Protected: SharePoint Creates a Thirst for Information

November 16, 2011

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Mindbreeze Demystifies Enterprise

November 16, 2011

SharePoint is supposed to be a broad-based solution to solve the enterprise needs of most users.  However, there seems to be quite a bit of buzz regarding additional trainings, conferences, and webinars geared toward equipping installers and users on the ins-and-outs of the program.  One such list of recommendations can be found here, at “Staffing is key to a successful SharePoint Server 2010 deployment.”

The author, Brien Posey, acknowledges that SharePoint 2010 deployment is happening at a rapid rate, but many are finding the process to be lengthier and more complicated than expected.  Here is some of his advice:

“The key to assessing SharePoint staffing needs rests with determining the kind of expertise required for deployment and its long-term administration, and then mapping those requirements to staff roles. Some of those roles can likely be filled by existing members of the IT staff, but organizations might have to make additional hires.”

Posey goes on to provide a lengthy list of staff positions for consideration, architects and administrators galore.  Couple this recommendation with the recent boom in SharePoint training opportunities and one has to wonder if SharePoint is not as effortless as advertised.   It seems implementation and usage are both fairly complicated.

We like what we are hearing about Fabasoft Mindbreeze and its suite of solutions.  Implementation is reportedly intuitive and seamless.  However, if problems do arise, solutions can quickly be found via brief tutorials or online training opportunities.  Don’t be trapped by SharePoint.  Consult the Mindbreeze suite of solutions and see if they might be the right choice for your organization.

*Disclaimer – Mindbreeze is currently upgrading their website.  Links will be checked and if problems arise they will be updated.  Thanks for your patience.

Emily Rae Aldridge, November 16, 2011

Protected: CRM 2011 Offers Custom Document Management for SharePoint

November 15, 2011

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Mindbreeze Satisfies Users Need for Findability

November 15, 2011

Stephen Fishman of CMS Wire discusses the problems that arise from Microsoft SharePoint’s desire for broad appeal in, “SharePoint is Crack and Microsoft is the Pusher.”  Although a humorous title, Fishman makes some valid points about Microsoft’s attempt at reeling in the masses only to leave them yearning for more.  Much like the touted panacea of Microsoft Access or Lotus Notes, SharePoint does not deliver on its promises.

Fishman drives home his main point after rolling out a list of smaller issues:

“But the worst thing about SharePoint by far is that it recreates the problem it was intended to solve, only on a much larger scale. What starts out as a hierarchically organized file share ends up as a hierarchically organized file share with a web interface on top of it.”

The Fabasoft Mindbreeze solution is clear in their latest update: “With the new release, Fabasoft Mindbreeze displays search results clearer and more structured. Index tabs break down search results in specific groups and topics.  That way, users see immediately what documents contain the search term and in what context it is mentioned. With this structured overview, users find what they are looking for much faster.”

Fishman also finds fault with SharePoint’s disregard for sound implementation and taxonomies: “SharePoint is constantly rolled out in a slipshod manner with little thought to governance or developing scalable and maintainable taxonomies . . . The resulting organic growth inevitably results in buried content with no easy mechanisms for ambient findability.”

Mindbreeze accounts for synonyms and taxonomies in its search, features that are in place out-of-the-box, but also customizable.  To solve SharePoint’s lingering issues of findability and a poor user experience, explore an efficient solution like Fabasoft Mindbreeze.  Built with the user in mind.

*Disclaimer – Mindbreeze is currently upgrading their website.  Links will be checked and if problems arise they will be updated.  Thanks for your patience.

Emily Rae Aldridge, November 15, 2011

Protected: SharePoint Has a Content Rating Feature

November 14, 2011

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Mindbreeze Offers Standalone Enterprise Solution

November 14, 2011

CMS Wire follows the latest trends in enterprise CMS in “Forrester Wave Q4 2011: Bye-Bye Enterprise CMS Suites, Content-Centric Apps Are King.”  Content needs are becoming more complex and organizations are turning to multiple solutions and away from a single CMS suite.

“The first dynamic that the Forrester report identifies shows that companies are no longer looking to a single enterprise CMS suite to solve all their content needs.  There are a number of reasons for this, but looming over them all is the fact that changing content-types and greater use of, and need to manage, unstructured content is pushing many companies to use whatever application suits, from whatever vendors are providing those applications, to solve specific business problems.  And then, of course, information workers have to be able to use all these applications.”

Relying on the variety of vendors might not be the solution to the changing enterprise landscape.  Instead, choosing an agile and capable vendor like Mindbreeze seamlessly solves all of your business needs on multiple levels: mobile, web, and enterprise.   When multiple vendors are utilized, information workers are forced to train on a variety of platforms and applications.  Using one flexible solution like Mindbreeze saves valuable training time.

“SharePoint, and in particular the new release, Forrester argues, which provides ‘ECM for the masses’ has forced many vendors to rethink strategies and move towards more content-centric development.  As a result, competing vendors have been obliged to move toward specific content sets to differentiate themselves from it. Consequently, the market is now divided into a number of different types of players.”

Instead of being forced into this trend, and choosing different vendors for different content, choose one reliable vendor like Fabasoft Mindbreeze.  Applications are still content-centric, but in a smart and streamlined way, all underneath the banner of one dependable name.

*Disclaimer – Mindbreeze is currently upgrading their website.  Links will be checked and if problems arise they will be updated.  Thanks for your patience.

Emily Rae Aldridge, November 14, 2011

Protected: Here’s a Reminder about SharePoint’s Power and Potential

November 11, 2011

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Mindbreeze Named Trendsetting Product

November 11, 2011

KM World lists Fabasoft Mindbreeze as one of its “Trend-Setting Products of 2011.”  Microsoft SharePoint’s main claim is that it makes it easier for people to work together.  However, we argue that a uniform platform does not guarantee ease, not unless the solution is customized to the organization and the situation.  Fabasoft Mindbreeze boasts a highly customized enterprise solution allowing for not only efficient searching, but also “finding” across an organization’s entire system.

“Mindbreeze understands, relates and combines information from all sources and presents intelligent search results. Information can be grouped and is classified. Users can scan the different categories and spot a particular document without having to click through a list of links themselves. The information’s semantic relationship is recognized and depicted, navigation elements and facets are provided as well as a preview of any result in the browser. With Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise you get a 360 degree view of your business, customers, competitors and more.”

Any discuss of an entity’s entire platform would be incomplete without some attention to mobile devices.  Fabasoft Mindbreeze not only supports search and retrieval from mobile devices, but also ensures that access rights are continually maintained and updated on these devices as well.

“Fabasoft Mindbreeze Mobile supports your enterprise to profit from new opportunities to e-mail, collaborate and work with documents from any location. With Fabasoft Mindbreeze Mobile you can deliver any information to your mobile device’s interface and enhance it with context and classification features. Again, approved security procedures ensure that users can only see information for which they have rights.”

Since search is often carried out under time constraints, an easy and intuitive interface is essential.  Explore the features of Fabasoft Mindbreeze to learn how this trend-setting solution can work for you.

Emily Rae Aldridge, November 11, 2011

Protected: SharePoint Architecture Can Be Mapped

November 10, 2011

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Mindbreeze Delivers More Convenience More Relevance

November 10, 2011

Our previous stories have highlighted the rapid and broad adoption of SharePoint following the release of its 2010 version.  However, SharePoint adoption by an organization does not always equal greater efficiency or productivity.  Enterprise solutions, such as Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise are built with the user in mind, greatly increasing the user’s perception of convenience and relevance.  “Stadium of More: The 2011 Summer Release,” details the many ways that Mindbreeze improves the enterprise experience from the viewpoint of the user.

A highlight is the Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Connector:

“Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise now supports Microsoft SharePoint 2010 out-of-the-box with its standard product functionality. All standard types of Microsoft SharePoint 2010 are indexed and line of business applications are supported as well.”

This tutorial briefly explains how Mindbreeze’s composite application allows the user to search and access all items to which they have access while remaining within the application.  Streamlining search and retrieval into the same platform saves time and aggravation.  Mindbreeze constantly verifies and updates access rights, insuring that each user is only retrieving results that they have permission to view.

Continuing the company’s theme of “Not searching, but finding,” this tutorial highlights additional ways that Fabasoft Mindbreeze brings convenience and relevance to the forefront.  Search restrictions are available via intuitive tabs.  Mindbreeze thinks semantically, allowing a search for “records” to retrieve actual records and not simply files names containing the word “record.”  More examples can be found on the brief tutorial.

Don’t make the mistake of assuming that “searching” via Microsoft SharePoint is enough.  Choose Fabasoft Mindbreeze and discover how “finding” can be the key to efficiency and user satisfaction for your enterprise needs.

Emily Rae Aldridge, November 10, 2011

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