Latent Semantic Technology Tops Business Strategy List

July 26, 2012

The current 2012 year is going by quickly, but there is still time to implement business strategies that could gain your company a bigger presence on the Internet. Venture Beat reported on the “Top 10 Most Important SEO and Social Marketing Tactics of 2012.” Generally these top ten lists yield information we already know: distribute content via social channels, list your social media connection buttons prominently on the page, enable sharing content, join Pinterest, etc. Some of the ideas are new: author guest blog posts, keep your own blog content interesting and new, but the number one suggestion that caught our attention was:

“Get an onsite SEO audit: an onsite SEO audit is the foundation of your SEO campaign. Getting one will help you answer questions like: Are your title and meta tags optimized? How’s your keyword density? Have you correlated certain pages with certain keywords? Is that evident in the copy? Have you done your LSI (latent semantic indexing) research and incorporated it into the copy? An onsite SEO audit is relatively cheap, and it’s a one-time payment that you shouldn’t need to address more than once a year.”

An SEO audit done by a professional company will work wonders, heck, if you do your research you can do provide the service for yourself. One important aspect of the audit is latent semantic indexing, a powerful component of text and document analysis.

Whitney Grace, July 26, 2012

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CAD Interoperability a Cinch for Renault

July 26, 2012

Several industries struggle with multiple CAD systems and are slowed by interoperability issues.  A recent Design News article, “Renault Fast Tracks CAD Interoperability”, explains how one of the world’s leading racing companies, Renault Sport F1, is using new data management solutions through product lifecycle management to overcome such inconveniences.

PLM manager at Renault Sport F1, Jean-Francois Plusquellec, was quoted as saying,

“Working with suppliers is “our No. 1 issue. We need to have a lot of loops between our design team and our suppliers, and we need to have high quality for the 3D translation.”

The solution to the multi-CAD problem is as follows:

“Using Elysium’s technology, Renault Sport F1 has created a supplier portal that integrates with its ERP system and product data management system and allows suppliers using different CAD programs to exchange data and models quickly and accurately without manual translation or cleanup on Renault’s end.”

Although most engineers in a recent survey conducted by PTC agreed that CAD interoperability was one of the major hurdles facing the industry solutions do exist. By adopting PLM solutions designed with CAD/CAM in mind, interoperability ceases to be a problem.  Data management solutions are rapidly overcoming many of the traditional challenges facing engineers in the manufacturing industry and will continue to advance in the years to come.

Catherine Lamsfuss, July 26, 2012

Fetch Gets the Tails Wagging

July 26, 2012

Fetch just learned how to chase and retrieve that data even faster and no treat was necessary. How To Win The Lotto’s article “Fetch Technologies Unveils Breakthrough Web Data Extraction Capabilities and Reports Record Results” tells us how Fetch’s latest upgrade has got tails wagging.

The new version of Fetch, Live Access 4.1 both enhances and expands the web data extraction and:

“Enables clients to easily collect augment and transform data through all available APIs. In addition, Fetch clients can now extract data from Websites that use AJAX and other dynamic content technologies. The release also offers access to completely new sources of data, including PDFs, Microsoft Office documents and images.”

“Every business today needs data from the Web to survive, and by offering the most comprehensive platform available for Web data extraction, Fetch is generating unprecedented results.”

Ironically, Fetch is now part of Connotate. They were acquired in March of this year with the prospect of combining Fetch’s information extraction, integration, and data analytics solution with Connotate’s monitoring, collection and analysis solution technology.

A data Titan was created when combining Connotate’s web data monitoring and data collection with Fetch’s ability to access and transform Web data into actionable information. Both ends of the data spectrum are pretty much covered between the two companies. It looks like Connotate played a good game with Fetch and tails may be wagging for the next decade.

Jennifer Shockley, July 26, 2012

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Business Intelligence Seen as Lucrative and Attractive Despite Challenges

July 26, 2012

With economic woes still plaguing much of the world—and for the sake of this particular discussion business driven European nations—it is no wonder that extracting business insights and opportunities have more than a little appeal. Unfortunately, this does not seem to be an easy fix according to what research firm Gartner has found. More on this subject is reported in, “Gartner Says CIO’s Rank Business Intelligence, Analytics No. 1 Issue in 2012.”

The report accumulates the views of almost 2500 CIO’s in 45 different countries and 37 different industries and shows that companies see business intelligence as a challenge.

The article states:

“Analytics and Business Intelligence tops mobile technologies and Cloud computing after a gap of 2 years as the biggest concern. Another clear cut challenge is the enormous lack of resources and skilled staff available to meet the Business intelligence and analytics challenge as well. 80% of CIO’s said that they need further improved resources to meet the challenge. The lowest area requiring significant improvement is Finance at 50%.”

Will companies fuel their funds and resources into this area now that an azure chip consultant says that they should? Probably, because all they seem to be looking for is the “next big thing” that will lead to a solution.

Megan Feil, July 26, 2012

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New Big Data Duo Predicts Big Data Action

July 26, 2012

There is a new big data duo in town and they will bring more predictive big data action. Collaborations throughout history have brought some amazing results, and Expert Support NJ’s article, “Actuate and KXEN Collaborate to Offer Big Data Predictive Analysis” talks about this new duo’s analytical itinerary.

These two are predicting a productive future, as:

“Actuate and KXEN announced that they have entered into a partnership to make it easy for companies to optimize processes by installing predictive analytics on petabytes of big data. The partnership intends to combine the features and capabilities of Actuate’s ActuateOne and KXEN’s InfiniteInsight in order to facilitate rapid development of information applications that can be used for deep-dive analysis and realizing effective and collaborative decision making.”

KXEN proudly brings service with a smile. Their success lays in helping their customers get real business value from their investments in predictive analytics. They use all available tools to go deep within an industry and extract information. The end result, KXEN delivers analytic solutions custom designed to fit the needs of your company.

Actuate brings ActuateOne, their all in one program that rapidly develops and deploys custom BI Applications and Information Applications. Any application built with ActuateOne will add interactivity, dashboards, analytics, and deployment options for web and mobile applications.

The future looks promising for this well thought out collaboration. One thing is for sure, this duo will provide more predictive big data action.

Jennifer Shockley, July 26, 2012

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Booz Allen: Protesting a Wee Bit Too Much

July 25, 2012

Short honk: Check out “Why Booz Allen Is Significantly Undervalued.” Interesting. The main point, as I understand it, is that Booz Allen is a great deal for investors. Okay, if it is such a great deal why does it take 1,300 words and a dozen charts to get the point across. There was one omission in the “protest too much write up”. Booz Allen is dependent on government contracts. When governments cut spending, outfits like Booz Allen face some revenue challenges. I assume this aspect of the firm’s business is irrelevant in light of alleged backlog, explanations, and lots of tables and bar charts. Booz Allen was once a blue chip outfit. As I have noted, the firm has a history of being private, going public, going back to private, splitting up, and going public. Is the firm’s management fancy dancing to cope with the realities of a blue chip firm transforming to azure?

Stephen E Arnold, July 25, 2012

Free and Open Data Makes Waves and Maybe Money in UK Once Again

July 25, 2012

While some people sit and talk if free and open data is beneficial, the United Kingdom has reiterated their commitment to the open data project originally launched in 2010. O’Reilly Radar explains that the British government believes open data will spur more transparency and economic prosperity in “UK Cabinet Office Relaunches, Releases Open Data White Paper.”

The first step for publicity involved the Cabinet Office hosting an event in London to promote the release of a white paper on “unleashing the potential of open data.” The relaunch of the UK’s open data platform available at invariably ensued. The site currently boasts over 9,000 data sets.

Author Dr. Ben Goldacre made the following comments in regards to the UK government’s stance:

‘[Data is] the 21st century’s raw material, that it has economic and social benefits, that privacy issues need caution, and so on. That in itself is reassuring, as governments can sometimes be completely clueless about this kind of stuff. They also get the nerdy details: that standards matter, and so on. Also, all the stuff about building reciprocal relationships with developers, building coder capacity, two way relationships to improve datasets etc is all great.’

While an informed and aware constituency feels at ease with ideals like transparency in place, open data has its pitfalls. Let us remember that free and open can go too far.

Megan Feil, July 25, 2012

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Governance Listed as Top Challenge in Enterprise

July 25, 2012

A new Gartner report shows that more SharePoint users are failing in the category of governance than in any other.  SharePoint Joel gives his opinion on governance in, “Governance the #1 Challenge to Managing SharePoint.”

SharePoint Joel begins:

According to Gartner 66% of SharePoint Customers do not believe they have adequate governance. (Based on a recent Gartner survey) Governance can be defined as a set of defined roles, responsibilities, policies, and procedures that will help your company to proactively manage your information technology resources in a way that maximizes business value.

But governance does not have to be an ongoing struggle or an agonizing process.  Third party solutions like Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise can work with an existing SharePoint installation to add efficiency and functionality.  Fabasoft Folio Connector works with Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise to specifically address the issue of governance.

Fabasoft Folio is the standard software product for Enterprise Content Management, Collaboration, Compliance Management, agile Business Processes and Information Governance. The solution provides uniform, reliable and controlled management of digital content in the enterprise. Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise links Fabasoft Folio for uniform enterprise-wide information access.

Do not continue to struggle with governance issues, allow Fabasoft Mindbreeze and their suite of smart solutions to ease your enterprise troubles.

Emily Rae Aldridge, July 25, 2012

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Kapow Buddies up with Google

July 25, 2012

Kapow Katlyst announced this week that it will be joining the Google Enterprise Partner Program.

Through this partnership, Kapow, leading innovator in the application integration market, will be extending the power of Google search across the enterprise and will hopefully help enrich the relevance and quality of search results for users.

An article on Yahoo Finance, “Kapow Software Joins Google Enterprise Partner Program,” tells us about the partnership. The Google Enterprise Partner Program provides “experts” in various services and products to Google customers. Kapow offers the ability to make any application searchable.

John Yapaola, CEO of Kapow Software, commented in the press release:

“Joining the Google Enterprise Partner program helps us provide enhanced Google search to enterprise users. With Kapow Katalyst our customers rapidly create fully enriched feeds from any content source, maximizing the return on their search technology investment. Kapow Katalyst extends the reach of Google Search Appliance to incorporate content locked within applications, even those without APIs, and enhances its value by enabling powerful metadata enrichment that dramatically improves search quality and content findability.”

Look for Kapow to become a big player in the search technology realm. The array of features offered by the company will be an asset to the Goog. We believe the technology is worth a look if you are looking for something that is powerful, proven, and beginning to get recognition.

Andrea Hayden, July 25, 2012

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Siemens Recognizes Asian Manufactures

July 25, 2012

The Asian manufacturing market is one of the fastest growing markets for utilizing product lifecycle management solutions.  In an effort to recognize the efforts and hard work of Asian enterprises Siemens presents its annual Asian-Pacific Innovation Awards.  According to the recent Manufacturer’s Monthly article, “Siemens PLM Software Celebrates Ingenuity in Asia”, Mahindra Vehicle Manufacturers won this year’s highest honor for implementing Technomatix portfolio enabling them to come closer than ever to real-time manufacturing.

As the article explains of the award,

“The top award is presented to the company that uses PLM technology in a way that enables them to be a hallmark of success in the manufacturing industry, maximising the value derived from their products throughout the entire lifecycle to streamline their productivity and performance. While Mahindra Vehicle Manufacturers walks away with top honors, it is not alone in showing ingenuity and innovation in its use of Siemens PLM Software’s technology. Each of the nominees demonstrated outstanding innovation in their application of PLM solutions for their businesses.”

Recognizing manufacturers for their progress is very important especially during turbulent economic times.  Behind every successful manufacturer is an equally great PLM provider that often goes overlooked.  We like to bring attention to all of the state-of-the-art PLM providers that work tirelessly to allow manufacturers around the world to reduce waste and solve complex manufacturing issues through new data management solutions.

Catherine Lamsfuss, July 25, 2012


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