Tips for Tweaking a Site for Mobile Search Optimization
October 24, 2012
Smart phones now outsell PCs and 86 percent of adults (and even a higher percentage among business professionals) own a mobile phone, according to recent findings from the Pew Research Center. In light of the mobile-centered trends, Tom Pick discusses how it relates to big data and the B2B world in his article, “Mobile SEO: How to Search Optimize Mobile Websites.” Pick shares some tips for increasing mobile SEO, starting with basic on-page updates:
As with traditional websites, follow basic on-page optimization best practices on mobile sites: use keywords in your mobile site content, headings, keyword links, image alt tags, and of course, page meta titles. But keep meta titles short: absolutely no more than 65 characters (including spaces), and preferably 45 or less (the display limit in the Safari browser).
Social and mobile go together, so include popular social sharing buttons (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and email) on your mobile web pages to make them easy to share.
It may seem obvious, but make sure your corporate website and mobile website link to each other.
Pick also suggests linking your mobile site to popular sites like Google Maps, Yelp, Foursquare, and Facebook Places. One way to boost your site’s mobile experience is to add a powerful search system, like InSite. Mindbreeze’s InSite solution gives a custom searching experience unique to the user with the added benefit of mobile capabilities.
Philip West, October 24, 2012
Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext.
Tips for Creating a Unique Web Site Experience for Visitors
October 22, 2012
Sticky sites are considered engaging and well-designed so that visitors find it hard to leave the site. In “Making Your Site Sticky for Both Search & Social Users,” Jordan Kasteler discusses the differences between search and social users and how to design a site with both in mind. He points out that search users are keyword based whereas social users begin with a click on a social network. Kasteler shares this tip on creating a unique experience for the user:
Personalized. We’ve come a long way since the days of sales-brochure websites. Your website shouldn’t look like every other site out there; rather, your audience should be able to instantly get a sense of what makes you different from your competitors.
He goes on to add this about in-site search capabilities:
Easy-To-Navigate, Easy-To-Use. For the search crowd, this means having an easy-to-navigate site with prominent menu options and an effective in-site search function. The social crowd should be attracted to these key features on your site: sales, promotions, popular blog posts, etc.
When you’re weighing options for Web site search solutions, consider Mindbreeze InSite to add a powerful and customized search experience for your Web site visitors. InSite is powered by semantic search and is customizable so you can give your site the most intuitive features and add some ‘stickiness’ to your site.
Philip West, October 22, 2012
Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext.
Making Connections between Data with Semantic Search
October 18, 2012
In “Google’s Knowledge Graph: Implications for Search & SEO,” Bharati Ahuja discusses Google’s hopes for the Knowledge Graph to help deliver a more perfect search engine, or in Google’s Matt Cutts’s opinion, a knowledge engine. The Knowledge Graph aims to help users find the right thing, get the best summary, and go deeper and broader to discover more about the search to potentially answer the user’s next question before it is asked. Ahuja explains its impact on SEO:
The Knowledge Graph is also paving the way to new approaches toward SEO. Semantic search isn’t just about the web. It’s about all information, data, and applications. Data is the foundation on which such a web and search world can exist. Data in itself is meaningless, but when data gets linked because of its relationships with various data sets available on the web, it becomes useful and meaningful. So when users type in a query, these inter-connected relationships add context and the related information more powerful.
The power of semantic search in addition to relevant content is key to gaining and retaining an audience. A powerful search system that can make connections among vast amounts of data can also help deliver a better search experience for users. One solution worth taking a look at is InSite from Mindbreeze. InSite is capable of searching a wide variety of specific documents, including PDFs, Excel sheets, and Word documents, as well as searching social media sites and Web sites.
Philip West, October 18, 2012
Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext.
How a Sitemap Can Enhance a Web Presence
October 17, 2012
Business2Community covers the importance of Web site indexing in its piece, “How To Build Your Own Sitemap in Five Minutes, and Why You Need To.” In it, the author discusses differences processes for simply creating an effective sitemap. However, he begins with an introduction.
When you ask most business owners and beginning online marketers what a ‘Sitemap’ is, you usually get two responses. ‘What’s that?’ or ‘That’s just too complicated for us.’ Sitemaps for your website aren’t impossible to make, and they certainly aren’t a waste of time. To understand why you need to make your own Sitemap today, you need to understand what they are and how they work.
The author then goes on to recommend various tools and techniques for effectively creating a sitemap. However, there are other solutions that not only automatically generate sitemaps, but also automatically crawl and index any organization’s site in order to enable effective Web site search. One highly awarded option is Fabasoft Mindbreeze InSite. Fabasoft Mindbreeze takes the guesswork out of indexing and mapping, reaping high results with little effort. Explore how Fabasoft Mindbreeze might enhance your organization’s online presence today.
Emily Rae Aldridge, October 17, 2012
Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext.
Automation to Cure Duplicate Content Issues
October 15, 2012
Search Engine Land is shining a light on a common Web site search problem, duplicate content issues. Read the full report in, “An Automated Tool To Eliminate Duplicate Content Issues.”
The author begins:
BloomReach announced a new software product named Dynamic Duplication Reduction (DDR) that aims to eliminate duplicate content issues on web sites. Typically, software tools are known to cause duplicate content issues but this tool promises to reverse it. The tool deeply crawls your web pages and continuously interprets all content on a site. It will automatically discover and act on duplicate pages.
They say an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure and in this case the prevention needed is effective Web site indexing. Fabasoft Mindbreeze InSite quickly crawls and indexes all Web site content delivering search results based on relevancy. Misspellings are even corrected with InSite and duplication is prevented. Fabasoft Mindbreeze is a longstanding leader in third party solutions for the enterprise. InSite is quickly becoming the icing on the cake of this industry leader.
Emily Rae Aldridge, October 15, 2012
Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext.
Tips for Creating Content to Attract an Audience
October 10, 2012
Simon Penson started his career as a journalist and magazine editor before turning to the world of online audience creation and has owned and run his own sites. He is also the founder of content led digital marketing agency Zazzle Media, which specializes in content marketing and strategy. In his article, “46 Ways to Kill It with Content,” he concisely delivers a variety of tips to boost online content. Penson includes discussion on creating content ideas and structure, strategy development, as well as content execution and measuring effectiveness. He has this to share about understanding users as part of measuring effectiveness,
Set up goal and funnel tracking as part of any major content creation process and track users through to action. Just ensure that time frames are set in a realistic manner. Too many times this is measured over weeks or a couple of months when it should be a 6-12 month investment that will continue to deliver engaged and targeted visitors for many month to come.
Don’t simply measure outreach by the links earned. Look at referral traffic and brand visibility value also as part of the measurement process.
A successful Web presence depends on having useful and attractive content. MindBreeze InSite understands that an attractive Web site is a company’s digital business card. InSite “turns your website into a user-friendly knowledge portal for your customers. Fabasoft Mindbreeze InSite recognizes correlations and links through semantic and dynamic search processes. This delivers pinpoint accurate and precise “finding experiences.” With no installation or configuration required, InSite can save you valuable resources that can otherwise be spent on developing and managing stellar content.
Philip West, October 10, 2012
Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext.
Oracle Shares Mind Map of RightNow CX Cloud Service
October 10, 2012
As it is wont to do, Oracle recently conducted an educational session, this time about their CX cloud service, RightNow. They have kindly posted some details through their very brief post, “RightNow: an Introduction.” The post is basically a link to a related “mind map”; it reads:
“Today, our CRM Consultant Mr. Suresh conducted an introductory session on Oracle’s popular CX Product ‘RightNow’. Sharing our notes from this event, in Mind Map format.
“Click Here to view the Mind Map in Full Size:“
Are today’s products too complicated for licensees to understand without a diagram? Go ahead and click on the flickr link and see if you find it helpful. I am not sure it helps me out all that much. A transcript of the session might have been clearer to some. But, different learning styles for different folks, I guess. Perhaps the mind map will speak to you.
Here’s what the RightNow CX Cloud Service product page has to say (in prose form):
“Oracle RightNow CX Cloud Service combines Web, Social and Contact Center experiences for a unified, cross-channel service solution in the Cloud, enabling organizations to increase sales and adoption, build trust and strengthen relationships, and reduce costs and effort. RightNow’s service enterprise platform provides transparent reliability, unmatched security, and total Cloud freedom for mission critical customer experience delivery.”
Cynthia Murrell, October 10, 2012
Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext
Exclusive Interview with Runar Buvik Searchdaimon
October 9, 2012
Runar Buvik, one of the founders of Searchdaimon, told Search Wizards Speak, “Searchdaimon is easy to get started with. It ships ready to run and don’t requires any consultants etc. to get you started. We also have a price advantage over comparable systems.”
In an exclusive interview, Mr. Buvik explains how the combination of robust features, a commitment to openness, and competitive pricing makes Searchdaimon a solution for many organizations.
The company was a spinoff from the information retrieval community at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). Fast Search & Transfer SA, now a unit of Microsoft, was developed by engineers from NTNU. Today, Google and Microsoft have research labs in Trondheim, a city with a strong reputation in information retrieval.
Magnus Galåen and Runar Buvik started working on search and retrieval in 1998. Both studying information retrieval at NTNU. In 2002 we met investors with an interest in information retrieval, Stian Rustad and Espen Øxnes. The idea was that we would commercialize the search technology we developed. Today Searchdaimon is growing rapidly in Europe and the US.
The main features of the system are comparable to the features and functions available from HP Autonomy, Endeca, Exalead, and other aggressively marketed systems. For example, Searchdaimon offers filtering, sorting, content federation, search suggestions, spell checking of user queries, stemming and lemmatization, a graphic interface for the administrative services, logs, statistics, and the other components of a modern enterprise information retrieval system. The Searchdaimon system is an enterprise search solution that can index different content types scattered across multiple servers and storage devices. The system offers full text search to end users.
Mr. Buvik said:
The customer can use either on premises or a cloud-based approach. We designed the system to make it easy to deploy Searchdaimon ES in many ways. Most of our customers either run the system as a virtual machine on the customers VMware/ XEN/ VirtualBox servers or in a cloud.
The system is competitively priced and comes, out of the box with filters to index Web sites, RSS feeds, SharePoint, Microsoft Exchange, Twitter, Zendesk, SuperOffice, WordPress and most types of file shares and databases.
The full text of the interview is available at
Search Wizards Speak is the largest collection of interviews with leading professionals in search, text analytics, and content processing, There are more than 60 interviews available without charge on the Web site. An index of the interviews is at
Stephen E Arnold, October 9, 2012
Sponsored by Augmentext
WalMart Looks to Semantic Technology to Boost Site Search
October 8, 2012
Claudia Bruemmer, Chief Editor of the TopTenWholesale Newsroom, looks at Wal-Mart’s announcement of using Polaris search for its online retail Web site in the post, “New Semantic Search Engine Boosts Wal-Mart Sales.” Polaris uses semantic technology, which works to uncover the connections between people, events, places, and products. The development of Polaris is explained,
Built in 10 months by a small team in @Wal-MartLabs, the retailer’s research and technology hub, the new Polaris search engine is based on the lab’s Social Genome project, which uses public data on the web, proprietary data, and social media, to identify interesting entities and relationships, then adding them to the Social Genome.
The lab was set up after Wal-Mart’s acquisition last year of Kosmix (Mountain View, California), as Kosmix had developed a social media technology platform that filters and organizes content in social networks in a manner relevant to users.
The move is in response to Wal-Mart’s every growing competition with sites like Amazon and eBay. It is hoped the search will also figure out user intent to deliver better results. A business Web site is the new storefront. When it comes to creating a user-friendly Web site and managing a Web presence, all organizations may want to look closer at their site search. With no installation, configuration or maintenance required, Fabasoft Mindbreeze InSite is designed to instinctively find information on your site with a familiar interface. Here you can read how InSite “recognizes correlations and links through semantic and dynamic search processes. This delivers pinpoint accurate and precise finding experiences.”
Philip West, October 8, 2012
Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext.
Semantic Technology Solutions Beneficial for Life Science
October 5, 2012
Another interesting and highly beneficial use of semantics in the medical field has been discussed recently, according to the article “Using Semantic Technology to Find ‘Green Fields’ in Life Science” on SemanticWeb. The article tells us that the life science industry has needed improved research technology to help discover new opportunities for drug candidates, and Code-N Technology is stepping up. The new cloud-based software will allow chemists to find “green fields” of opportunities by performing concept-based searches.
The article informs us of the specific need for this type of technology:
“‘According to Forbes Magazine, drug lead discovery is stalled because it takes 10 to 16 years and costs between $4 billion and $11 billion to create a successful new drug. And according to the Wall Street Journal, the pharmaceutical industry will lose $35 billion this year due to patent expirations. Code-N has acted to help alleviate these problems by providing next-generation software based on the open-architecture data model adopted by the pharmaceutical industry, which will speed up drug discovery and deliver cures faster.’”
We think this response to Big Data problems in the highly competitive and data-dense pharmaceutical field is innovative. We look forward to seeing more similar cloud computing solutions come forward to make the mass of data more accessible to allow for swift advances in the medical field.
Andrea Hayden, October 05, 2012
Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext.