Protected: SharePoint User Experience Survey

March 4, 2011

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Protected: Fast University

March 3, 2011

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Protected: Google Search Appliance or MSFT Fast Search Server?

March 2, 2011

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Capacity Planning in SharePoint Server 2010

March 1, 2011

Storage and SQL Server Capacity Planning and Configuration (SharePoint Server 2010)” explains how to plan for and configure the storage and Microsoft SQL Server database tier in your Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 environment.  The article states:

“Because SharePoint Server often runs in environments in which databases are managed by separate SQL Server database administrators, this document is intended for joint use by SharePoint Server farm implementers and SQL Server database administrators. It assumes significant understanding of both SharePoint Server and SQL Server.”

With that as a given, the capacity planning is outlined through several steps.  There is a summary of the databases installed with SharePoint Server 2010 and directions for estimating the IOPS.  The article recommends that you run your environment on the Enterprise Edition of SQL Server 2008 or SQL Server 2008 R2.

The write up advises you on choosing a storage architecture, disk types, and RAID types.  There is a table of guidelines to estimate memory requirements and some advice on network topology requirements.  The Configure SQL server section advises that SharePoint Server 2010 was meant to run on several medium-sized servers rather than a couple of large ones. The final point in the article provides general guidance for monitoring the performance of your system.

This article makes me glad that I am not a database administrator.  With the huge volumes of data that are found on SharePoint, it can be difficult enough to wield as a front-end user.  It reminds me that the more data one has, the more important indexing and semantics become for navigating the wealth of information that someone else plans how to store. Keep in mind that Search Technologies can assist you with your SharePoint capacity planning from the perspective of searchability.

Stephen E Arnold, March 1, 2011

For Search Technologies

Protected: SharePoint Excitement: The Content API Fizzles

March 1, 2011

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Protected: SharePoint URL Query String Parameters

February 28, 2011

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dtSearch Dot Net

February 23, 2011

TechWhack posted a press release announcing, “Announcing New dtSearch® Product Line Release with Native .NET 4 / 64-Bit SDK.”  dtSearch is a leading supplier of enterprise and developer text retrieval and file conversion software.  They released version 7.66 of their product line, their star feature is the 64 bit .Net SDK for their search engine:

“The .NET 4 SDK covers the Spider API for indexing local and remote, static and dynamic web-based content, encompassing both public Internet and secure Intranet data. The .NET 4 release also has a sample application for the Microsoft Azure cloud platform. And the new SDK offers performance enhancements for faceted searching involving millions of document metadata tags or database records.”

Other features include are a terabyte indexer–products can index over a terabyte of text in a single index, cloud applications–.Net 4 code to be used with the Ms Azure cloud platform, Spider–an application that adds websites to a data collection and it can cross multiple integrated software, built-in proprietary file parsers/converters–covers a wide range of file types, and over twenty-five search options/foreign language–these include federated, special forensics features, full-text, and fielded data as well as Unicode for right-to-left languages.

Whitney Grace, February 23, 2011

Protected: Taming SharePoint

February 23, 2011

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Protected: Taming SharePoint

February 22, 2011

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Protected: Sharepoint FAQ

February 18, 2011

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