commentary on social media channels, allowing campaigns to be adjusted quickly.”

The second release, Virage MediaBin8, is designed to help users identify the most appropriate information for use in enterprise, Web, social media, or online advertising. Advanced features, like facial, logo, and other pattern recognition, are provided through the HP Digital Library. We learned:

“With Virage MediaBin, organizations can tag and classify rich media assets, regardless of format or language. It then applies this information to deliver advanced analytics, categorization, summarization, concept clouds, dynamic content associations, content hyper-linking and automation of business processes and workflow.”

Autonomy, originally founded in 1996, is a leader in meaning-based information technology. They take pride in building tools that efficiently extract meaning from unwieldy tangles of unstructured data. HP bought Autonomy in 2011.

Cynthia Murrell, April 27, 2012

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One Response to “Autonomy Jumps Into Media Analytics”

  1. Charlie Hull on April 27th, 2012 4:32 am

    They’re a bit late to the party – we’ve been building media monitoring/analytics solutions based on open source for a while. Economic scalability is a huge issue considering the increasing volume of content to be monitored. Coincidentally, I’ve just released a whitepaper on the subject

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