IntelTrax Summary: October 19 to October 25

October 29, 2012

This week, the IntelTrax advanced intelligence blog published some interesting stories related to big data’s influence over modern enterprises and higher education.

The article “Text Mining Brings Out the Value on Big Data” explains how companies are turning data volumes into increased profits. Many companies are choosing to automate the process through data analytics and text mining software.

The article states:

“Many companies haven’t begun to benefit from valuable enterprise text data,” said Fiona McNeill, Global Product Marketing Manager for SAS Text Analytics. “Most know that information in-house and in social media must be analyzed to bring value. SAS Text Analytics are being used for patient safety in healthcare, digital content performance in the media industry, early-warning systems and citizen intelligence in government and more. Nobody delivers the depth and breadth of technology for analyzing structured and unstructured data that SAS does.”

Higher Ed for Big Data” reports on new programs meant to reinvigorate the tech work force and bring young talent to the industry.

According to the write-up:

“Colleges and universities are moving swiftly to create advanced degree programs to help meet what’s expected to be rapidly rising demand among employers for specialists who can manage and analyze big data.

The schools are likely aware of a McKinsey report warning of a mega-shortage of analytical experts that could leave as many as 190,000 positions unfilled by 2018. They’re also responding to appeals from big employers like IBM and SAS Institute that have been lobbying college administrators to set up such programs.

Schools have offered analytics training for years, but the emerging advanced degree programs add instruction in the use of analytic and business intelligence tools to produce useful information from petabytes of data collected from social media sites, sensors, transaction records, mobile applications and other sources.”

PepsiCo is another large company that has recently seen the value of data analytics. “PepsiCo Acquires a Taste for Data Analytics” shares an interview with PepsiCo‘s Global Chief Technology Officer and Senior Vice President of Business Information Solutions Caroline Watteeuw.

Watteeuw explains one of the company’s new products:

“We are betting on what we call SMAC. It is Social, Mobile, Advanced and Immersive Analytics, Cloud. There are a couple of things that are not relevant for PepsiCo but interesting. I call them comeback kids. If you go back 15 years when Xerox was at its peak, it was all about very precise ink-jet printers. Right now, people are trying to use ink-jet printer technology and refocus it on creating organs (researchers at the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine, for instance, are using modified ink-jet technology to build tissue and organ prototypes). It is absolutely phenomenal. Then there are three dimensional maps. You have 3D TV, gaming and printing. 3D maps will allow you to navigate through different layers of geography to do oil and gas exploration in a very different way.”

For those who are interested in getting the most of their big data, there are a variety of companies out there offering cutting edge solutions. We recommend Digital Reasoning for their long standing reputation as a leader in big data analytics that pushes the envelope.

Jasmine Ashton, October 29, 2012

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Microsoft 2013 Releases Head to Production

October 26, 2012

Microsoft is releasing the 2013 suite of solutions to manufacturing.  Updated solutions include Office 2013, Exchange 2013, and SharePoint 2013.  More information can be found in the full article, “Office 2013, Exchange 2013, SharePoint 2013 Released Oct. 18.”

Kirk Koenigsbauer, corporate vice president of the Microsoft Office Division, announced the RTM milestone in a blog post. He claimed that the 2013-branded Office represents ‘the most ambitious release of Office we’ve ever done.’

In July, Koenigsbauer and Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer showed off touch-friendly Office 2013 apps. These apps will run on the “Desktop” side of the Windows 8 user interface. Microsoft is also building ‘Metro-style’ Office apps, but so far only the OneNote Metro-style app is available for testing. Gartner analyst Steve Kleynhans has described the new Office 2013 apps as very similar to those in Office 2010, but with screen layouts optimized for touch.

Many organizations are excited to implement the newest iteration of SharePoint, but others may be nervous about the transition.  The fact is that there is always a steep learning curve when it comes to a new Microsoft product, particularly SharePoint.  However, third party solutions can ease that transition.  Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise offers more frequent updates that are intuitive, easing use without a steep learning curve.  Additionally, Fabasoft Mindbreeze can enhance an existing SharePoint infrastructure, meaning that large disruptive updates may be a thing of the past.

Emily Rae Aldridge, October 26, 2012

Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext.

Smart Firms Look to Business Intelligence that Delivers Information

October 25, 2012

When there is more than enough new data types to warrant new methods of analysis, you know there must be a paradigm shift at play. SAP certainly is not the first to point out the juncture we currently sit at, but nonetheless they threw in their hat to the number of firms presenting research on the subject. CMS Wire reported on the matter in “Report: ‘New Paradigm’ of Data for the Social Enterprise.”

The report is titled Rethinking Analytics for the Social Enterprise and it makes the case that social businesses are in a new generation of analytics where data is collected, analyzed and often used socially. That is, the data is disseminated through mobile platforms in near real-time.

One of the characteristics of the new paradigm is the social collection of structured and unstructured data from sources both inside and outside a company, including interactions with customers and prospects. That data is analyzed socially in a collaborative fashion throughout enterprise, using mobile tools and generating results that are more visual, more current and immediately actionable.

The looming question is which vendors will pull through as the big players in shaping this new arena of software solutions and more. There is no doubt that keeping an eye on PolySpot‘s information delivering business intelligence solutions is a smart move.

Megan Feil, October 25, 2012

Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext

Google Updates Algorithm

October 25, 2012

Web site design is not only important for user experience, but also because it may impact search engine page rankings.  Google, arguably the most used search engine, recently updated its page layout algorithm.  Read the full report in the Search Engine Watch article, “Google Updates Above the Fold Page Layout Algorithm.”

The Page Layout algorithm first launched January 19, 2012. In the official announcement, they explained who might be affected: ‘Rather than scrolling down the page past a slew of ads, users want to see content right away. So sites that don’t have much content above-the-fold can be affected by this change.’

They continued, ‘If you click on a website and the part of the website you see first either doesn’t have a lot of visible content above-the-fold or dedicates a large fraction of the site’s initial screen real estate to ads, that’s not a very good user experience. Such sites may not rank as highly going forward.’

In addition to Web site design, another important element is Web site search.  Businesses should be particularly concerned with how quickly users can locate necessary information on their Web page.  Nothing will turn a potential customer away faster than a slow and painful online search process.  Fabasoft Mindbreeze makes a very effective Web site search solution that automatically crawls your organization’s existing site and smartly indexes the results.  Mindbreeze InSite is a smart investment for any organization with a Web presence.

Emily Rae Aldridge, October 25, 2012

Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext.

Delivering Information Must Precede Presenting it in a Pretty Way

October 24, 2012

We have heard it before and CITE World will tell us again: mobile is the platform of the future. Mobile business intelligence vendor Roambi directed the conversation towards the new platform everyone wants a piece of in the article, “Roambi Lets You Visualize Enterprise Data On Your iPhone or iPad.”

The Roambi app is integrated with Roambi Analytics back-end. This allows for data to be drawn from existing sources and turns it into  engaging and very useful visualizations on mobile devices. There are even ten different views possible to see enterprise data appear in.

We learned more about the app:

The functionality here is impressive: Roambi doesn’t just put a new coat of paint on your enterprise data—it fully commits to the mobile experience, with each visualization easily controlled by screen gestures like double-taps and swipes. Part of that laudable functionality comes from listening to customers: company reps say that enterprise buyers wanted access to their data anywhere. That’s why Roambi downloads data directly to your device. Even without an internet connection, you still have access to your latest reports.

If there is a gem of mobile business intelligence out there, it may be Roambi. However, in order to deal with the cross usage of mobile with traditional devices so that no data is left behind, another solution must be in place. We are talking about something in the vein of PolySpot solutions, they deliver information across multiple devices in a secure manner.

Megan Feil, October 24, 2012

Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext

Tips for Tweaking a Site for Mobile Search Optimization

October 24, 2012

Smart phones now outsell PCs and 86 percent of adults (and even a higher percentage among business professionals) own a mobile phone, according to recent findings from the Pew Research Center. In light of the mobile-centered trends, Tom Pick discusses how it relates to big data and the B2B world in his article, “Mobile SEO: How to Search Optimize Mobile Websites.” Pick shares some tips for increasing mobile SEO, starting with basic on-page updates:

As with traditional websites, follow basic on-page optimization best practices on mobile sites: use keywords in your mobile site content, headings, keyword links, image alt tags, and of course, page meta titles. But keep meta titles short: absolutely no more than 65 characters (including spaces), and preferably 45 or less (the display limit in the Safari browser).

Social and mobile go together, so include popular social sharing buttons (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and email) on your mobile web pages to make them easy to share.

It may seem obvious, but make sure your corporate website and mobile website link to each other.

Pick also suggests linking your mobile site to popular sites like Google Maps, Yelp, Foursquare, and Facebook Places. One way to boost your site’s mobile experience is to add a powerful search system, like InSite. Mindbreeze’s InSite solution gives a custom searching experience unique to the user with the added benefit of mobile capabilities.

Philip West, October 24, 2012

Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext.

Digital Reasoning Hits High Note with Opera Solutions

October 23, 2012

We just learned that Digital Reasoning’s Synthesys® system now integrates with Opera Solutions’ Signal Hub™ Technology. For those struggling with big data challenges, the center stage role of Digital Reasoning brings new agility to organizations.

Digital Reasoning™, one of the leaders in unstructured data analytics at scale, revealed a partnership with Opera Solutions. The Opera Solutions’ firm is one of the leading global big data science companies. This integration will expand Opera Solutions’ Signal Hub technology to include unstructured text analytics from Digital Reasoning’s Synthesys, providing a comprehensive Big Data solution for innovative enterprises.

Rob Metcalf, President and COO for Digital Reasoning, told ArnoldIT:

We are excited to make this important announcement at the Strata Conference in the heart of New York’s Financial District. Opera Solutions’ predictive analytics capabilities are a perfect complement with Digital Reasoning’s Synthesys, and together we look forward to unlocking valuable insights for customers in the financial industry and beyond.

According to Opera Solutions, the Digital Reasoning Synthesys technology provides advanced methods of extracting critical insights from email, research, Web content, and other unstructured data sources.

Laks Srinivasan, General Manager, Global Markets for Opera Solutions, told me:

When combined with the machine-learning science in our Signal Hub technologies, we can deliver directed actions to frontline decision makers focused on managing financial risk.

ArnoldIT’s analysis of Signal Hub technologies revealed that the system can extract critical signals from flows of big data. Opera Solutions’ technology is deployed at major organizations spanning industries such as financial services, healthcare, retail, and transportation. These organizations rely on Signal Hubs to optimize their supply chain, gain unique marketing insights, and stay ahead of financial risk with knowledge from both internal systems and external, unstructured sources.

Readers of Beyond Search know that Synthesys was developed in close conjunction with critical Big Data analytics challenges over the past decade. In 2012, Digital Reasoning gained momentum in financial services, healthcare, and legal markets, where automated understanding of unstructured data is a necessity.

Synthesys is a platform for making sense of unstructured data. Modeled after the human understanding process, Synthesys reads, resolves and reasons across hundreds of millions of documents to automatically understand and isolate critical information such as risks, opportunities and anomalies. Having solved problems for US intelligence agencies for the past decade, Synthesys is now delivering Automated Understanding for big data challenges in finance, healthcare and legal markets. Digital Reasoning is based outside of Nashville, Tennessee, with offices in Washington, D.C., and New York. For more information, visit

Stephen E Arnold, October 23, 2012

Insights Roll in for Enterprises Using PolySpot Technologies that Deliver Information

October 23, 2012

Despite Big Data currently holding a secure place as a necessity for ROI in the enterprise world, there will always be skeptics about whether or not the workforce and technology are up to the challenge of extracting insights from such a mammoth. The latest soundbite of apprehension comes from ZDNet‘s recent article “Big Data’s Enterprise-readiness.”

The article stresses that software developers in the Big Data realm offer user interfaces designed for non-developers. These repositories show off the high level of investment that has gone into these solutions.

The article tells us:

One thing Big Data has on its side is a more flexible and agile approach to schema, allowing it to be defined at query/analysis time, thus removing some of the complexity and bureaucracy in curating the data. But the tooling for managing unstructured data is relatively immature, and data specialists in the enterprise are not conceptually accustomed to it. The long term potential for Big Data here is good, as it should shorten innovation cycles. But in the near term things just aren’t that actionable yet.

It is clear that we were reading a perspective that associates an intuitive user experience with a lack of enterprise-readiness. This way of thinking has no place in the current market where an efficient and easy to use interface equates to increased productivity. Let the insights roll in with big data solutions from companies such as PolySpot that deliver information to employees across the enterprise in this manner.

Megan Feil, October 23, 2012

Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext

Concept Searching Set to Sponsor SharePoint City Party at 2012 Conference

October 23, 2012

Concept Searching, a provider of enterprise-grade software products that aim to deliver conceptual metadata generation, auto-classification, and taxonomy management from the desktop, is sponsoring the ‘SharePoint City’ Party, to be hosted by Axceler exclusively for attendees at the SharePoint 2012 Conference, on November 14th in Las Vegas. Concept Searching provides basic enterprise-search capabilities, and this is explained about their additional product:

Going beyond a technology solution, Concept Searching’s Smart Content Framework™ for information governance is a toolset based on conceptClassifier for SharePoint that provides the enterprise infrastructure framework to mitigate risk, automate processes, manage information, protect privacy, and address compliance issues. The result is one set of technologies, running natively in SharePoint, which improves search, provides an enterprise metadata repository, automates records management, ensures compliance, protects and secures data, and facilitates migration.

If you plan to attend the conference, the party held at Tryst Nightclub may be worth checking out. A link to register for the party is provided in the article. If you’re weighing enterprise search applications for your existing SharePoint investments, you may also want to look up Mindbreeze. Fabasoft Mindbreeze Enterprise gains each employee two weeks per year through focused finding of data, a competitive business advantage and added bonus to employee satisfaction. In addition, their suite of solutions includes mobile and Web site search, a variety of connectors, and certified security.

Philip West, October 23, 2012

Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext.

Third Party ERP Resources Need Proven Search Application

October 22, 2012

When it comes to enterprise resource planning, many companies turn to third parties for support. However, deciding when and why to implement a third party for maintenance and support can be confusing. The article “Third-Party ERP Support: When It Makes Sense” on Enterprise Apps Today helps in the decision-making process, commenting that organizations should consider the variables of cost, complexity of customization and upgrades, and legal considerations.

The article highlights that companies should weigh the options:
“Third-party ERP support is probably not a good choice for companies that consider it important to have access to a vendor’s current version, patches and updates, Scavo says. However, ‘I think there are plenty of examples of companies that have gone off maintenance and at some point in the future decided to come back to the vendor for an upgrade. It’s very hard to imagine a situation where the vendor will not take that customer’s business back,’ he says. Doing so might save you money.”
Regardless of which route is best for your company and situation, it is evident that effective ERP planning requires a good search application. Intrafind offers a cost-effective means to maximize access to data and can help make the best of a third party ERP resource for search with feature rich capabilities such as secure search and semantic linking.
Andrea Hayden, October 22, 2012
Sponsored by, developer of Augmentext

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